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New Age of Sigmar Factions and Battletomes?

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  poosh 6 years, 4 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Just curious what anyone thought about future releases or battletomes. I used sleuthing skills looked at the pictures in the “2nd” edition rulebook with the assumption that any models (or artwork) that appear but don’t currently have a model line or proper battletome are scheduled for release, this is what I got:

    Beastmen (already confirmed)
    Night Goblins / Moonclan Grots (confirmed on some level)
    Forest Goblins / Spiderfang Grots

    Substantial releases:

    Vampire Counts / Soulblight faction (note the Dragon Knights get a name drop…)
    Order Draconis Elves  (note multiple Dragon and Dragon  Princes in background)
    Devoted of Sigmar (artwork etc, one would expect entire units of plastic Warrior Priests I guess)

    Not sure if I’ve missed anyone, but I know GW would never put models in the new core book unless they knew the new model lines or battletomes were coming out soon … the core book is very specific in what it does and does not show you!


    Cult of Games Member

    I quite like AoS and I’m really looking forward to the future releases. GW is putting stuff out (for all games) at a fast pace that it is almost hard to stay up to date. This is especially true with the more accessible lines like Kill Team and Shadespire. My club does a “slow grow” for 40K where they start out at 500 points (I believe) and then each month increase the total points until in the final month everyone has a 2000 pt army. I would like to do something similar for AoS but I think I’d like to see some more of these releases so that people have more options.

    I really hope the potential releases you mention are going to happen in the next 6 months or so. Some of them look like they will be amazing.


    Cult of Games Member

    I just think it’s not some random coincidence that the core book has in clear view the Vampire Dragon Knight resin models + vampires, and various elf Dragons and former Dragon Prince cavalry models. I’d be pretty certain these two factions are getting proper new releases with new models … based on my logic at least.



    Don’t forget new factions can only be released in the lulls between new stormcast sub factions…


    Cult of Games Member

    I do hope the Vampires get some love! There was a character (whose back was to you) in one of the pieces of Nagash art that I believe someone thought was wearing Von Carstein cloak.


    Cult of Games Member

    Yeah they’re in the artwork with Nagash and the Nighthaunt stuff! And the Dragon Knights and vampires are all over the Core Rulebook so 100% i’ll bet you anything plastic Dragon Knights and some other vampire-related stuff is on the way.

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