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Looking for information on WWII: No 1 Long Range Demolition Squadron

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  gobbo 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    AKA: Popski’s Private Army

    So, I have always been a fan of the LRDG and British 8th Army [Desert Rats].  I recently read a book that mentioned Popski’s Private Army and then picked up his Autobiography.  I really want to build this group in Bolt Action, but cannot find enough information on Strengths, Vehicles used and in what quantity, or weapon load outs.  I am hoping someone here can point me in the right direction or reach out with some information on the structure of the PPA and an equipment guide.



    Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir ‘Popski’ Peniakoff


    Cult of Games Member

    I found – Friends of Popski’s Private Army Group on face book . Lots of grave site photos as well as war time photos of troopers and vehicles . Some one on there might have the info you seek



    I have a few bits but like the LRDG and SAS it depends on the time period you wish to recreate.

    The jeeps late war are quite interesting as they seemed to favoured jeeps with .50 cals much of the time, though Lt. Lubbard (sic) fitted a flamethrower to one…


    Cult of Games Member

    Resicast makes a couple of conversion kits in resin ( 1/35 )  that might give you an idea on how to add kit to your jeeps popski-s-private-army-jeep-conversion-italy24267177267_5f6f779147_k

    The gun jeeps look rather simple , aside from adding stowage every where , they changed/ removed the passenger seat up front with seat from the rear . The flame thrower version ( Warlord resin kit parts maybe ? ) was a one off . The pictures of actaual vehicles I have found are rather grainy , being 60 plus years old who’ld of thought , but the re- enactor type vehicles seem to look the part . Popski’s book might be something to get as well , seems to be going cheap on various book sites . There was also a few comics that covered PPA , might be good for a giggleimages



    Cult of Games Member

    @gobbo – Are you looking for actual historical information or wargaming / kit information?

    I can help with the former.  I am pretty weak on the latter.



    @oriskany – A little of both.  I am wanting to know where they fought, how they were organized and what kind of kit they used.

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