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Mantic Crazy Mystery Boxes

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This topic contains 20 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  pagan8th 1 year, 8 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    There are unboxing videos online which roughly give you an idea of the contents, it’s a lot of Walking Dead stuff they are trying to shift I believe? The Dungeon stuff is great but alas did not get myself.

    Most of the stuff is probably high value you can shift it on eBay if you don’t’ want it though probably better if you had not unbagged them 🙁



    there’s no walking dead in any of the boxes, they no longer have the license and can’t sell them in any way shape or form


    Cult of Games Member

    I think they did generic terrain that was included in the Walking Dead box sets? Not sure but the hospital terrain stuff I swear was used with the Walking Dead though perhaps it’s generic terrain rather than licenced products?



    Mantic did terrain both in its WD KS and the Terrain Crates KS, and, obviously, we don’t know (but would assume) Mantic had the rights to the terrain they made in both KS, I guess. Anyway, I’m pretty sure the hospital terrain was part of Terrain Crate, but I thought we had some barrier bits that were from the WD KS? 😀



    terrain was available but it wasn’t part of the Walking Dead kickstarter and no funding went towards it.

    There was two cars and a set of barricades for the walking dead which are no longer available but everything else was part of the terrain crate range.

    I’d be interested if anyone had got the cars in their mystery boxes mind you because they are excellent and I only have 6.



    I have the WD cars, but not from the mystery boxes sadly. I bought a set a few years ago.

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