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Minis, minis everywhere, oh how my wallet shrinks

Home Forums 3D Printing for Tabletop Gaming Minis, minis everywhere, oh how my wallet shrinks

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 1 year, 4 months ago.

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    Not having a building only forum I thought this one was applicable.

    Do we have too many model options for our wallets? I consider this from the thoughts Warren put forth on the XLBS about too many games.

    With all the bits available for kitbashers right now it makes sense for the present slough of minis agnostic games to flourish. It just seems to be quite a bit to fathom when, for so long, people had to make do with so much less. Has a barrier for creativity been lifted for those just getting into modifications?




    Cult of Games Member

    Yes we do.  But we also have too many miniatures for our available spare time.  And for most of us, we hit the time limit before we hit the money limit


    Cult of Games Member

    And space. Don’t forget the space limit. My hobby/work space is so packet I can’t get to anything unless I move things from a to b first… but also money and time.



    Trick with moving things from A to B is having a C to store things in… that’s why lofts were invented 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    If you have one. I have neither a loft nor a cellar nor any other notable place outside our flat to store stuff. :S


    I think our dear @sundancer is in need of storage where his family won’t be impacted. That’s it! We’re sticking his wife and child to the ceiling with duct tape for the sake of his mini collection. They’ll be fine.

    In all seriousness I think this is where 3D printing is useful to have a digital bits box. The unfortunate thing is that the reality of the problem goes back to said storage issue and how much hard drive space one is willing to maintain. It is much easier than having to adhere one’s loved ones to their living spaces so as to make room for our most important pursuit of mini making.



    Cult of Games Member

    Also at some point you want them printed and painted…. and the printer needs space too.

    In the end it’s all about money.


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