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Looking for 15mm WW2 Infantry (variety of nations)

Home Forums 3D Printing for Tabletop Gaming Looking for 15mm WW2 Infantry (variety of nations)

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kiranamida 1 year, 5 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Greetings 3D printers.

    I am looking around for some 3D printable WW2 Infantry but am finding a lack of unified ranges that cover a wider variety of nations/roles.

    Lets get into what I have found and what I am looking for.


    So, I want to put together bases of models for playing Crossfire ( A bit of an old school game but something I really want to try at my local club. However, with it using a basing system that isn’t typical of most commercially available ranges (Battlefront’s Flames of War and Plastic Soldier Company seeming the favourites) and it’s need for less line troops and more abstract representation I thought I might turn to 3D printing to produce what I need.

    That being said, I haven’t found a lot in the way of 15mm-ish ranges in this time period. Quite a few bits here and there for more unique units but little that would be well placed for a range that would look unified on the table.


    The one range that might get me started is from 3DBREED which I may go with. Here they are on My Mini Factory:

    They have most of the “big nations” people tend to think of when WW2 is on the table top (Britain, America, Russia, France, Germany, Japan, Italy) but they tend to be a specific unit or theatre. For example the Americans are Marines and the Germans are Wermachet, the British late war western front (nothing for Africa for example) etc. Still, not a bad place basis for a little range of playing pieces.


    The other side is: I’m suprised that I haven’t found more in this vein. Is the overlap of the printing hobby and smaller scale WW2 players just not that large? Is this something that remains the purview of more traditional box models sets?


    Have a possibly not been searching in the right places/for the right things? Anyone out there have know of any other possible ranges worth looking at? Let me know what you know!


    Cult of Games Member

    If you don’t mind the style you could try these:

    MTH ww2 2021 – 3D Breed

    Sorry I see you said about them.


    Cult of Games Member

    Oh that’s interesting. That’s the company I found on My Mini Factory but there’s a lot available direct that doesn’t appear there.

    Didn’t realise they are a much bigger range in theor own right. That might override my worry about not finding stuff to match given how wide their offerings actually are.

    Thanks. I shall have a dig through.

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