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Mumble in The Jungle, Is Taking a Small Hiatus

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  crazyredcoat 2 years, 10 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Wednesday Night Mumble 15

    Hi OTTers and Backstagers alike

    I have taking a small Hiatus from the chat show for a number of personal reasons and some not so personal. I have really enjoyed the show, I have learnt some valuable lessons and realised just how hard it can to stay on topic. I feel like at times I am walking on egg shells as I don’t wont to offend people and there are times when I am finding it increasingly difficult to do, manly again for personal reasons. I have acute dyslexia and I don’t always see, think, hear things the same way as you guys and this means focusing can be exhausting for me. Also this means I will shout off about things and potential offend people and it is for the best I shut up and put up.

    In the meantime if anyone wants to step in, please be my guest, I am not planning on stopping the show, just for the time being and will be back hopefully. Thank you for everyone who has supported the show, especially @sundancer and @grimwolf and I will see you guys soon.

    Once again sorry there.


    Cult of Games Member

    No need to apologize mate. Hobby is a stress relief and something to relax. Any part that leads to stress can and should be put on hold. 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    @panzerkaputt I don’t mind the off-topic ramblings … it’s like how UHH is a perfectly scripted half hour 😉
    It’s been great craic (sp?) as the guys say at the OTT HQ
    Don’t feel like we force you to do or say things that you don’t like.

    And as @sundancer says it is a hobby and shouldn’t add to your stress levels, quite the opposite in fact.


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks for your understanding on this matter, I am so angry at things at the moment, for no good reason. I need and must get back to my happy place, playing with toy soldiers.

    I guess what doesnt help is having leave from work and your staff contacting me every single day of it. I dont really felt like a leave.




    Shit happens, mate, and sometimes we get far more agitated at things than we think we should, but seeing it and recognising it is always half of the battle. I know I don’t pop in that often to the Mumbles these days, but take however much time you need and look after yourself.

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