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Need ideas for replacements for old GW style dragons

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This topic contains 11 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  maldroth 4 months, 1 week ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I need to tap the OTTer hive mind to help with something. I’ve been working on a project to upgrade my old copy of Warhammer Quest ’95. I’m finding new components either new minis, 3D prints it doesn’t matter but I want to try and get close to the aesthetic of the 90’s early 00’s GW for these. I got stuck at the Dragons. There are three that are listed in the Bestiary. Dragon, Great Dragon, and Emperor Dragon. I’ve been trying to find pictures of the old models of these and it has been a challenge.

    So I ask you all what would you use for these three models? At the moment I’m eyeing Mantic’s dragons as they seem in the right range of size and price. Ironically I’m avoiding GW models because of the obscene prices on them right now.


    Cult of Games Member

    The only one that springs to mind right now is the Aerdwyrm:

    The Aedwyrm

    Optional wings

    The Aedwyrm Wing Kit

    Sadly both out of stock at the moment.




    The terms come from the old days of WFB I have an emperors dragon and its a massive brick of lead.

    When it came to WQ they were only selling the plastic S type dragons from talisman and a couple of metals like the forest dragon.

    If I remember correctly the base size doesn’t change just the statline. In which case I’d go for either of mantic’s for price or check steam forged games epic encounters. It is likely to be much bigger



    Cult of Games Member

    What are the base sizes if you don’t mind?

    Sounds like I just need to worry about the base size and find something I think fits the aesthetic then.



    50mm square for all of them, GW didn’t bring in the stupid bases until long after so it was fairly standard. They should sit comfortably on 4 tiles on a WQ board


    Cult of Games Member

    If you’re UK based Alternative Armies are worth a look in their high fantasy range.  Most of the figures were designed in the 80s and 90s.  If you can wait until the 25th their having a spring event so there might be 20% off at that point.



    Have you looked at ETSY for 3d Printed Dragons ?

    Most seem cheaper than Mantic’s one.



    yeah they’re cheaper but they have the life expectancy of a Mayfly


    @orinoco Agreed on Alternative Armies. They’re good for getting alien brains with laser tentacles too. Big love for smaller companies.

    Did someone say they wanted a mass of metal as a dragon? Well, it’s early Giftmas for you my friend. Ral Partha Legacy has a great big old collection for some options. The Greater Red Dragon is quite impressive.

    Reaper has good models, some metals but more plastics, that fit that aesthetic and has revamped their dragons here and there. I tossed Warren a copy of Verocithrax and it fit perfectly into what you describe as far as size/aesthetic. Regarding weight, the plastics are a good bang for the buck and easier to attach the wings. The basing size might be an issue depending on the model.



    I still think Ral Partha made some of the most beautiful Dragons of all time, some of them are still available from Iron Wind Metals or, of course, Fleabay.

    Various toy lines such as Papo or Schleich make some very impressive olden style Dragons, also, take a look at, search for D&D or Dragons.


    Cult of Games Member

    Or as discussed on the uHH go for Dungeons and Lasers


    Cult of Games Member

    All great suggestions, thank you to everyone that contributed. I have a mix I will use from Dungeons and Lasers, a 1s and 0s one and a Mantic one I think. Hopefully if anyone else was looking for a dragon they can look at these options and find one that suits their purpose as well.

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