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KS: Goldfields: Medieval Village NPC

Home Forums Fantasy Tabletop Game Discussions KS: Goldfields: Medieval Village NPC

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  darting 5 years, 4 months ago.

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    “The history of the Evocatus Miniatures began in 2015. When we released our first miniature “Apple Trader”. Even then, we noticed that very few miniatures of civilians are produced for the world of tabletop role-playing games and wargames. Therefore, we decided to fix it.In 2018, we successfully completed the first major project, and together with our partners prepared a recruitment Market square.

    And this year we have prepared a wonderful project for you! More than 90 miniatures of civilians and an additional terrane (when opening all the extra goal), which will add variety to your game and add to the atmosphere of the village medieval.”

    The KS is both for .stl files for you 3D printer as well as printed miniatures shipped from Tiny Furniture. See the KS page for a free downloadable file!



    Wow, those are some beautiful models!


    Cult of Games Member

    Those are great. I just had to jump in even though I have yet to buy my own resin printer. Something I want to change soon.

    I just hope we at least reach the kitchen. Everything after that would of course also be nice.

    Hopefully the legal issues surrounding fabled realms can be sorted out soon, so that I can use these as a backdrop in a living and breathing village.

    In any case these are something special.



    Oops — Just got a clarification from TF: “That is not our KS, but it was launched by our former partner who helped us in Tiny Market Square campaign. Tiny Furniture is not involved in the “Goldfields” campaign … sorry for the confusion.”


    Cult of Games Member

    In case some of you were on the fence about this project.

    They just sent out this nice message. Now I can repel a raid on a wedding:


    Dear friends! We thank all of you for supporting us all this month. It was a very difficult stage for us, its first independent project, without your support it would not have worked.

    Now there is only 20 hours left before the end of the training camp and we decided to open all the goals that are.

    Yes! You heard right. ALL 102 Miniatures – UNLOCKED !!!

    This is our gift to you, for your trust and assistance in fulfilling our dream of making board games.

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