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Need Help Picking a 6mm Project

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This topic contains 23 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  elessar2590 4 years, 2 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I’ll start with the Austrians but I do plan to do all three armies.


    Cult of Games Member


    Have you chosen your rules yet?


    Cult of Games Member

    @torros I’m going to go with Blucher, it looks good and it lets me build those big 75mm Square bases so I can pack lots of minis on them. If anyone has actually played the game I would love to hear some stuff about it.

    The Project is live but I’ll order the minis next week so it’s just filler.

    6mm Early Napoleonics


    Cult of Games Member

    Looking at cost (didn’t know 6mm were going to cost a fortune where you live, but then again Eureka are fleecing me for AB minis (so it works the other way too)). I wonder if these MDF 6mm might be worth a looksee

    I’ve used Irregular in the past, and they are ok”ish”. Problem for me has been in the past a lot of variance with the casts themselves (old molds pushed too far beyond their serviceable life perhaps). Some have been fine while others suffered from either bad slippage (all too easy to do with 6mm) or just plain rough casts making it hard to work out what is what on the figure.


    Now imagine if Wofun could pantograph down their Naps range (or even better Naps with Mr Dennis’s artwork) down to 6mm/10mm. Now suddenly there would be something fantastic (and a lot lighter than metal minis).




    Cult of Games Member

    Its the cost of the postage not the figures that gets you


    Getting Irregular in Australia isn’t too bad as Eureka have there own moulds for them and seem to remake the moulds more regularly than Irregular in the UK do


    Cult of Games Member

    Yeah postage is nothing from Baccus it’s the months of waiting that is my obstacle.

    I’ll be moving soon and probably again after that so that’s not viable.

    Irregular here in Australia are really nice sculpts and the smaller, less defined sculpts look nicer to me but that’s preference.


    Cult of Games Member

    Are you leaving Qld?


    Cult of Games Member

    @torros no just going back home and then hopefully getting accepted to study and moving on Campus. All in QLD but then again if I was in Europe I’d probably be moving the equivalent of three small countries distance away.

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