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Just sniffin' glue! (UJWC)

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This topic contains 115 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  unclejimmy 1 year, 8 months ago.

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  • #1426557

    Cult of Games Member

    @ceppie thanks. They are made from plastic inlays from Star Wars: Legion, spackel and sand. See the project for more details:


    Cult of Games Member

    And a bit further




    @rayzryr – maybe you are dyslexic? We used to have loads of the WW games. The Sabbat rule. We even buried new ‘members’ just like it says in the book! I liked Mage, but nobody else really liked it. Same with Wraith. That was my favourite.

    That is what we used to say about Mowgli…he would sit on the path outside and just watch the world going by. My friends brother came over one afternoon and he brought his two children. His daughter was about 5-6 and sat on the couch next to Mowgli. She fussed him and he climbed onto her ‘lap’. When it was time to go she couldn’t get up and he wouldn’t shift.

    TISM – sorry, you beat me with that one. Never heard of them. However, i’ll give it a go. 50pts.

    Army Painter stuff is pretty good. I have a few of them. You have got a very nice, and deep, colour going on those Marines!

    Wow! I spot a really old pot of paint too.

    @ceppie – what was the point of them even turning up? It must be a world-wide thing as you get them like that over here.

    Hats of to the RCMP. A whole cucumber? I ofter put a cucumber between two cabbages when I go to the shop…

    You would be surprised how few cat hairs there are in this house. However, they all seem to settle on the stairs!

    You are telling someone to get a copy of FF&S? That is really cruel. 300pts.

    @sundancer – they really are awesome! Once you add some colour…



    @sundancer – a really stupid question: are those buildings for a Star Wars game?


    Cult of Games Member

    @unclejimmy  well I was going to use them for Star Wars Legion but I’m trying to keep them generic so that they might be ok to use with other scifi systems



    @sundancer – well, you certainly got the look right. You could easily use them in Infinity if you added some ladders!



    …and we are close for another week! Thanks to everyone for taking part and I really appreciate every minute you spend here. See you all tomorrow!


    Cult of Games Member

    My amazon delivery came today

    Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.


    Cult of Games Member

    Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.

    That’s a rude thing to say! 😉


    I know the qeek is closed but here’s my last addition.Ok, not in time for the regular Weekender but still putting up something related to my last pledge in trying to get some minis painted. I think taking on 4 at the same time was a little presumptuous of my speed. Sorry all for not being communicative but the housemate aituation was ironed out with his apology for blowing up and life has simmered down. Still working on minis and getting Giftmas things in order to be done and shipped appropriately. Apologies on the year end pledge as I have absolutely flubbed that. I will try to fight the shiny and work to get a set goal next year that is manageable.




    @horati0nosebl0wer – try this weeks post!

Viewing 11 posts - 106 through 116 (of 116 total)

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