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Malathon 2018

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Malathon? What is that? Well, it’s a German wordbash of “malen” (to paint) and “Marathon” (well, marathon) so it’s a paintathon.

    Originally created by Tom of German Tabletop Magazine Magabotato the goal is to paint 42 miniatures within the month of July.

    Why 42? Because a marathon is 42km long. (At least that is what I am told, I wouldn’t know)

    I’m not sure what I will be painting this year but last year I dug up some old Chaos Space Marines and painted them.

    I challange all users of BoW/oTT to take part!

    Let’s paint some (more) minis… maybe even reduce the pile of shame? 😉

    Here are some pictures of my results from last year.


    All pictures (including daily progress) can be seen here:



    I dig the concept but i’d be hard pushed to paint 42 in a year my mate. even doing it in miles would be a big ask for me. i like your bone and blue colour scheme .


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m sure i painted last year over 200 minis. I always liked the idea of the malathon and people had sometimes a really hard time to do it. And maybe i can find 42 minis for july. But atm i have other things to. So keep me informed . Btw. i could cheat with FoW minis (5 per base so only 9 bases 😉 )


    Cult of Games Member

    You could… but everyone would see 😉

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