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Market-Garden on sale and kits back in stock at PSC

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    Lots of kits back in stock at PSC…


    Hard plastic kit news and a friday treat!


    Some good news and bad news


    Always good to get bad news away first so, we have held off a plastic kit price rise for a long time but unfortunately we have to increase our plastic kit prices by around 10% due to rising raw material costs. This still makes our 15mm and 1/72nd kits best value in the market at under £6 for a 15mm tank and under £10 for a 1/72nd 20mm tank!




    1. The price rises will not take effect until 1st October so grab a kit at the old price (subject to availability, some products have limited quantities)


    2. Selected 15mm kits have 25% off old price for this weekend only (until midnight Sunday 22nd September)


    3. We have a lot of kits back in stock:-



    Russian Infantry summer uniform

    German Pak 38 AT gun

    German 251/C halftrack

    German 251/D halftrack

    German Panzer III J,L,M,N

    German Panzer 38T and Marders

    German 231 8 Rad armoured car and options

    British Universal Carriers

    British Sexton

    Allied Stuart M5A1

    Russian SU 76

    Russian Gaz trucks



    Cold War Soviet Infantry

    WW2 Russian infantry summer uniform

    Russian heavy weapons

    Early War German infantry

    German Pak 40 and RSO

    German Panzer IV

    German Tiger I

    German Panzer 38T and Marders

    German Medium trucks

    German 250 Alte

    German 231 8 rad armoured car

    Allied Sherman M4A1 76 wet

    Allied M5 halftrack

    Allied M3 halftrack

    Allied Stuart M5A1

    British Cromwell

    British Churchill

    British Universal Carriers

    Russian SU76

    Cold War M60


    4. The rest of the out of stock kits will be coming back in a rolling program over the next few weeks…


    5. To celebrate the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden we are offering the Battlegroup Market Garden Expansion book at a discount of 50% for this weekend only (until midnight Sunday 22nd September)!



    Cult of Games Member

    Market-Garden for £7.50? Sounds like a deal to me! 👍

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