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Kill Team – price leak?

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This topic contains 24 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  tankkommander 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    As someone thats looking at this as a way back into the 40k universe, i see this as an ideal gateway. As some have stated, the models in the box are of one troop type only but that also means they can be used later on as a small unit if you want to play 40k itself, they give you a simple team to get used to the rules as you won’t have to learn/remember the stats for multiple unit types(these can be learnt as you add on other troop types). Having to buy an entire box of another unit type is annoying if you only want one for some, but that again means you have the models to use later in 40k or if you wanted to try a team of just that unit type. Looking at the mechanicus list for example, i would start with 5 rangers and or vanguard and to get 5 of each other unit type i would need to buy one more box of vanguard/rangers and two boxes of rustalkers/infiltrators. At that point i have the start of an army minus an hq choice for 40k. If it was 40k only you wouldn’t really be able to play with that until you have bought all of them, with this game you will have been playing with them for months while you slowly buy the extra boxes while also keeping the game fresh by adding in different unit types to the game. I feel this game is one of the best ways of getting into the hobby relatively cheaply(as cheap as wargaming is) and means further down the line there’s an alternative use for the miniatures once you have accrued more than you would use in the game at any one time.

    Also as you but the teams you’ll also be gathering scenery so you can have at least a good start to a 40k tables worth of scenery if you want to go on to that game, which is the point of a gateway game for a company i feel.

    Sorry if it’s a bit long.



    Hi Paul, you don’t deck build as such, you get a basic set of cards and you add the cards granted by the leader you choose, more like Star Wars Legion.

    Each Faction has its own unique Tactics Deck, which contains
    14 Tactics Cards (7 unique cards, two copies of each). At
    the start of the game each player should take the 14 generic
    Tactics Cards belonging to their chosen faction and add the 6
    cards their Commander gives, shuffling these cards together
    to form their Tactics Deck.


    Cult of Games Member

    @tankkommander :

    The current plastic kits for 40k do have variety. It’s not the multi-pose construction kit of days gone by, but it’s not a single pose mini either.
    Besides … when something like Inquisitor Greyfax costs 15-20 Euro (and more generic chaplain in a similar price range) …

    The kind of quality you dream of is unrealistic.
    Steamforged can barely manage single pose plastics at a somewhat competitive pricing range for Guildball. And they’re using single pose figurines.

    GW had to chose between making a game that can turn a profit or one that’s only ever going to be in the black if it outsells 40k+AoS combined at launch.

    They were able to offer a bit more variety in Shadespire, but even that is limited to single pose figurines that are more or less re-batched hero figures that also were used for their Warhammer Quest product line.

    There is no equivalent to those options for 40k, so we’re probably getting bog standard squad kits.
    It doesn’t look like GW is ever going to create a secondary product line that can compete with their top tier products (40k / AoS).



    I’m discussing unit type not figure pose.




    @tankkommander your point regarding the number of additional squad boxes is a valid one, however, that’s based on the assumption that you only ever want to build only one specific Kill-team with a very specific weapon load-out, from one faction/sub-faction unit only, say for example, the Space Marines’ poster-boys, the Ultrasmurfs, and nothing else.

    If you were then to look at it from the broader perspective that in having a number of “spare” models, it’s now possibleto build a number of additional Space Marine Kill-teams with a variety of weapon load-outs and/or painted in a variety of chapters other than Ultrasmurfs then this makes it far more flexible and in a sense, cost-effective, than trying to build the same variety into a standard 40k army build.

    Granted, if you only wanted the one Kill-team, it seems kind of  waste but step back and look at what could be done with the leftovers, it’s conceivably the opposite.



    I’ll take one of everything. I have after 25 years in the Hobby pretty much a force for almost every army anyways…

    (Grey Knights, Space Wolves, Inquisition, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Death Watch, Imperial Guard, Orks, Harlequins, Tyranids, Genestealers, Tau, Chaos Space Marines, Death Guard… Even some Necrons and Dark Eldar, only missing I think are Eldar, Thousand Sons and plain Space Marines, also no Sisters of Battle – but the last one is gonna change once they release them)

    The Terrain will be a nice add-on to my collection of that.



    Slightly off topic but why can’t I,find it in any online game stores? Anyone know please.

    Been away from GW for as long as I can remember so not sure how it works with them and preorders. Last i looked you had to have an imperial tattoo on your forehead to sell their products. Thanks for any help with this or a release date when I could order it.

    Its ok I already expect to have my arm and leg amputated to pay for it 🙂



    Could be embargo until the 28th for pre orders.



    So for a start, a lot of the player base will already be 40K players, or will be starting 40K at the same time as, or not long after starting kill team if they are newbies.


    If you already have, or you are already in the process of building a 40K force, variety for your kill team shouldn’t be a problem. For instance, I will probably buy the Astartes kill team expansion as it’s a nice way to get some extra Reivers along with some tokens and cards and terrain for kill team, but I already have plenty of intercessors, tactical marines and scouts to add.


    I admit, it would be nice for GW to offer single miniatures for people who want to expand their kill team, but don’t want to get into 40K, so don’t have reason to buy full squads.


    But that wouldn’t make much sense as a business model would it? The whole point is to get people playing 40K.


    Even so, if someone really doesn’t want to, it won’t be hard to buy individual models or smaller numbers on sprues in the secondary market I imagine.



    Patently false.

    There are no decks of cards or deck-building used in game play.  The cards included in the starter boxes are just tactics (think stratagems from regular 40k) and datacards either preprinted with model stats or blank for building your own Kill Team and keeping track of them during play.



    I think one of the best things about kill team, from what I’ve seen so far, is the terrain. The kill zone expansions and the fact that the faction expansions come with terrain in should make this a great way for people to build up some terrain.


    Really good idea, as it’s the one thing way too many gamers neglect.


    I already have nids and Eldar, so I’m pretty OK with the starter box. I have a few marines as well so I can easily build 3-5 different kill teams. That should keep me going for some time. I don’t really play much 40k these days and I’m hoping this will get me back into that universe.


    Cult of Games Member

    @tankkommander :

    A single unit type ?
    So what ?
    It’d be very rare for someone to limit himself to just the smallest possible team.
    The unboxing of the core game already shows there’s plenty for more than the predefined squads.
    If the squad boxes are similar then you’ll get enough to do the basics + a few extras to show either alternate versions of the same character or as extras.

    So far the only faction with a single unit type are the Harlequins, but those are close combat specialists with lots of toys.

    And with all of the factions already in the rules the only ‘extra’ the squad boxes will offer is a bit of terrain in addition to a sprue or two for infrantry of that faction to build a basic killteam is in there.

    Keep in mind that they’re a company looking to get you to buy as many models as possible.
    They’re counting on you buying stuff and given the reactions so far I’d say the target audience are more than willing to do so.



    For me, as a person with no existing collection of 40K armies, the Kill Team would be a good entry point. I haven’t played 40K since the original Rogue Trader book.

    But it puts me off that the box only contains multiple figures of one type of unit. Would it really hurt GW profit margin to put some variety in the box? They could have designed KT specific sprues rather than existing ones in a different colour plastic.

    And the fact that the base set contains only 75 points of cultists is a bit off.


    Cult of Games Member

    It looks like there will be some variety depending on what faction you pick.

    Focus appears to be on units that have access to lots of weapons & customazation options.
    You can see this in the unboxing (cult + mechanicus troops).
    The Spacewolves set appears to be 2-3 different troop types (one reiver in official screenshot, 40k players probably identify more).

    Orks are getting ‘burna boyz’
    Unless they’re creating new sprues that means the set will equivalent to this :

    The description mention that the sprues within can built 2 different troop types (which matches what the Mechanicus sprue does)
    Cardwise there do appear to be ‘exclusive’ cards (6). We have to wait and see how ‘bad’ this is.
    Value for money is tricky as well.

    source :

    btw :

    local webstore is listing coreset at 89,25 Euro (official 105 Euro) and the squad-sets as 42,50 Euro (official 50 Euro).
    It is more expensive than a single squad box for any given army, but you’re getting terrain and a faction booklet too. That terrain is the only thing you can’t buy separately.

    At list prices for the terrain sets the core box is a definite good deal.

    Rules  (32,50 Euro) +  terrain (40 -80 Euro per set for terrain kits!) would cost more than list price .
    So even if you hate the selected squads it is not a bad idea to buy the box instead …


    // — edit —

    It looks like there may be exclusive sprues when the Kill team:Rogue Trader expansion gets released.
    Everyone else will have standard sprues for whatever is current.

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