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This topic contains 115 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  unclejimmy 1 year, 8 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @ceppie – Ah, damn it.  That’s another typo.  Yes, that should read M-577, not 557.  Why do I bother?

    Yeah, these counters are RIDDLED with mistakes, the whole “game” is literally 2 days old.  I built these armies in two hours Sunday and played with them live on Twitch that same day.

    No M2 on the TOC:  I supposed you could put one on the counter.  I didn’t.


    Yeah, there’s a lot of issues in these counters.  Fundamentally, some of them use Arab-Israeli Wars math and some of them use Panzer Leader math, if that makes any sense.

    Note the American infantry have a movement of 2, while the Iraqis have a 1.  This is to reflect my Panzer Leader conversion to 150m hexes instead of 250 meter hexes, but I never retrofitted back to the Iraqi counters which are ripped straight out of Egyptians published in Arab-Israeli Wars.

    And as you note, the Iraqi infantry have a 6 in range, the Americans have a 2*.  This 2* is a Panzer Leader rule, 5.56mm ammo (short) with 1/2 firepower available out to double the distance.  So 8-I-2 along with  4-I-4, in a manner of speaking.

    Regarding the defense, I don’t even consider body armor a factor.  Not in a game where you’re usually shooting 25mm Bushmasters, 12.7mm DsHK, and 120mm sabot rounds at each other.

    However, the Iraqis should be knocked down a bit.  Again, they are ripped right out of the Egyptians in 1973, whose infantry were hard as nails.  Not so much the Iraqis.

    Defense in infantry units has to do with the size of the platoon and the training of the men.  Now American Army platoons are pretty small, but they are well-trained and yes… at least have some body armor.  We should keep them at 8.  8 is what tough German platoons get in WW2, Commonwealth platoons, etc, USMC platoons, etc.  US Army and British platoons usually get a 6, again, not a reflection of their “toughness” but the generally smaller size of the unit.

    So the Iraqis will probably knocked down to a 6 DF or so.  The shouldn’t be as tough as American platoons.  The platoons are roughly the same size, but the Americans are well-trained, volunteers, better-equipped, and oh yeah, haven’t had the shit bombed out of them for six weeks.

    That said, I don’t want to jack up the Americans past 8.  That gets obscene.  I hate when games give super-high values to units on a subjective basis.

    This also leaves 10 DF available for USMC units.  Again, not because they’re tougher.  I don’t like subjective reasoning in my games, as much as I would love to give the USMC killer values just because “I said so.”  Rather, the Marines organize into 13-man squads instead of 9-man squads, so we’re looking at 55+ man platoons instead of 40+ man platoons.

    The Iraqis will need a 2 in movement.

    As far as the ranges go, I’ll have to make up my mind whether to go with the AIW or PL model.  The AIW model will give the Americans a 4, leave the Iraqis at 6.  Yes, Iraqi units should have a longer “I” class range, they’re firing all 7.62mm COMBLOC and not 5.56mm NATO / .223 Remington.  If I go Panzer Leader model, the Iraqis will go down to a 3* (RF3, with 1/2 value available to 6).

    I’ll probably do the latter.  I like the shorter ranges, and the “range bracket” nuance.  It shows how SOME weapons that are baked into the platoon can reach to a longer distance, but not all (M60s, M240s, PKMs, so on).



    @oriskany just kidding about the M577. It’s a command post,  doesn’t need an attack value. Our deployed brigade HQ was four Queen Mary’s arranged in a circle with the ramps facing inward, and a penthouse covering the centre. That was for the coffee pot!

    I had no idea those counters were a quick and dirty scratch build. They look great, and I like your solutions! 🙂



    @oriskany – I just painted it and scraped it off! It was an experiment. Look good though.

    They were not “kind words”…the truth. You are more than welcome.

    @ceppie – that ‘skimmer’ bike thing is totally unbelievable. I used to buy heads/helmets from MaxMini. They were cool.

    The drone gunner is even cooler. Jamie thinks they are amazing. If I still played 40Gay then I would be right into those.




    I remembered this and thought you might enjoy it…

    page 1 (1)

    page 2

    The staff are based on Gary Warriner and Phil. It is Phil’s dad that is the professor.


    Cult of Games Member

    @unclejimmy my dad is the reason i own rick wakeman’s “the myths and legends of king arthur and the knights of the round table” on vinyl from a charity shop. What is not to love? haha

    Do you like dream theatre? Also stiff little fingers are awesome and rage against the machine were the first band I came into contact with my friend at the time in year 7 was a bit of a rock yoda like figure and gave me a tape with their first album on it, 10 seconds into bombtrack and I was hooked.

    Similar growing up experiences to you – many a time I’ve had bricks thrown for wearing “not the right clothes”. the people gave us the name “muttley crew” due to our general look (much like dastardlys dog, and of course the band motley crue) – i was impressed their less than average IQ came up with quite a snappy retort!

    I’ll put those on the netflix list, I live in the south so havent ventured onto scottish tv much – will try and source that out on youtube…

    …just wondering have you watched F is for family on netflix? It IS a cartoon, but written by bill burr and is quite obviously based on him growing up. Very funny.

    also thats the exact sort of look i want from the builds I want to create myself.

    anytime someone brings up Duran Duran I think of two things:

    1) this scene:

    2) and the kickboxer Cro Cop (hes a croatian cop who now is an elected official) – someone so devastating they once said “Right Kick hospital, left kick cemetery”, whom ALWAYS came out to Wild Boys, such a stone faced killer, with what is an odd song for combat sports:

    @oriskany – I think I’ve already sourced a potential mdf building I could adapt for satriales:

    I think I could make it buying two of these and modding them into one building. But now I will definately have to create most of the buildings from the show! Shame there’s not many ‘modern’ mafia/thug types eg: tracksuit gang members etc for 28mm



    @skiptotheend I’ve not looked but is there nothing in the Batman game that meets your needs?


    Cult of Games Member

    Just had a look around in my lunch hour and found these:

    together i think fits well with satriale’s appearance

    I have also ordered a green stuff roller for the stone surface and acetate for the windows. I plan on using a ‘pass the pig’ game piece for the pig above the door. Looks like a new project has just created itself!



    Good Morning All!

    Another evening of convalescence yesterday, but my fever has broken, and now I just feel like I need to sleep for a week. I’ve got a teaching session after work, and was supposed to meet my painting group tonight, but I think I’ll have to give that a pass. I’ll just drop off a few finished battle boards at my LGS and call it a night.

    @skiptotheend Sarissa has some good buildings that might fit your needs:

    Retail Unit Scenery Set

    My missus has their entire western range and is quite happy with them.

    @unclejimmy How true! Those comics aren’t far off. I had almost forgotten about the bad times I had at GW!

    The Wargame Exclusive models are a bit pricey, but worth it. I’ll be saving cash on other weapons systems. I’m using Robogear walkers as alien ‘tanks.’ I’m not usually a fan of walkers, but these look like they can squat down and adopt a low profile. I also wanted something entirely different from my human kit. I’ll swap out the weapons for Tau armament, and maybe put in some Tau-ish armour bits here and there. These are only $7.00, and available from a number of sources on EBay.


    I’ll also be using parts of their Bronekorpus tanks for the human combat team, also $7.00:


    I’ll be using the turret, less the silly radar dish, on this dollar store chassis, along with plasticard schurzen:


    Then I’ll use the chassis for an APC , as it has a rear ramp. You can also switch the tracks around. This looks better:


    I’ve got a smaller dollar store turret to mount on the top. I’ll put a GW laser in the turret, hang a dual missile launcher on it, and put a ma deuce on the top with a wrap around gun shield. I’ll also raise up the chassis a bit when I glue the tracks on. You just have to knock off the posts that glue them in.

    Something I got in my e-mail today. This could apply equally to Manitoba or Saskatchewan:

    The Amazing Race

    Due to the popularity of the Survivor shows, Alberta is planning to do its
    own, titled ‘Survivor – Alberta Style.’

    The contestants will start in Calgary, travel over to Brooks and Lethbridge. Then they will head north to Wainwright then up to Cold Lake. From there they will proceed to Fort Mac, Slave Lake and Grand Prairie. The final leg will be back to Calgary !

    Each will be driving a pink Volvo with Quebec license plates and a HUGE bumper sticker that reads: I’m gay. I’m a vegetarian. Beer is harmful to your health. Conservatives suck. Trudeau is God. Deer hunting is murder, and I’m here to confiscate your guns.’

    The first one who makes it back to Calgary alive wins…


    Cult of Games Member

    Last day of my summer holiday… back to work in *looks at clock* 7 hours.

    So I’m off to bed but will leave a picture of my last WIP




    I have been on my back for most of the day watching Scientology videos. It started to ease about 1700hrs and I dragged myself here…just for you.

    @skiptotheend – My first SLF ticket was £4. What a bargain.

    Rick Wakeman is a prog god! 1000pts. It’s good job we are not keeping score. What is not to love about triple-albums? Fine, changing them over!

    Dream Theatre are not bad. I am more into Theatre of Tragedy. I suppose my first ‘prog’ experience would have been when a friends brother loaned me his copy of ‘Hemisperes’.

    I think someone told them to call you that! My mother once crossed the street, while with a couple of her friends, to avoid me dressed like Gary Numan. My own mother.

    I used to waer a cloak, top hat and cane. I was questioned for being Jack the Ripper twice! (and if you don’t tell anyone, but i’ve done it in the garden where Peter Sutcliffe was arrested)

    Bullies are terrible. They were great when I was at school. Not content with a simple beating, bungied to the goal posts and ‘snowballed’ (almost) into unconsciousness, but my captors favourite would be to heat a screwdriver across a capacitor and see how long they could hold it against my calf before I would scream. It did take four of them – they had to split they brain cells! I say it in a very casual manner, but I when they knock you about in training it wasn’t as bad as school. Pussies.

    Now-and-again I wonder what would happen if I bumped into one of them now?

    Scottish TV: Still Game (but DO NOT watch the last episode), Rab C Nesbitt (my favourite), Chewin’ the Fat are good places to start. However, Gary: Tank Commander, Happy Hollidays and Dear Green Place rule too. How are you with the language?

    All of them all on YT! Here is a selection…

    (the best clip)

    F is for Family is very funny. Best bit: when he drove his son to the airport and told him he had been drafted! I am not a ‘comedy’ person. The worst thing are comedians…not funny. I am a massive fan of the works of Jerry Sadowitz. He is one of the worlds greatest card magicians. He is also a good friend of ours. He is funny because he “means it”. He is also a bit of a psychopath…it is in the adverts for his shows:


    The first time I met him was after a gig and he thought I was going to beat him up because he made fun of me on stage. It took us a few moments to convince him the opposite was true. Shouldn’t have taken Derek. I asked if I could have a photo with him and he did this…

    unspeakable acts in the street! 2

    Other people just seem to be trying to hard. Paul Smith is funny, but he just talks to people. Bill wasn’t ‘funny’, but told you the truth in a ‘funny’ way. You know what I mean?

    If he came out to ‘Wild Boys’ I wouldn’t have been able to take him seriously. Unless you mean he “came out” to Wild Boys? Dave watches cage fighters…the show ponies of fighting. Dave also considers MMA a ‘martial art’.

    Spectre Miniatures do guys in tracksuits…check them out.

    @ceppie – the bottom vehicle is awesome! Nice finds. 100pts.

    I watched a survival thing where they dumped some chumps on Victoria Island (I think) over by yourself. They were all alone except for a phone if they need the jack-wagon. I watched 4 episodes, but can’t remember what it was called.

    In your show I doubt they would get 15 miles! I would watch that on pay-per-view. I am waiting for Prison Gladiators! Ever watch ‘Celebrity Deathmatch’?



    @ceppie – the show was called ‘Alone’ and it was set on Vancouver Island. Jamie remembered the name and I checked.

    I also found this guy…


    Former Colonel Manfred Von Loksberg. Secrets of the Third Reich scientist and bad ass. Hairs not included.

    I have also been doing a little bit of work on my Munar lander.

    front_Untitled Space Craft_2

    Closing time is tomorrow at 2200hrs. Time enough to get all your stuff finished.



    @sundance – now I want to eat Marzipan! I can see where you are going now…looking forward to seeing your next steps.



    @ceppie cheers for the info on Traveller. I’ll mention it to my mate Steve. He wants to run a sci-fi campaign after we finish our current D&D story. Would the RPG side handle ship-building? He really wants that to be a feature. Kind miniature based, RPG where our ship is as much a character as the crew. Each player has a role on the ship too.
    And thanks for the tip about the eggs!
    Wargame Exclusive do make better GW minis than GW

    @oriskany hahaha, you place me in such esteemed company for that award! Do we get a prize in the BoW annual awards? Is the prize being told personally by Warren that our names are a pain in the arse? 😀
    Try picking up some cheap minis to practice your skin tones on. I’ve got a decent collection of Kingdom Death minis, the regulars and the pin-ups, like you I was not wanting to mess them up. But I’ve been practicing skin tones on other minis, especially Elves and the the like. I’m mentally ready to start work on all my Kingdom Death stuff. Steve keeps pushing me to do it too! 🙂

    @sundancer the buildings look great. I had a look through your project. Good work!

    @unclejimmy what can I say about no Traveller? When it came to RPG we had to find our own, so we picked what we’d heard of. D&D, Star Wars. My high school best mate David brought Cyberpunk 2020 to our attention. My brother Luke decided Vampire and Werewolf looked interesting so he picked those up. This was all in the 90’s

    Sounds like King Mowgli, surveying his domain. Lord of all he sees! Lilli sounds like a loveable terror.
    What you say about learning about people is true. Especially of those that we hold dear.

    This Is Serious Mum!
    Did you work it out? Or did I spoil it for you?

    My brother won’t. It’s something that has been bothering him for a little while. While he’s young he’ll recover well and quickly, so he’ll take care of it. He is sensible like that.

    That’s a dream list of bands and artists to see! I’m a little envious! I’ve got to catch more live stuff.

    Well, I did get some painting done. All got a wash of Army Painter Dark Tone. Start working up highlights on some of them. The three guys on the left need a bit more base colour on some components. IMG_5753IMG_5754IMG_5755



    @unclejimmy It’s all the same vehicle. It comes with all that shit and more, and you can swap parts in and out any way you like.

    We always know when a federal election is coming. We get a lot more of this:


    Came home to find out the roofers had been lounging around in the house and helped themselves to my booze when Vi and I were at work. They even told Vi our wine was great!

    They accomplished exactly half of one side of the garage, when their boss said the entire roof would be shingled in two days. Today they said their compressor broke; yesterday they said the roofing nails weren’t delivered with the shingles, so they sat around all day waiting for their ride. They were dropped off, as none of them have a license due to DUI’s, or lack of a vehicle. Good thing they were gone when I got home. Managed an hour of teaching at my LGS, but that was the end of me. Too ill.

    Tomorrow there will be a ‘Come to Jesus meetin’ when I get home. I’m not too old to play poke chest/smash mouth.

    Time to get some sleep. I’ll look for a roll of pennies in the morning.



    Good Morning All!

    I may get back to some hobbying today. We’ll see what I feel like after chatting with the roofers.

    @sundancer what are your buildings made of? They look really good!

    @unclejimmy Manfred is an awesome mini! Pretty sure I don’t own a miniature, or anything else for that matter, that doesn’t have cat hair in it or on it!

    Here’s what the $7.00 tank comes with. I’ll use the single plasma cannon, and use a lot of the other stuff elsewhere. Quite a bargain.

    tank sprue

    @rayzryr Traveller is a great RPG system. MegaTraveller came out in ’94 I believe, and was a three-book streamlined version of the original 80’s system.


    This copy is $50 CAD onamazon. Here’s the link:

    It’s better organized than the original, but essentially the same game. You can design ships from these books, but if you’re hardcore about ship design, I’d recommend this:


    Here’s one on Amazon:

    Warning: this book is not for the faint hearted. It’s a steep learning curve, and very detailed. You don’t need to take my word for it. Ask @oriskany or @unclejimmy . The blurb:

    “Starships, aircraft, and vehicles, in almost infinite variation, are at your command, from fusion-power grav tanks to advanced technology lighter-than-air ships, from gigantic armored star cruisers to delicate ornithopters. Pick your power plants from a selection that ranges from primitive steam engines to matter-antimatter annihilation, with side excursions to solar power, batteries, explosive power generation, or even cold fusion.

    Tired of just playing with jump drives? Tailor your campaign around a wide selection of FTL options, from natural wormholes to stargates, stutterwarp, or hyperspace drives. Or if FTL is too advanced for you, conquer space the hard way, with Bussard hydrogen ram jets or Daedalus thermonuclear pulse drives. The cybernetics chapter alone has dozens of entries and provides a rich basis for adding cybernetic enhancement to any science fiction game.

    Weaponry isn’t slighted either. Rules and supporting data enable you to design small arms, conventional cannons, gauss weapons, plasma and fusion weapons, lasers, particle accelerators, meson guns, missiles, and more. Or counter them with reactive armor, electrostatic armor, meson screens, or nuclear dampers.”

    These two items are all you’ll need. Mongoose recently came out with an updated version that is watered down crap for today’s 3-second attention spans. I felt violated and scammed when I picked up the new design book.


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