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[Kickstarter] So baust Du Tabletop-Gelände: Spielplatten

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This topic contains 13 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 3 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #1662913

    Cult of Games Member

    …or the English title: How to build tabletop terrain: Gaming Boards

    Both don’t roll off the tongue so easily, which is why we prefer to say: Michael’s new book.

    Which Michael? Michael Martin, who runs the YouTube channel Tabletop Workshop and published the book Tabletop-Gelände aus Hartschaum: Gebäude (Terrain from XPS Foam: Building) together with Gerard Boom (Shiftinglands).

    So now a new Kickstarter about boards that mean worlds. This time he’s brought in a couple of co-authors, but more on that later.

    Assuming that Michael puts as much work and love into the new book as he did into its predecessor, this book will be a great reference work. Because as nice as YouTube tutorials are, if you are looking for a specific piece of information, scrubbing a video can be a lot of work. A book with an index is much faster and more durable. In addition, you can add bookmarks, notes and you still have it if the power goes out, the channel disappears or you just want to have some peace and quiet in the bathroom.

    Michael was kind enough to send me some key data. Here are the most important ones:

    • The Kickstarter starts on Thursday, 15 July 2021, at around 6 p.m.
    • The Kickstarter ends on Sunday, 15 August 2021, at 10 p.m.
    • Funding goal: 15,000€
    • Delivery of the book is scheduled for August 2022
    • No PDF or digital version, the book will be published in print only
    • Price: 55,- € (later retail price)
    • Kickstarter price: 49,- € (i.e. 10% discount compared to later retail price)
    • Kickstarter price, Early Bird: 44,- € (20% discount, first 72 hours only.
    • Guest authors:
      Marcus Müller from Berlin (aka “Der Müller”)
      Philipp Preiser (aka Tabletop Lenny)
      Zorpazorp Gaming
      Black Magic Craft

    So for all those who bought either his first book, Mel’s terrain book or are into books on tabletop things in general might want to give this a look.

    Cover - Gaming Boards - ENG - V01 mini



    This is cool. I’ve watched a fair few of his videos and I’ve been a sub to Zorpazorp for a long time. I don’t tend to buy books like this just because I don’t make terrain but I’m sure it’ll be a great product.


    Cult of Games Member

    If the book is half as good as his terrain videos, it’ll be absolutely superb.


    Cult of Games Member

    The KS is live:



    Cult of Games Member

    Ah, came here to post this.
    I’m in, as I was for the last book. Ge Verboom did and excellent job on that and having had the privelege to do a workshop with him that was a no brainer.
    Seeing as Micheal had equal hand in that book, and the talent he roped in for this one, I’m backing once again.

    I also have Mel’s book, which was the perfect companion to the XPS buildings one, but this seems to go into plaster casting, LED liighting, so it’s bound to add to my repertoire. And it’s always good to get another perspective on known techniques


    Cult of Games Member

    Ah, came here to post this.

    Alas you came to late! *muhahahaha* 😉



    Really nice looking book. Shame there’s no PDF but for all the terrain makers out there, it’s an excellent buy (and that’s without the stretch goals!)


    Cult of Games Member

    The Kickstarter is now at 78.276 € and only 22.000€ more needed to unlock all stretch goals. 7 days to go and I’m sure Michael will meet the 100.000€. I want that extra book! 😉




    @poentje I know you did a thread too, but mine is older 😉 #scnr


    Cult of Games Member

    No problem, hadn’t seen this thread until now. Hoping we get to 100k and get the extra book.


    Cult of Games Member

    Oh since we’re already on 80k I think the last 20 will be in the last 48 hours as always 😉

    95k… need to up that number!


    Cult of Games Member

    Exciting run.
    Knowing how kickstarter works, we’re probably on track.
    That last stretchgoal is a doozy though. Would be miffed if we end up missing out on this.
    Should be good though, but I’ll rest easier when we’ve reached that point.


    Cult of Games Member

    Just comfirmed in the comments: Micheal is pretty confident as it stands we’ll hit the right goal. If we do not he will probably still produce the extra book, but offer it to backers for a few euro’s (3-5 which is still a bargain) instead of offering it free.
    I’d still love it to be free and reasonably certain we’ll reach it, but would be happy to pay a small amount if we don’t reach the goal.
    We seem to be starting to pick up some speed today and the main book has now reached it’s maximum of 230 pages total.


    Cult of Games Member

    Last 48 hours


    Cult of Games Member

    And good news on the extra book:

    Hello everyone!

    I think this is the moment you have all been waiting for the past few days: the extra book “Tools & Materials” is unlocked and each of you will receive it for free with the “big” main book!

    But wait?!? The funding amount of 100.000 € has not been reached yet? How can the extra book already be unlocked?

    Quite simply: because I want it so!

    And because I can, after all, it’s my campaign! ☺

    What are you lot waiting for? Get it 😉

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