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Looking for suggestions for conversions – Decipher WARS rpg

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  donimator 4 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #1498353

    Cult of Games Member

    Hello, I am looking to find some minis to convert to match characters from a RPG based on a card game of ages past from Decipher (better known for SWCCG, LoTR). When they lost the Star Wars ccg license around 2005, they created their own universe (unfortunately) titled WARS, based on a future version of our solar system … with some visitors. The card game was a tweaked and improved engine of the SWCCG game, they had some great fiction written by Michael Stackpole, and a RPG produced by Mongoose. The tentpole holding up the company came crashing down the next year due to some family-employee embezzlement shenanigans, and the potential of this universe died with it.

    I’m looking to come up with 28mm minis for an RPG game and likely some sort of small skirmish gameplay. Five factions exist in the game, and I’m looking for any suggestions for the 2 alien races – Shi & Quay


    Does this image conjure any thoughts or suggestions? The Quay are a little larger than human, but not Starship Trooper bug-scale. They have a more compact thorax, too – Terror-mites are closest I found for the bottom half, but would need to convert something for the top. The other race, the Shi, have me drawing a bit of a blank. Just looking to get a mix of 4-6 of each or so. Any help greatly appreciated!

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