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Tagged: UJW, unofficial weekender
This topic contains 115 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by unclejimmy 1 year, 8 months ago.
August 13, 2019 at 2:43 pm #1425906
Good Morning All!
No hobbying done yesterday. I crawled into bed and slept 14 hours. I still feel like shit, but at least I’m not in danger of falling asleep and drowning in my coffee mug. Not sure how much I’ll get done today either. I may just have a hot bath and crash when I get home.
@robert nice work on the Nurgle models. My favourite stuff to use on dead things is Gw’s sepia wash. Looks especially good over a white or light grey base colour.
@unclejimmy the Tractor Mul sounds like a really versatile piece of kit. My hope is to have one remote per section eventually, but for now I’ll only have them at platoon: one missile tractor and one minigun tractor.
I like the idea of casualty retrieval too. Dreamforge makes a pretty cool medic and robot mule:
I think I’ll need to add better feet; it looks like a leper right now… not much traction. I’m also going to have one of these per section in airborne and mountain platoons to carry kit.
August 13, 2019 at 2:50 pm #1425909@sundancer chocolate peanut butter sandwich? You are a man of good taste, aren’t you!
I’m going to have to check out your project there. And find a local source for that material by the looks of it.@ceppie I’ve not played Traveller, haven’t come across it. Is it more RPG or mini’s combat based?
Those are some sweet looking Kroot hounds.
Get better! Having the bug hit while you’re at work is rough. Last time I got sick I slept it off. Sounds like that’s your plan.
Actual egg shell for terrain building?!?@skiptotheend Spaced was a great show. The buildings look like they’re coming together really well.
@robert looks like much fun was had over the weekend. Those Nurglings look great. The Plague Bearers look great too! It seems as though the contrast paints do serve them well. With the Nurglings all bunched up like that, did you find that you had to paint each colour in and wait for it to dry before putting a different paint on?
@unclejimmy bloody computers. Copy paste is probably your best friend with my name…
I’ll have to check out Mr Cushing as the Doctor. I went a away and googled that. I’ll still have to watch them though.
What a lovely picture of the cat.These new Marines have been brewing since the Horus Heresy. The next generation that the Emperor had planned but never released, is the basic story.
Hahaha! I thought I had a pretty good idea what a Space Marine kept in his codpiece… is it not his cash from payroll?I guess maybe I was a late-comer, but my ex never accused my of that… haha!
A pound for ANYTHING? Geez, you’d never get a deal like that from GW these days… I’ve never bought much from Forgeworld, though it is nice to drool at their website occasionally.
Probably a pretty sweet music collection that you’ve got by the description of it. Seems like Heather has a thing for men in makeup? Boy George, Marilyn Manson…
I did see him once live at the Big Day Out. A now defunct music festival that used to tour Oz. It was always a good mix of different music, big names and small. I saw Manson, Korn, Hole and Soulfly all in the same day. Should’ve ditched Hole and gone to see TISM while I was there.Your uncle pulled you out of school on a “family emergency” to go see a movie? Classic, that’s what uncles should do. It’s those kind of events that make for good childhood memories, surely.
I thank you very much for good thoughts on my brother. He put off the surgery, but he’ll get that done soon.
China for a week would be great. What bands do you see in Newcastle? Funnily enough the last live band I saw was in Newcastle… an old mining town a couple of hours north of Sydney.
I’m currently living somewhere in between. About half way between. Close enough to the Sydney to get there easily. Far enough away that there isn’t so much congestion and crowds.I enjoyed Infinity, but it seems most of the crowd around here is tournament focused. My experience with them has only been positive, but time and commitment to the game haven’t led to me taking it up. I’m interested to see how they’ll implement the new dungeon crawl style game they’re working on for it.
No, Marilyn Manson wasn’t directly responsible for that tragedy. Those that carried out the act weren’t even fans of his. But plenty of people wanted to pin it on him. And he’d painted a great big target on himself.
I did get some work done on the Marines last night and earlier this evening. Pictures tomorrow as proof, promise!
Have a good night everyone.August 13, 2019 at 3:29 pm #1425914Good Morning @rayzryr . Thanks for the well wishes. I’m sure whatever bug I have will pass with a few days of relative down time.
Traveller was originally an RPG, but there are rules in it for mass combat. I’ve never played more than a section at a time but I’m sure it will scale up to platoon just fine. In the campaign (and in campaigns past) everyone will play both a naval character, in a ship in orbit around the planet, and also a ground pounder. Each ‘day’ in game terms I’ll do actions in orbit, and then ground pounder stuff. I’ll switch back and forth if the naval and ground characters need to interact. The guys on the ground will be in charge of the combat team: infantry teams or armour, or recce.
I’ve always played the aliens in the past (like a DM playing everything in the world in AD&D), but if I can get enough players I’ll create two sides and just referee, and look after indigenous tribes and other nasty local things.
If the game doesn’t scale up as well as I’d like I’ll use the Striker rules from back in the day, which were designed for Traveller mass combat.
Yes, I’m using actual egg shell to make the cobble. It works well, as long as you peel out the membrane from the inside. Otherwise the shell will want to pop up and return to its round shape. Just lay down some glue and crush the stuff flat with your hand — instant cobble!
August 13, 2019 at 3:48 pm #1425917@oriskany Yeah thanks mate, we’re all good here. Hope the same applies to yourself mate.
Yeah she is a bit on the hot side, which had absolutely nothing to do with my decision to click the link that led me to realise she was in a band 😀
@unclejimmy I can fully understand Jamie feeling like that. I’m not a fan of material appreciation either. never figured out why the watch a man wears or the car he drives makes him a better person than the guy with the casio and a skateboard.
Yeah when I started work my wage was £32 (I was just an apprentice though) but then again I could fill my car with petrol for about £10. £350 is bloody good money he’s doing really well for himself. Just goes to show that closing one door in your life can lead to a better opportunity behind the next door you open.
What Eve and her friends have done is fantastic. You must be really proud.
Yeah Battle line worked for a while…. then the game started 😀
@ceppie I dont know why he stopped painting, he was getting really good at it. I suppose his Autism played a big role in it. H just struggled with keeping his concentration for so long and I ended up having to finish Mini’s that he got bored with.
Excellent battle boards Sir.
@rayzryr WWX is one of those games that scales beautifully so you can play it with anything really, from four of five mini’s on a 3×3 board to a couple of dozen mini’s with vehicles and heavy weapon specialists on a 4×4 board or even bigger if you want to. We use about 1500 pts (was 2000pts before the new update lowered the points values of everything).
Yeah unfortunately I was defeated (trounced is the word we use around here). I shall try the no pics it didnt happen rule, but I can’t see him letting me get away with it 😀
@skiptotheend love the buildings Sir. I really do like the 4ground stuff, its so detailed.
@robert Nuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrggggllleee……love em!
August 13, 2019 at 3:51 pm #1425918At work on a huge rooftop installing solar panels. Its hot and sucks. A quick pic of the mini I finished and sealed lastnight.
Now for ogres and leave off of the naked boobs for a bit. I know.. boohoo
August 13, 2019 at 4:29 pm #1425921@ceppie those minotaurs look awesome!
@unclejimmy – I literally just finished re-watching peepshow and enjoyed it more now than when it came out. The ending is just perfect for that show.
I have watched some of the carry on films although not all, i remember enjoying carry on up the khyber. I’m a bit sad that only fools and horses isn’t on netflix (they only have season 4?!) as ive watched odd episodes but never seen it all the way through
I’ll check out force on force definately! I just printed off skirmish sangin at work so I have alot of reading to do now!
I’d like to see some terrain as I will probably scratch build some stuff of my own afterwards. I was really tempted to use the 4ground terrain and try and make ‘Satriales’ from the sopranos (i’m learning italian due to the girlfriend and I can slip it in as “educational” – even though even their dialect slang is terrible! haha)
But i feel i’d have to chop up quite a bit to make it work, picture of satriales below:
which would be great to put in to a line of the 4ground americana shops I have
I also built one more middle eastern adobe building:
i believe i own some assault group ‘nam figures I think? Will put them on the list!
The thing i like about enter shikari is they try to make the live event great and shunned the normal routes into the music industry. Also the first review of their first album I read helped. It basically stated “5 stars, I’m old and don’t understand it fully, the kids seem to like it and there’s something about it” haha – and to be fair thats how I feel about them
I imagine system of a down are awesome to see live. The specials /a.ka etc were the sort of bands my mum loved, whilst my dad loved prog. I think the specials have been churning out music again if im right?
@ceppie nice cobbles I always just end up cutting up card and putting down some wall filler, this would save me about an hour of cutting card! haha
@robert those are some nicely painted nurglings you have there!
@shingen never trust gandhi! that’s what I have learnt haha, there is one specific scenario on CIV II that I found it was set after the fall of Alexander the great and before the rise of rome.
Rome were a ridiculously powerful faction and the idea was to try and hold them back, whilst having strife with the other nations I can upload if anyones interested but by far is one of the best fan made scenarios I’ve seen.
Rome is to be ai, the other playables are: macedonia, phyrrus, selucids, ptolymaics, carthage, celts (although the weakest by a long way)
@biggabum they are really nice – there’s a few bits i’ll change as on the garage some of the areas feel like they could be easily damaged, but the overall look once done is beautiful!
August 13, 2019 at 5:21 pm #1425924@horati0nosebl0wer very … perky! 🙂 Honestly, good work! When I could tear my eyes away I noticed how well you shaded the cloak. What kind of ogres are you painting?
I recently began picking up some Wargame Exclusive Tau females to use as aliens in Traveller. They are more risqué than I would like, but female models are hard to find.
I may paint the skin as a body suit.
Another great mini:
Zealot will occasionally have female torsos and heads in stock, but it’s hit-or-miss.
@skiptotheend Good call on the ‘educational’ Italian project! I can usually justify working on terrain, or at least the battle boards, as I’m getting paid for those, but it’s hard to justify painting mini’s! Looks like you definitely have the skills to pull off that Satriale’s Store!
@biggabum Too bad. Painting seems like something you and Matty really enjoyed doing together. Well, at least you can still get your ass handed to you in WWX! 🙂
August 13, 2019 at 5:44 pm #1425930Okay, I’m overdue for some replies.
@ceppie – yes, the 6-A*-8 is the autocannon 3-barrel 20mm autocannon. The “C” is a typo, I have to remove that. Apaches are not troop transports). In the game a pair of Apaches (one counter) has an effective range against platoon/battery sized targets of 8 = 1200 meters.
The weapons loadout would b e up to the player. In our playtest, all four pylons were loaded with Hellfires. So two “game volleys” with ratings: 50-G-20. You could also switch one of those out for the anti-infantry rockets, probably a 25-H-10 or some such. Totally guessing there.
Speaking of 1991 Gulf War Panzer Leader, tinkered with a few more counters. Again, I have to go back and fix many of these, they have small errors in them. Then many new counters have to be added, like Kiowa scout helos, M3 IFVs to distinguish from M2 APCs, M113s, M-60A3s and LAV-25s for the USMC, M109A5 Paladins, there’s a lot to do. A-10 Warthogs and B-52s will also be added as airstrike counters (not really “units” per say).
Damn, I hope you feel better soon. 😀
@unclejimmy : Napoleonics players used to bore the arse off me when I used to go to a club. Every turn has to be exactly how it really happened…what’s the point of playing? – Sounds like they’re not doing it right. The point of games like that is to set it up exactly how it STARTED, then give the players free options from there. The problem with battles this far back is that movement and battlefield communications are so bad, it’s tough to <i>realistically </i>change things once set up from a historical starting point. So sometimes players feel frustrated. On the other hand, sometimes this historical players go too far.
I like the Traktor Muls – reminds me of the old M50 USMC Ontos.
Damn, @robert – those plague bearers looks nasty! Almost like the dancers in a South Florida gentlemens’ club when the lights come up at closing time. 😮 😮 😮
@rayzryr – Other candidates for the “just copy/paste it” UserID Award are @suetoniuspaullinus and @horati0nosebl0wer . Speaking of which …
@horati0nosebl0wer : I love your minis! There was a whole cardboard box of “politically incorrect females” for sale at Historicon, a whole range of poses I probably shouldn’t get into here. I keep wanting to try minis like this, or Kingdom Death pinups, but I’m afraid I’ll mess them up. Painting women and painting tanks are very different. Example: I’m not bad with tanks, but I’m ass at planes. Aircraft are a very different skill set, smoother, cleaner lines, smoother finish, etc. For these reasons I’m never brave enough to try pinup type minis.
@biggabum – cool deal. Hope you start winning games soon! My luck’s been running hot and cold lately. Tied @elessar2590 with my VC against his Australians in Vietnam, won with my Russians against @damon at Darkstar, lost with my Germans against @yavasa at Panzer Leader.
@skiptotheend – Satriales! YES! My mom’s side of the family comes from this part of New Jersey. That’s a real meat store, but has a different name in real life. You can only build it, though, if you also build a Bada-Bing! and a Vesuvios and Tony’s house as well. 😀 Don’t forget the 28mm ducks to go in the pool. 😀
August 13, 2019 at 5:59 pm #1425935@woldenspoons – too right it was! 100pts. I have it on PDF.
I also played ‘Villians & Vigilantes’ by the amazing FGU. I have never been a fan of “fantasy” things. Far too inconsistant for me. The exception might be Mr. Moorcock. I will blame my dad for having the books!
What were you supposed to be studying and where? I went as a mature student. I loved it. It was so good I went back three more times. I was an Uni the year they removed grants. I was working so it wasn’t so bad. After that my employers paid. It wasn’t even an option when I went to school. Another paradox of youth! I would love to go back to 1988 and kick my own ass.
Geedubya? Wa gwan, blud! Man got thirsty. Scene. Is this like ‘Windtalkers’? It was great when I lived in Sheffield…all they young Asian lads talking like they were from Somalia. I just used to laugh at them. White scrotes from Leeds sound like it too. Weird. I blame rap music, Ali G, and fuckwitted parents.
The original WD’s used to have everything in it. It was a Traveller scenario that got me to buy my first copy…before I even knew what games were! It was 75p. Wacoshop used to sell everyone’s games too. My first copy of Call of Cthulhu RPG came from there, Twilight 2000, and all the little self-typed rules like Challenger and Shock of Impact.
The last time I was in a Wacoshop, at least 8 years ago, you couldn’t use other paints or even talk about other games! A stand-in manager even asked me not to use a Series 7 brush. I smiled and said it was fine. I had a load of GW brushes in my box, but only 3 Series 7’s. He said it was policy, but I told him that I would have to insist it was fine. Wit’ a choob. Turns out he got caught wearing his girlfriends gruts when he came to work. He was offered a full-time position at another local store and the regulars got a petition together saying they would boycott the store if he was the manager. I won’t mention his name.
I had Blockmania and the JD RPG…still got that too. Brilliant game. We still play Talisman. Dave has the 40K version and we gave that a go. Pretty good too. The only game I missed was Mummy’s Tomb game. That was while I was working away.
Chainsaw Warrior was my favourite! When I go down to Dave’s I often flick through a copy of WD while using the facilities. Without any exaggeration I have bought “art books” with more text in them. (e.g., Razzle)
They sold all the gaming magazines. Well, the few that existed. I was away for a few years and wandered in one day and it was full of children. When I was 17 and going in to GW all the gamers talked down to me because I was so young and had just started playing. Next thing it is a creche. I only had one foot in the shop when an assistant assaulted me. Had I not been carrying stuff for an evening meal then I might have got a grip of him. Beware of change.
I thought my Vic20 was the bollocks, but it was the beginning of the end. All you have to do is watch YouTube for an hour and Stevie Wonder could see we are getting very close to the start of the “end times”. Not in a Biblical sense, but more like ‘last days of Rome’. We are getting close.
How can you tell I have been in all afternoon by myself?
August 13, 2019 at 7:12 pm #1425941@unclejimmy I was simplifying we got all those games too. I remember playing the Dredd RPG and my Tech Judge Diablo. He was bloody useless. All the rest of our patrol were hard bitten warriors with bionics everywhere. My guy still had baby soft skin. Good Times.
Spent years playing golden heroes, my brother, don’t let him hear me say this, was a bloody great GM. Long campaigns Arch villians he did the lot. He pretty much gmd all our games.
Can’t believe the guy who calls them Wacoshop has an issue with my Geedubya.
As for Chainsaw Warrior that was the game I wanted rebooting in a recent weekender thread. Maybe one day I will do it.
I’m not much younger than you I believe so telling me all about wd back in the day is old news. I remember getting confused why they were bringing out Rogue Trader when they already had Rogue Trooper.
I did not do Business information Technology at Stafford Uni. And just quit in possibly one of worst decisions ever.
August 13, 2019 at 7:16 pm #1425942August 13, 2019 at 7:56 pm #1425948@ceppie – that is exactly what I was talking about. They even have a tracking version that runs like an animal. Not cool. Boston Dynamics have all sorts of scary videos on YT.
That is a brilliant mini. I love the legs. Perfect. 200pts. I like that the sensor is ‘following’ where the trooper is going. Tasty.
Remotes are very useful in Infinity. However, that is all Ariadna really have. The other, more advanced, forces have some really nasty stuff. You can also use them to hack through! Naughty, naughty…very naughty. Some of them can climb walls and have ODD’s. A bit like Predator and makes you -6 to hit. That is pretty bad when you are using a D20.
So, an averge trooper with an assault weapon is BS 13. You are at medium range and in the open…D20 hitting on 13 or less, but +3 for the range and you have 3 shots coming at you. Not good odds. However, ODD gives you a better chance. Add partial cover for another -3. Lethal.
Those bootleg Tau are delicious.
@rayzryr – you have never played Traveller? (almost faints) You have never come across it! It is the end times for sure…
That was Mowgli watching over his garden when I first got him. When his brother dies the woman form Cat Protection rang and asked if I wanted to take another cat to keep Mowgli company. I got Lilli. She had been feral and was about a year old. She used to play with the foxes in the wood opposite my house.
When I moved back home they both just fit in with the other three cats we had at the time. When the local children were heading home from school he would sit on the wall and they would fuss him. He got xmas cards from them!
Lilli would come in first thing in the morning covered in cobwebs/dust and smelling of foxes.
I can show you what he has…
We called it “Horn of War”. That is a full-size SM for Dawn of War 2 in the enterance to GW HQ in Nottingham. I did send them a copy, but never got a reply.
The old jokes are the best. I was Special Forces so i’m trained to get in-and-out without anyone noticing…
He was a great uncle, but it is what you learn about people later that changes what you think of them. He was a massive twat and still is according to my mother. He lives alone with some 16 year-old girlfriend…if she is to be believed. When I was younger he really spoiled me. He has three daughters and no boys. You don’t need to be a harsh Freudian to get that one.
I never thought about the make-up angle before! I will ask her when she gets in. When it comes down to it she prefered Dita. 500pts. I used to love buying records. Every saturday morning at 1000hrs Keith and I would head into Newcastle to buy music. Those were dangerous times to show your musical alliances. If you went up the wrong way into the Handyside Arcade, to buy badges, you might have to walk past the Heavy Metal lads who didn’t really like Keith in his Pork-Pie hat and strip glasses or me wearing fingerless fishnet gloves. No wonder I was so good at escape and evasion. No kidding, you could get a punch in the back of the head for having the wrong record in your bag from Virgin. It was a sad day when they made the bags see-through.
The worst crime back then was being ‘square’. That would get you an instant kicking…if you were lucky. Being ‘square’ was wearing badges and/or t-shirt of conflicting genres. I am not joking. When I was on holiday aged 12-13 (my birthday was during our summer holiday) I was stopped by four locals when they noticed I was wearing a Duran Duran badge and a Crass badge. Then they discovered I was not from around there. I was VERY lucky that day. The good old days.
TISM? I’ll work it out. I started young going to see bands. When I was 13 I was offered a ticket to go and see a band. It was Slade and I had 20 minutes to decide. Second best decision I ever made. I always loved music from being really young and my grandfather played the piano very well. This was something else. These guys were firing it at me from 45 feet away and it made me feel like I was going to wet my pants. It was amazing. Still is. I have no idea how many bands I have seen, but I have seen one band 66 times since I was 15. I took Jamie to see his first show just after his 12th birthday – Steel Panther. Then we went to see Rush. I am a great parent!
My Newcastle is a bit less sunny than yours. The north of England…just before Scotland. We live just outside Durham and you can see the famous Cathedral from our bedroom window. I do spend a lot of the time on the banks of Loch Fyne when I need a break from all the noise, but not as much now that I can’t ride my motorbike anymore.
I hope your brother doesn’t put it off too long…than is never a good idea. I’m sure he knows what he is doing. I spend quite a bit of time in hospitals too! I’ll be thinking about him.
What bands do I see in Newcastle? Most of them growing up as back then it was impossible to get to other gigs. Kids these days do not know they are born. My granny used to say that and I thought she was just old, but she was right. Where do I start? Toyah kissed me when I was 13 behind the Mayfair (I skipped school to get an autograph), Bauhaus scared me to death at 13 too as I had to go wearing my school uniform, Stiff Little Fingers, Siouxie and the Banshees, Cure, Smiths, Rage Against the Machine, Damned (loads of times), Gary Numan, and I met Bill Hicks when he played Newcastle Uni student union.
Heaps more. I also sat 6 feet from Tori Amos as she sang ‘Landslide’ by Stevie Nicks. She looked right at me as she played and sang. I could feel myself blushing. It was wonderful. We used to go all over to see bands – any excuse for a road trip. Glasgow is always my favourite ‘other’ venue. We have a friend who has a sort of tribute band, but it isn’t…the Symths Experience. We see them if I am well enough. Brilliant.
I have no real interest in tournament games. I did win our club Blood Bowl tournament in 2009, but that was just a fun thing. I am always wary of playing games with total strangers. Some people get so pissed off when they lose I always worry they will tip the table or try and hit me!
I look forward to seeing what the new game is like too.
No pictures? Strike one.
@biggabum – I have never worn a watch since I was 14 and saw Easy Rider. If you wear a £20000 watch all it shows to me is that you are a dildo with too much money and a tiny champer.
As long as they both keep showing their father how much they love him by buying models…i’m good. For Father’s Day they got me a portable spray-booth. I knew all those beatings would pay off!
Eve just does stuff like that. When they were not at school we used to send them to do voluntary work. They both did it until the were 18+. It was good for both of them.
@horati0nosebl0wer – AWESOME! The green is very striking. 200pts. I love redheads too.
@skiptotheend – the end of the series is perfect. I wouldn’t pull him off either! Have you seen ‘Back’? Very sinister. We sometimes put it on Netflux and just let it run. Heather also watched ‘Fresh Meat’ and I thought it was quite funny.
Have you seen any BBC Scotland stuff?
I think it is on YT, but you have to watch ‘Carry On Screaming’. Jon Pertwee is in it as the mad doctor. The best of the lot. Carry On Camel too as it stars Phil Silvers.
One of my M-E roadside buildings.
Italian? Sopranos? Ah, forget out it. 100pts. I want to see that when you build it. I fancied some of the TTCombat versions for ZombieTV games.
Basically – not allowed! Warning. Prog rules forever. Well, the songs are pretty long!
@oriskany – that is not how they played it! Boring old wankers.
That must be their great-great-great grandfather. Nasty thing that. Must be noisey?
August 13, 2019 at 8:02 pm #1425949@woldenspoons – as if I would have a problem with anything? My first Judge was on an exchange visit…Judge Koskin. Died in a huge fireball when his bike exploded.
What Uni? 100pts. Maybe it was either the wrong time or the wrong subject? You still have time.
There is a computer version of Chainsaw Warrior…or there was.
August 13, 2019 at 8:10 pm #1425951@unclejimmy – the M50 Ontos? All I know is that the Marine Corps ditched them pretty quickly. That should tell you something. When the funding-starved, equipment-starved, always-using-weapons-two generations-old-because-we-operate-off-the-US-Navy’s-tablescraps … when the US Marine Corps turns its nose up at equipment … man, you know it’s bad. 🙁
I like the space marine statue. What’s up with the arrows on the knees? So players remember how to set the mini on the table? 😀
Epic desert building! I like the weathering along the paint on the bottom.
Oh, I meant to say – thanks very much for the kind words on the Sitrep Podcast thread. 😀 😀 😀
Have no fear, @yavasa – those were new counters I had never playtested, what I really needed was artillery and we weren’t using indirect fire in a tutorial “demo game” – and I make it a point to never “beat up” a player to whom I’m trying to teach / introduce a game.
I don’t throw the game, of course, or let the new player win or lose on purpose. After all, I find that new players dislike being patronized as much as they dislike being curb-stomped by experienced players who are “teaching” them the game.
What I usually do is set up an “impossible” game for myself … or at least a very hard game … and then play as hard as I can. This way the new player can watch me and learn, but at the same time I’m not steam-rolling a new player who’s trying to learn the rules of a game that admittedly has a pretty significant learning curve.
August 13, 2019 at 8:48 pm #1425980@oriskany do you think I have a set of those counters when you’re done? 🙂 They’re gorgeous, as usual.
some of the kit looks VERY familiar. I crew commanded an M577 Queen Mary in Germany (I think it says m557 on the counter though). What’s with the ‘0’ attack rating? Mine had a Ma Deuce on the cupola — and I was damn good with it! ;-).
I have questions about some of the numbers. Why only a range of 2 on the American infantry? Also, their defense rating is the same as for Iraqi infantry. Doesn’t body armour account for something? Or is that all supposed to be encompassed in the A-D morale system? Just curious. I’m sure it’s all very well thought out!
@unclejimmy Wargame Exclusive makes GW stuff better than GW.
Their skimmer pilots look like they’re dry humping their machines, but still a good model. I also like the turret gunner, mean to replace a drone in a devilfish, or three drone skimmer like the one above.
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