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Looking for some help with my Airbrush.

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Looking for some help with my Airbrush.

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This topic contains 15 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  timchubb 5 years, 2 months ago.

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    sputtering is generally caused by too low an air pressure, assuming you are using a compressor and not the waste of time canned air, if your not using a compressor then get one, its not worth the frustration.

    Also your mix is probably not thin enough, i generally start with a 50:50 mix of thinner (never use water it dilutes instead of thins) to airbrush paint (vallejo model air generally) with a drop of vallejo flow aid to avoid dry tip (paint drying on the needle and buggering the spray) if your using normal paint i.e. gw then 60:40 up to 75:25 thinner to paint works well depending on thickness of paint and coarseness of paint pigments.

    If after upping psi (25-40 psi see what works, different shades work better at different pressures there is no one pressure for all paints) you still have sputtering its possible one of the o-rings has been damaged or not seated properly so do a full strip down and rebuild, i have had sputtering before caused by some paint getting behind an o-ring and stopping it sealing properly.  Finally it could be your nozzle needs a really good clean, leave it to soak in thinners for a day or two in a little pot, then gently clean inside it using a wooden tooth pick split into thin spliters, and use that to scrape inside, DO NOT use anything metal as it will almost certainly damage the nozzle.

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