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New LOTR: The Rings of Power trailer

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  phaidknott 2 years, 4 months ago.

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    From the looks of this, there needs to be some scenarios developed to play out the battles in this first season…


    Cult of Games Member

    what’s with that robotic singing ?
    voice modulators instead of actual capable choir ?

    If all of that has to happen in a single season there’s not much room for story or character development …



    Next weekend can’t come soon enough. Eager to see what it’s like – not over hyping things too much for myself but any Middle-earth is goo for me! I much prefer the soundtrack that they’ve shown off so far over the track used here but otherwise looking forward to this.



    I don’t have prime so won’t be watching… but I’ve heard they are taking liberties with Tolkien lore and even sacked their Tolkien scholar.

    As a generic fantasy series it has some decent looking production values, but if you know the lore it’s jarring to have what you know changed.



    Cult of Games Member

    “taking liberties with the lore” ah … so that’s why there’s a beardless black dwarf and elf of colour …

    I mean ffs.
    It’s an episodic format, so you’re not constraint by time like a movie is.
    As such you can show us every single event that is a good plot/story.
    And then you decide … “nah, we are ‘better’ than Tolkien at writing lore so we’re going to rewrite it”
    The guy wrote almost literal bibles just to tell a short story … and they chose to ignore all of that?

    I’ve got so many bad feelings about this show now.
    It’s “wheel of time” all over again …


    Cult of Games Member

    Will  they be  taking as many liberties as Jackson did do you think ?

    I wonder if the series will have a comedy double act in it ?



    Well @torros, it does have Lenny Henry, and I can’t see him as anything other than Lenny, especially when he is using his Brummie accent.


    Cult of Games Member

    Ouch Wheel of Time was just SOOOOOOO bad, thanks for giving me the flashbacks Limburger 🙁

    Wooden acting with the “actors” seemingly chosen for their looks rather than acting ability (well the male lead actor could have been replaced with a wooden shelving unit and you probably wouldn’t notice).


    Not holding out much hope for this one, mind you Jackson did a “George Lucas” on the previous offerings. The first three films very good, the Hobbit Trilogy…what was he thinking (comedy dwarves and all that). I think when it comes to childhood memories of reading books like these, we would all be better just leaving the material as a book and not going down the rabbit hole of what mess Disney/Amazon/Netflix/AppleTV is going to make of it trying to appease the modern audience 🙁

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