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This topic contains 99 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by mage 5 years, 6 months ago.
September 3, 2019 at 10:44 pm #1432125
No. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. No. This thread has been fine for the most part but there have also been parts of it which have not been inclusive because some people have not used their brains and spewed forth idiotic statements which have no bearing in common sense and are blatantly offensive. It is NOT a case of “just toughen up”.
I’m not going to drag up the offending comments because they have been deleted for good reason. I will share them with you if you want to know via private message so I can explain why they’re offensive but I shouldn’t have to.
Again, if I see more comments like the ones which caused offence in this thread then I will be locking things.
September 3, 2019 at 10:53 pm #1432128Italian Spiderman was made by some Aussies a few years back in the style of when a foreign country would license a marvel character in the 60s-90s and be… creative with the property. Italian Spiderman was a short, fat, bearded, mullet wearing, poorly costumed, shotgun wielding, small car driving vigilante. Satirical. So no swooping.
I don’t suppose your home town isn’t the origin of the word ‘klutz’ is it? As for accidentally shooting oneself the Irish countryside has its share of farmers who climbed a wall, knocked over the shotgun they propped against it, and blowing off something between the knee and foot.
The mother fell out of the attic once and was hospitalised once…
I hope you do not find it terrible. As for my head, well, my body is ready (Nintendo reference)
Is that the one where the Germans win WW2 and carve up North American with the Japanese?
As for training: the magic never happens in one’s comfort zone. I learned how to use a lathe in Uni. Nice, gunsmithing. Those machines cannot come loose. One of the lads at a lathe behind me didn’t have his piece secure in the chuck so it fired out fast as a bullit but the size of a bottle of pills. Only metal and solid all the way through, coulda killed the lad.
Oh I did not know or realise. I could tell looking at his wife in pictures alright though.
I know not of the devil, nor cabbage. I just heard it in TV shows True Detective, Chicago Fire, etc.
Combined army looks good.
@woldenspoons Thanks dude! 🙂
Pics to follow. Did an objective marker to completion, finishing up the you Vaporeon repaint, washed my Mantis Warriors speeders, and making a small dent in the Death Guard.
September 3, 2019 at 11:01 pm #1432129@unclejimmy I really, really, strongly advise you listen to @brennon as he is a BoW / OTT staff member and default Admin on here. This is not an argument you can win, and staff/crew posting anywhere along these lines is in extreme cases. Your reasoning and defence of the subject matter, which I am giving a wiiiiiiide berth to, is not reasonable, plausible and a position to be defended. Just roll with the punches here and abide by the rules you are being advised of, for your own sake. I mean it in the kindest possible way.
September 4, 2019 at 12:53 am #1432139Yesterday’s work on one of four slope boards. I got a base colour and wash down. Still have to give the rocks a drybrush, then will add the base dark green before adding veggies to the works.
I also got a pic of my ship’s crew and troops. In the Traveller adventure the first ship to transport the party will be an open structure corporate ship with a ragtag crew and a dropshhip, but they will likely have their shit scattered, whereupon the military will send a frigate, the Orwell, to investigate. If I’m not mistaken, for every 200 tons of ship there will need to be one crewman, but I could be wrong. There’s also room in the ship’s design for automated crew stations.
In any event, I doubt I will need more crewmen than what I’ve got here on any ship layout or boarding encounter. Some of the figures will be PC’s.
I debated whether to base the gun tractors but decided not to. If they’re not tippy, there’s no need. A friend of mine commented “if you base a vehicle it looks like it’s on a magic carpet.” Hard to argue with that logic.
@unclejimmy we may move to a property on the Winnipeg River, a place remote enough where I can still speak my mind without being thrown under the bus. 10 acres of farmland on the river (which is about 500 yards wide in places like Lac Du Bonnet) is still affordable. It’s a longer commute, but I’ll be working less.
September 4, 2019 at 6:19 am #1432146Good morning everybody…. no hobby atm, need to clear the room (again) to get my quarterly taxes done… why does being self employed need so much paperwork?! XD
September 4, 2019 at 6:43 am #1432147@unclejimmy also, its time you bought an unknown ranger
September 4, 2019 at 10:38 am #1432254Gradual progress on my custom shiny Vapreon (original toy was blue, and not on a Base)
September 4, 2019 at 10:40 am #1432255September 4, 2019 at 10:42 am #1432258Slow gradual work work as I start the first coat of the base coats. This will be a grind with all the colour and detail but will look great when the block colours are down.
A wash will really make them look great.
September 4, 2019 at 11:31 am #1432295Good morning all!
Yesterday was “Garage Justification Day.” If we haven’t used it in six months, it went to the end of the driveway for people to take, or it went to the landfill. Today will hopefully have some hobby tacked to the end of it. I’ve got some stuff to sort out with university courses; I’ve never seen less intelligence or organizational skills in one place. So glad I’m taking online courses this year.
@mage I like the highlight on the frill of that beast. It really pops.
Great progress on those speeders. Very realistic look to them. Is the whole army painted that way?I have a friend who did a space marine army in German pea dot cam. They look fabulous. I’ll see if I can get a pic for you.
September 4, 2019 at 12:28 pm #1432333@ceppie really? Thought it needed another coat with the highlight
I have some bikes done and it will be a small army but yes.
I intend on getting a Librarian and have some Scouts to do as well. More bikes next week
September 4, 2019 at 1:00 pm #1432359@brennon – Great way to get back from the dentist! It was so painfulin there…you should have seen the bill.
I’m afraid you will also have to explain this one to me before we go any further, “…not been inclusive because some people have not used their brains and spewed forth idiotic statements which have no bearing in common sense and are blatantly offensive.” Again, who and what?
This is another problem with all of this “feelings over reality” culture – nobody will say what they mean. How is this thread not inclusive? If you have a computer, play with toy soldiers and follow the ‘rules’ then you are in. I might poke fun and be sarcastic, but this is in the introduction. If that is not your thing then why can ‘they’ not just go to another thread or start their own? What happened to “sticks and stones…”?
If me, or anyone else, was spouting race hatred or being unpleasant about other religions, or trying to promote anything like that to others then clearly there is a problem, but that must have been when I wasn’t here. In the past when there was a problem with two people – after I asked them to be good (and they weren’t) I was straight in touch with Warren to sort it out. I can’t ‘ban’ someone from the thread. I can ask them to “go away”, but that is all I can do.
I keep saying, “I LOVE EVERYONE!” It was part of my job for a while and I was outstanding at it. Joking with real people is never a problem. However, on here, all the bedroom commandos just look for something to complain and bitch about. It happens on Steam, which is the only other forum I post on. I can imagine it is a universal thing.
Without any doubt it IS a case of people “toughening-up”. All of this ‘shock’ and ‘being offended’ is not real. It is just a reaction to whatever dogmatic hee-haw they have been reading/listening to/learned at Uni. It is what you are supposed to do even if you have no idea what you are complaining about. As soon as I question these people they don’t answer.
It happened on another of your threads for some DUST minis. When I stopped reading the stupid comments when they got to 64 replies. I would say 90% of the posts were people complaining about Japanese schoolgirls and that they minis were sexist…
I have to say that you are a really condesending too. ” I will share them with you if you want to know via private message so I can explain why they’re offensive but I shouldn’t have to.” As I didn’t see whatever was removed (hence my previous comment) there is no need to be a total arse about it.
I am sure I don’t need you to explain anything to me as my reading skills are pretty good, as long as I have my glasses!
It is for @warzan that I do not want to be considered a ‘trouble maker’ or that I am trying to offend people on purpose. I just try to have a bit of fun with people in my own way. I do explain what this thread is and what we do and how to do it. There is nothing I can do if people are going to take offence.
This week the questions were timid…I am trying!
So, when we boil it all down, you can just ‘lock’ this because you don’t like something that is said? What if someone just comes in and starts saying stuff about Jews or Muslims – nothing to do with me, but all the time I spend on here is just wasted. Is this how it is?
If it is then what is the point to me, and everyone else, even bothering to log-in?
September 4, 2019 at 1:37 pm #1432363Let me try and clear stuff up a little, as I can understand you feel there is a certain amount of Tarring with the same brush going on, and to a degree your right, but I can understand Ben’s frustration and approach as it is pretty much always this thread that drags up content that crosses the line in this case by @ceppie (who really should know better 🙁 )
So as it stands I don’t believe we have a complaint about your conduct personally @unclejimmy and the remarks that were removed were removed from @ceppie post. (They were completely unacceptable)
So I appreciate you are trying, and I think a certain amount of recognition has to be made of the fact you have made changes to your tone etc – and I appreciate it.
@ceppie Seriously we both know who you are, the comments you posted were utterly offensive so really this is the last time I’m gonna raise it with you. There is absolutely no need for you to go out of your way to say such nasty stuff.
September 4, 2019 at 2:05 pm #1432377Going to be a long day. You would think that sorting out a username and password for an online course at U of Winnipeg would be a priority for the ironically named ‘help desk’. Apparently not. Looks like I will have to go over there and sit amongst the unwashed with a ticket in my hand.
@mage Another highlight wouldn’t hurt, but you’ve really captured that ‘old campaigner’ look on the vehicles, like they’ve been in the field for a while.
I also saw the bikes. That’s going to be a great looking army.
Where did those space marines come from? I saw they were originally blue plastic. Were they from a game?
September 4, 2019 at 2:22 pm #1432378@ceppie that’s the idea: mid way through or toward the end of the Badab War. I most likely won’t do another highlight as I kind of want to save time and leave the stage out to have a full army ready quicker.
They are on blue plastic due to being from a magazine subscription from newsagents intended at newer players. So it’s all on different pre coloured plastic
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