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This topic contains 99 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    @tuffyears – roger that.


    Cult of Games Member



    E3753A49-5BBD-4876-AAD4-477ACC2E5AD0One of these is a Chaos Space Marine Daemon Engine.  One is a dinobot


    Cult of Games Member

    @unclejimmy The Orville is not Star Trek … that’s what makes it worth watching.

    Star Trek like Star Wars have zero story left in them. Or at least nothing that makes for a movie that would ever get funded by Hollywood.




    1. What do you like to watch? Be specific. Do you know why?

    Generally, I watch a lot of horror movies. Hammer Horror, Quatermass, 80s trash, Hellraiser, Hereditary, The Witch, you name I will watch it. Why? I guess I have watched horror movies since my teens, and I enjoy movies for a lot of different reasons. Use of myths and legends, inversion of tropes, practical effects. And of course that feeds into my writing for games.


    2. When you see a new miniature what do you think? Do you see a use for it or just buy it because you are a Magpie? If you are looking for something new or for a project how do you pick what you want?

    I tend to have enough games that I play that I generally paint something for a game to use it in. If I don’t have something to use it for, I won’t pick it up. I tend to not have time for painting just for the sake of it, as if I’m not painting something for gaming I am either gaming, or writing.


    3. Tell us some things that you want to do in the future…either tomorrow or sometime?

    Return to Venice for the 4th time. Got married there too. So I love the place a lot.

    So I got asked for closeups of my Warcry stuff.


    Untamed Beasts



    My weekend pledge (as I finished them today) is the Furies.



    My Legions of Nagash Warband. Nothing new here.



    The Furies again. All done with contrast paints for 4 hours total.



    Nothing new here in the Nighthaunt warband, other than the Spirit Host I painted a few weeks back.

    The Iron Golems warband.

    Pledge stuff for the rest of the week – finish the Warcry Raptoryx, and Cypher Lords, run more of Kult tomorrow, and more writing.





    I’ve been working on my Forgefiend with washes on the body and seperated weapons and heads. Id like to get this phase done before bed and Ill do the next step tomorrow. Been assembling Space Marines today too but did not get as much priming done as I wanted.

    (1) It is not superhero stuff at the moment. It has been going gradually and strongly since the late 80s with the Tim Buton Batman movies, Spawn, and Blade up to the late 90s, then into the early 2000s with the Sam Raimi Spiderman movies and the Xmen Franchise, as well as the two Fantastic Four movies, Sin City, Ghost Rider movies, Watchmen, the Nolan Batman trilogy… Then from about 2007 onward with the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and the DCEU up to now and still going.

    Avengers Endgame made 2.796 Billion Dollars, so, hard to argue with that level of profitability and success. I would strongly disagree with Superheroes not working on screen: they have seeped into and set firmly into pop culture and have many, many fans and are widely loved.

    Uninteintonally I have missed the Godzilla movies but am eager to see them. Maybe a movie and pizza night with the GF.

    What made you lose interest in Anime? Are you going through a slump? Not having a go, just expressing concern. In quieter time recently I have been reflecting on my own behaviour and outlook and seeing my negativity, and not comparing myself to you or saying you are negative: I have noticed myself being more annoyed frequently about stuff and generally irritability. I do not think it is full blown depression but a persistent feeling of occasionally feeling depressed: if it were a traumatic medical thing like an aching hip I would probably go for an X-Ray. Nothing serious but something that needs checking if it persists.

    I love the look of the Mandalorian and the IG-88 droid in it, and new Manadalorian suit; cant wait to see people cosplay in it or for the guy to get a mini in Star Wars Legion, action figures or pop vinyl. I love B5 and was shocked looking at a post @dawfydd made on Facebook and realised how many of them died that I was not aware of and how few of the original cast are left.

    Breaking Bad is amazing. There is a theory that the Blue Meth from it caused the zombie apocalupse in the Walking Dead.

    Never got into Peep Show but am aware of how widely separate it is. Love Alan Partridge too. I heard good things about Chernobyl too but have not watched yet. Have you seen Mr Mercedes?

    As for mdoern trek we will have to get you new implants first, I guess.

    I paint a lot with work being a stressful job, and not much else going on in my down time tbh. I tend to watch as I paint too. That with some coffee and I am in heaven. Helps decompress.

    With youtube I watched stuff to do with Cooking, Computer games and toys. That is pretty much it. I could recommend a few pages. Nothing along the lines of the stuff you are interested in from what you list but I like what I like. My father with his interest in Extra Terrestrials and Conspiracy Theories (are they really theories though? The truth is out there) about a hollow earth and chem trails.

    2. For a few years all I painted was Warmachine and Hordes with some Malifaux and a few board games here and there along with Dreadball, Dropzone Commander, Arcworlde, Batman and Frostgrave. So swings and roundabouts.

    What makes you dislike Workshop? The policies? They have been Draconian in the past for sure. I try to focus on the minis and games. It can be too easy to let yourself get into picking up something here and there frequently. It adds up. And mounts up.

    What is tempting you? Satan? What? Me? No….

    Ah, Puggos. Good Doggos. Cant say I know the family name. Do you get creepy vibes from it?

    I have a few Infinity minis collecting dust upstairs. Nobody seems to play it nearby. I have combined army around. Dare you challenge me to paint some Infinity models? The catch 22 is I get to challenge you to paint some ‘Wacoshop’ as you call it. Maybe that Black Templar stuff?

    3. The training thing is a long story and something I do not feel comfortable going on about on a public forum. I do not mind discussing it elsewhere but there are many valid reasons. I still see a PT once a week and need to lose a little weight and exercise more but am bulking up as I put on muscle too. The odd swim too. I hope to try a new martial arts school in the same system early December. I was one test away from my Black Belt.

    As for the fight sure, as long as there is gear for all involved. It is more for being a sport to me. Touch would I have never needed to be in a brawl or the like. A nice friendly training exercise. Wing Chun is great. There is a lot of Karate, Kickboxing and Taekwando around where I am, and some BJJ but not so much Kung Fu. Not without a bit of driving but I do enough of that with commuting in and out of work and don’t wanna add to it.

    Running is super boring but it is good for fitness to be fair. It is annoying and boring though. Hey man if you ever vacation to my part of the woods would be more than happy to hang out, show you around or hit the gym.

    I was saying to the GF about maybe going there and she might have been around that part of England before, I can’t remember, so should be easy to navigate. Maybe not this year though. Not a teadrinker but coffee or hot chocolate all the way.

    I saw Steel Panther last January. Wish I could post videos up here. They were fantastic. Cant repeat the banter they had on stage here though. Very risque. They did a couple of Ozzy and Motley Crue covers. I saw Electric Six at the start of the summer in a local small venue. A lady recently got on stage at a Panther gig and tried to knee Michael Starr in the balls and hit him. I think she got offended by their subject matter and personas.

    Saw Airbourne earlier this month. Made a day out of it with the GF checking out hobby and comics shops. I think my hearing got slightly damaged. The lead singer crowd surfed, hammering away on his guitar, grabbed a can of unopened guinness/cider from a fan and started smacking it off the side of its head til it exploded and flung it up into the air.

    Is that not a tank in the first picture of one of your posts on page 1?

    Mmmm chocolate. Sound cool.

    No not drilling the barrels, I always muck it up.








    My Night Lords, Charcarodons, Death Guard, and possible Firehawks (working on a test model too) as well as the current state of my work area



    Back again.

    So, to answer the questions:

    1. What do I like to watch?
    On TV? Most recently I’ve enjoyed Stranger Things, some of the Netflix Marvel TV series (but not all). I worked my way through 9 seasons of Archer. I say worked intentionally, though I did it while painting.
    Back when it was new, I enjoyed Lost.
    A common theme here is Mystery. These shows (excluding Archer) have had an element of mystery/unknown/fantasy to them. Lost is where J.J. Abrams really put the “Mystery Box” storytelling element into effect. I see it now in the Star Wars movies that he has had a hand in. Now it annoys me. Back then, while Lost was still running it kept us interested and intrigued. Ultimately it works against the story and the viewer. It borders on insulting.
    But this is about what I enjoy, so!
    Good acting is a must. I belive Charlie Cox is Daredevil and Krysten Ritter is Jessica Jones. I can’t say the same about Finn Jones as Danny Rand (especially in season 1 of Iron Fist). It’s why I have so much trouble watching older sci-fi shows of the 90’s… They say the words, they know the lines, but I can hear the disconnect from the emotion behind it.

    At the cinema I want to see something, well, cinematic. I can look past the acting if I can get a big experience. Star Wars on a big screen, the Marvel movies etc etc. It’s one of the disagreements my ex and I aways had when going to a cinema: she wanted to see something funny, I wanted to see some action. Funny is fine, but most comedies aren’t improved by the size of the screen they’re viewed on.
    I just want to switch my brain off and enjoy the show.

    2. When I see a new miniature?
    These days it’s simple: Can I really afford it? Do I really need it? What will I use it for/with? If I can justify about two of those, then I’ll buy it.
    I have a Dark Angels collection/army, so Space Marine stuff for that force. Blackstone Fortress can be a game of it’s own, but I can use the minis in Killteam (the only 40k I’m interested in playing right now). Kingdom Death minis can be used for playing KD: Monster. I could use KD minis for Rangers of Shadow Deep, etc etc.
    Years ago I would have just bought what I wanted, but that was when I was young and had no debt…
    I havent technically started a new project in a long time, though I’ve had ideas. I used to have more ideas and write them down. I’ve got books full of them. Time, debt and responsibility have eroded that away somewhat.

    3. Some things for the future?
    Travel more, paint all the Dark Angels minis, and all the Fantasy stuff I have too. Buy my own house and have my own game room.

    Right now I’m listening to:

    It’s different… Not sure on it yet. I prefer a more Cyberpunk spin on my electronic music.

    Replies next…


    Cult of Games Member

    Babylon 5 is one of those shows I wished I had followed, but it was airing at the same time as Deepspace 9.
    And as per usual the bloody idiots on commercial tv moved B5 to random timeslots which made it impossible to know when or if the next show would be broadcast. As a result I’ve only seen bits of season 1 and 2.

    I did see Claudia Christian a few years ago at a Q&A session at Elfia. I think she was there to promote her biography, but she did talk about B5. It made me wish I had seen more of B5 to understand the purple&green question she was asked.



    @ceppie got in quick on Friday!

    @unclejimmy It’ll be a while before I’ll be playing strip anything with anybody I reckon… but I’ll keep Lynyrd Skynyrd in mind when I find that someone I really want out of their clothes. Um… that doesn’t sound right…
    Ugh, ‘Friends’ no thank you. I got enough of that show during my marriage. It was like second-hand smoke, only infinitely more banal.

    Hmm, I have a term that I picked up from my ex: “Crop-dusting”. The act of passing wind in a public place while walking, so that the cloud will drift onto/into people walking in the opposite direction, or sitting to eat their meal. Usually performed in the aisles of the supermarket. Or walking past a crowded café.
    Also while we were staying in Fiji, we coined our own phrase of “Stepping on a toad”.
    One of us would hear a noise and ask “Did you fart?!?”
    The other would reply “No, I stepped on a toad”
    Fiji was thick with Cane Toads after dark, so you had to watch where you were walking. The term would work equally well here in Australia anywhere in the north-eastern quarter of the country.

    Took me a minute to work out what the images of the sprues are… Dark, UJ, real dark…
    Everyone wants to be on the grassy knoll don’t they! Even X-Files and Red Dwarf writers went there to have a go of pulling the trigger!

    @mage bikers are looking great. I like how dirty you’ve made them, and the orange goes well against the green. What are the Land Speeder conversions based on? The original style open-fronted model?

    @tuffyears interesting work with the contrast. It looks pretty good there, any other pictures?

    Still listening to Sovietwave music…

    Just about done with it now though. It’s ok, but not grabbing me.

    I forgot the other part of my pledge will be DnD Monday tomorrow night.

    ALSO: It’s Father’s Day here in Australia today. I know it’s usually a different day internationally. But Happy Fathers day to all the Dads reading this. I had a quiet day with my daughter. Just spending time with her is the best.





    Thanks! Its just drybrushing and washes for the most part. The drybrushing is in a circular motion like so:




    A lack of edge line highlights after washes also contributes to it. Stuff with light (eye lenses, screens, plasma coils) got a couple of highlights and layers. It, to me, creates a little bit of disparity that shows the bike, tyres and metal could be cleaner.





    The Forgefiend edges closer to completion!



    Technical problems over the last few days. I’ll post tomorrow from work.



    Sorry. A quick hospital stay!

    @tuffyears – who doesn’t love WA? My current favaourite is…

    @mage – I do like the 40K beast thing. 100pts. I would have made a few of those if I were still playing. Same as those flying daemon ‘aircraft’ – conversion heaven!

    As for your ‘Transformer’ – the age is at the bottom. 200pts. Dave has loads of the older era ones. He still has his VHS collection from when he was a teenager. Still don’t get it.

    1. Ghostrider was my favourite comic when I was in my early teens. I won’t mention the movie. Those FF movies were appauling. Really bad. As for ‘Thor’ did they forget that he is supposed to be a god? He just looks, and acts, like a poofy male model. Liberace would have played it toughter. 100pts. I love Liberace. There is a real performer. The man centrally heated his garden and it was carpeted. He would drive onstage in a diamond encrusted, gold Rolls-Royce. Style.

    Pop culture is not what it used to be. It ought to be a task to get in there, but now any chump can make it. -1pt to me.

    Don’t watch the first one as it is mince. I tried twice and fell asleep bith times. The new one is great if you just ignore the human bits. Skull Island, if you haven’t seen it, is great too. Who doesn’t love monsters fighting?

    The last time I went to the cinema was to see ‘Cowboys & Aliens’. Boys day out…Jamie and I took my dad out as he wanted to see it. I loved it. Since then there is nothing I really want to see. When I was at Uni in 97-99 I would go three times a week, sometimes seeing two movies back-to-back if I had the time.

    A good friend of mine and I would just go and see anything, but now I just don’t see anything that inspires me to go out and make the effort to see it. I see the latest trailers on YouTube and they all just blow. Over the last few months I can’t think of anything where I thought, “Wow, got to see that!” That used to happen all the time. Maybe I am just too old…

    Girlfriend? More information please. 200pts.

    I just mentioned the Blue Meth theory to Jamie and he almost choked on his bacon sanger. I am now hearing the full story. He mentioned that you see bags of it the Fear the Walking Dead too. Nerds.

    Mr. Mercedes – we have never heard of it. Do tell.

    ‘Chernobyl’ is typically Soviet. Very harsh in it’s delivery. Some brutal scenes. It is only 5 episodes and I have 1 left. There is also a thing called ‘The Terror’ that is pretty good.

    Implants? Not for me. If all that Black Mirror stuff becomes available then count me out. San Junipero maybe, but that one about the soldiers getting implants to prevent combat stress really gave me the fear.

    2. Why don’t I like Wacoshop? The prices started it. I can easily afford the prices, but they were just becoming not worth it. The rules were just becoming more stupid with each edition and the constant messing with the Codexes’ was annoying too. They the stores became like a cult. I mean that in the classic sense.

    One staff member that used to live at my house if he was doing a late shift, because it was too far to go home and get back the next morning, totally turned on me. Heather would cook him a meal and wash/iron his work t-shirt for him, but after further indoctrination at HQ he just couldn’t give me the time of day. He went to Ireland to manage a store and I thought I would give him a ring one day and just let him know I was now living in Sheffield for a while and if he was going to be in Nottingham then let me know and we can meet up. He answered the phone in the store and when I said it was me he just said, “What do you want?”

    They also dropped a store manager who had a mental health problem and he almost went to the jail.

    As for the minis they are making now…they are without soul. They cover a bad design with ‘detail’ to try and make it look as though you should like it.

    Some of those minis are tempting. I did find a few Plague Marines/Thousand Sons that I might mess with. I even found a few Grey Knights!

    Creepy vibes?

    I sold or gave away all of my Wacoshop stuff years ago. So did the boy. Every now and again I find a box of stuff, but I have almost cleared the house and caravan of everything. Let me have a look about for a GW mini. Would a FW mini count? Might be a fun challenge. However, you can only use one-and-a-half arms!

    3. Nae problems. PM me if you want, but I don’t mind if you want to keep quiet. I had to stop loosing weight. Orders from the doctor as he thought I needed to take it much slower. I am still carrying a fair bit of extra from the strokes.

    It sucks you were that close. Nil desperandum. I have a few black belts if you want to borrow one! A black sash too. I will see a video on YT and think to myself, “Go and find somewhere to do a bit of training…”, but I don’t. I am not sure I am up to training properly anyway.

    Gear? What gear do we need? I am sure neither of us need gear to do a bit of sparring.

    Touch ‘wood’. 100pts. I have never been in a fight before. The closest was a pissed nutter from 7RHA that tried to decapitate me with a road sign. Silly boy.

    I am way too old to go back to Karate. Goju Ryu maybe, but there is nobode close to here. I still do a bit of Kenjutsu and Hanbo when I feel up to it. I should do more.

    I will have to visit BoW at some point. If I could still ride it would be no problem. If they do another Infinity bootcamp then me and the boy would be there!

    No gym…just go out the back and get to work. Some conditioning exercises, CQB drills, Taijutsu, and maybe some stick fighting.

    I do make an evil Hot Chocco. Grated too…none of this instant stuff. I live just outside Durham. For geographic reference.

    Steel Panther’s stage show is awesome. The bass player kept going to the side to do his hair in a mirror!

    A loud gig is great, but it does stay with you. The last time we saw Gary Numan we were right at the front and it was very bassy. Three days before the pressure went. I think my ears are still humming from when I saw Motorhead when I was 14! Fuck me, that was loud. Lemmy came out and turned everything up. It was humming and he just yelled “WAAAAGH” into the mic. The first three rows fell over!

    It is a tank. Maybe the most famous non-German tank ever. A Sherman. Even Heather can identify one of them…get it together! 500pts.

    DRILL THOSE BARRELS! Don’t make me send Derek.

    I love those older helmets. Are they MkIV?

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