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LOTR: The Rings of Power – possible cinematic release

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion LOTR: The Rings of Power – possible cinematic release

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  solar 2 years, 4 months ago.

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    Sorry @brennon and other non-NZ based Tolkien fans out there excitedly waiting on the new “The Rings of Power” to start on Amazon Prime, this may make you a bit green with envy

    Yesterday, whilst browsing my local (Dunedin, NZ) cinema’s website, I came across a poster for “LOTR: The Rings of Power”  in the “Coming Soon” section. The start date is August 31, a couple of days before the series launch date on the aforementioned streaming service, owned by a certain Space Cowboy.

    I clinked on the link and got scant info – just the run time of  204 minutes.  The session(s) data wasn’t populated and may not be for a week or so, depending on when tickets go on sale.

    I haven’t seen anything about it in the media and got nothing meaningful when I did a Google search. Plus that cinema hasn’t done any Facebook publicity for it … So if this comes to pass, kiwis could get to watch the first episode or two of the show before it airs on the interwebs.

    Here is what I found



    I dont have any issue if anyone is going to enjoy the show but Im firmly in the camp that it looks like hot garbage.

    Ill be happy if Im wrong but Im really not holding out much hope at this stage…

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