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This topic contains 115 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  unclejimmy 1 year, 8 months ago.

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    Good Morning All!

    Some chores this morning and back to battle boards. I also need to finish the minotaur ballistae build.

    IMG_0774 (2)

    @horati0nosebl0wer Great work on the medusa thingie! I always find that I’m happy with a mini until I take a pic of it. The camera really shows the holes in my game.

    I find this site is motivation enough to get things done!

    @oriskany Now that you mention it, Panzerblitz was probably one of my best bargains ever! Not that I got it for less than retail, but if you consider how much mileage I got, and still get, from that game, $14 was a steal!

    @unclejimmy That washroom description made me gag. Worst one I was ever in was in Brindisi, near the docks, where there is still, fittingly, a statue of Moussolini (or at least there was): shit on the floor, shit in the urinals, some had plastic bags over them that had been half torn away and used anyway. There was creative scatography on the walls, and all the toilets but one were full… and I had to pay a guy out front for a square of bum wad.

    While we’re on the topic, I also have to clean the bathroom this morning.

    I’m OK with skin, although I struggle with it longer than I should. I don’t paint eyes, and there are probably only 20 people in the world who should. Most efforts look like their parents were brother and sister. Maybe I just need better magnification.

    What are Traktor Muls?

    Some token Canadian content this morning:

    Back later.



    Cult of Games Member

    @unclejimmy Glad to hear they’re all ok mate. Sounds like Jamie has got himself in a great position with his options there.

    Has Eve decided whether to go to the Dinner with Prince Charles? Sounds like it could be fun (well it would be for you and me with all the innapropriate questions we would ask) 😀 Good on her for her work with the Cancer Charity and a big congratulations on the wedding.

    Yes mate the Water Tower is from TT Combat…. funnily enough I have a pair of those Skips you have in the in the other pic. I love TT Combat stuff I have a load for The Batman Game… the whole lot cost less than a couple of Buildings from certain other Manufacturers.

    @horati0nosebl0wer That mini is gorgeous man. Love the scale work. Mmmmm I don’t see anything wrong with the skintone at all, I’d be more than happy with that. Maybe a case of being your own harshest critic?

    @ceppie Love the mini’s mate, will look mega cool when painted methinks.

    The Jeff Healey Band? I’ve seen them somewhere before…. were they in Road House (Movie with Patrick Swayze)




    Cult of Games Member

    Weeeell we got our game in today but unfotunately my phone died on me half way through the game so only got pics of the first few turns. Which isn’t a bad thing reall coz you miss the bit of the game where Matty absolutely destroys me with some really underhand tactics (Hiding Jesse James behind a building untill I forgot about him being there and moved everything up and into the open to mop up his last few survivors, then have Jesse jump out and shoot everything in the face). I lost…. in a big way.DSC_0326DSC_0327DSC_0328DSC_0329DSC_0331DSC_0332DSC_0333DSC_0334DSC_0335


    Cult of Games Member

    Okay, finally some more responses.  Sorry I’m so late.  I have this weekend off … but not entirely.

    PSC indeed make great kits, @unclejimmy .  The only two small things (and these really are SMALL things I don’t like are they usually sell everything in 5s, which is annoying … and the track assemblies.  Yours seem to have worked out great, though.  😀

    Marders are indeed very useful, and “historically useful” – a LOT of German units had them from early ’42 onwards.  Kitbashing at 1:1 scale, though, so there are a lot of versions and variants out there to look out for.  Some with German 7.5 PaK40s, some with captured Soviet 76.2mm AT guns, etc.

    And great work and pose on the Domaru!

    Shit, that reminds me, I never pledged.

    Okay, like I said, I don’t really have the weekend off.  So … I and putting a huge dent in Ops Center Episode 10 (Vietnam P2).  Everything is written, recorded, edited, and mixed … now it’s just the graphics and storyboard.  It’s due to Sitrep at midweek at the latest … so I’m still early, but only by 2-3 days.

    Also, I’m still responsible for a SitRep Stream on Sunday afternoon, even with no game scheduled and even with the 40K weekend.  So I’ll be coming up with an AI version of Valor & Victory Vietnam and running through a quick demo game and playtest tomorrow on Twitch.

    So that’s a design, setup, play, and live stream.

    Still, this whole weekend is about half speed.  Got an amazing NINE hours of sleep last night.  Felt great.

    Good to see you @rayzryr and @skiptotheend .

    Hey, @biggabum – now there’s a blast from the past!  Been a while.  Hope you are keeping well.  Looks like a great WWX game set up.

    Damn, that Black Mamba singer is pretty hot!

    @ceppie – more great work on the starship crew!

    I made about $650 USD as month as an E-2 recruit.  Graduating recruit training to infantry school / A-school we were cranked up to about $800.  This was 1989, though.  It was actually great money, so long as you weren’t married.

    And good grief, look at that model!  I’ve never seen a soldier who could carry a BALLISTA at shoulder arms!

    And OY!  Don’t blame me for the depletion of your honey whiskey.  I only drank what you gave me. 😀

    @mecha82 – Bf-109 was indeed a beautiful plane.  And 10 points for the correct name.  If I had a nickel for every time I heard it called an “Me-109” … 🙁 🙁 🙁

    Great work on the commission piece, @horati0nosebl0wer.  You can probably guess what my two favorite parts are.  😀

    @unclejimmy – the Guns of Navarone did not have trench lines.  Pretty much what you see in the photo.  Except I’m noticing now the photo didn’t really come out.  I will re-post.  German infantry that were actually in German uniforms and equipment (as opposed to the usual same guys just colored gray or tan), a garage door at the base of the mountain, an elevator that worked with a little string, medics, casualties, beds, a whole little base in there.  The tanks were a little goofy, but the jeep and halftrack were nice.

    GoN Set

    Yes, I agree the FoF rules “play” much simpler than they read.  Reading the rules the activation sequence sounds like a nightmare.  But it really isn’t.

    Yes, I have a thing for that game (PanzerBlitz / Leader / Arab-Israeli Wars) Might have something to do with the fact that it’s one of the best wargames ever designed.  It’s designer, Jim Dunnigan, later started his own company.  He won every award there was for wargame design and publication.  In 1999 they made up a new award for him: Designer of the Millennium.  Not kidding about that. Now there is a “Jim Dunnigan Award” other designers aspire to win.  When they start NAMING the awards after you, you made a big contribution to the industry.








    @horati0nosebl0wer it will look good when it’s finished. Just a few more highlights ?.

    @unclejimmy I have a foolproof system for painting faces. I call it ‘Contrast Paints’.! Apply light primer of choice. Slap flesh contrast paint of choice on semi carefully. Tada! Magic happens. I wish these paints were out when I painted my Ariadna.



    Breaking News: They found Jeffery Epstein dead in his cell. It looks like suicide. Oh yeah, looks like. It is not like we didn’t see that coming.



    @ceppie – that toilet sounds like the ones in Paisley. Except they have no toilet paper. 100pts. I went into a pub toilet and there was shit all over the light bulb…very surreal. Very German. Very Warhol…the dirty park ranger. The worst smelling toilet I never saw (thankfully) was in a jail not far from BoW. I don’t know what they had been eating, but their diet needs more fibre. Give me a warm, open grave anyday.

    I was in someones house and asked to use the facilities. It is someone I had known for ages, but never been to their house. If I tell you he was growing onions on his living room floor (in loads of cola bottles cut in half and glued together) you can maybe guess the rest. Anyway, I went into the dunny and the seat was pretty bad so I lifted it with my foot. Only half of the seat went up the rest was stuck to the bowl. It looked like an episode of Star Trek…loads of Klingons!

    Dave paints eyes while he is talking to you! He is a shit-bag, muscle-bound bastard. I tried once about ten years ago and I would rather not talk about it. Dave will paint make-up on female minis and can do the “wet-look” on dresses. Most of the time you see people do them it looks as though the mini has suffered a severe head injury!

    Traktor Mul: Ariadna version of a high-tech Remote. Quad-bike sized, with tracks,and a pair of massive rocket launchers on the side. Pretty nasty stuff. Requires an operator. You will love them.

    @biggabum – he didn’t want to be a barrister after two years. He was really down towards the exams and I got him to spill…too many wankers talking about cases equaling a new Porche and what kind of watch do you wear? He wanted to quit, but as he was half-way through a 4 year MA, it would have been a waste. He loves “the law”, but not the people he was having to work with. We talked with his tutors and they changed his course to a standard law degree. The extra year is just the barrister stuff.

    He doesn’t know what to do, but this job was just for 6 weeks to set-up their ebay store – one of Heather’s friends recommended him. We thought it would be good work experience for a CV, but they offered him a full time job running the office. I know it is vulgar to talk about money, but he makes over £350 a week. My first job made me £47.70 a week. What has happened to the world? He is off in a couple of weeks and has booked more driving lessons…he has eyes on a Skoda Octavia! My first job allowed me to get the bus.

    Eve works for one of the Energy companies and has done really well. She has her own department where they are responsible for all the finance. Eve and two of her friends got chatting about people who had outstanding bills because they were seriously ill or terminal. The cancer charity they made a proposal to is patronised by PC, they told him and he invited them to a dinner he was giving for awesome people. All 3 went and Eve left before they changed into their Lizard forms!

    She sent me a picture just before the Rolls collected them…

    eve goes to the palace

    That makes two of us now. I am no fan of fancy food and small portions. However, they did have a super Port. Not as much when we left!

    If any customers are diagnosed then their bills are stopped until they get better. No time limit either. They say three years, but technically it is infinite. (an insider told me) They also do lots of other things for the families.

    TTCombat rule. We have heaps of their stuff that gets used for Infinity. The fire escapes and air-ducts are outstanding.

    I want the big barge and convert it for Infinity!

    You started with a pretty nasty looking battle line, but it sounds like it didn’t last. Some fantastic pics. 100pts. I always loved your battle reports. Another 100pts.

    @oriskany – that is just one sprue I bought from Ebay. I have never built one before and thought I should give it a try first. My left side makes a good ‘holder’ for stuff, but is not to good at making models! Not too bad…so far. I have a few of their tanks.

    The Domaru is a single pose mini…all Infinity minis are. A shame, but I don’t care. Their minis are by far the best! I will have to get the other three finished before Jamie is on holiday next friday. With any luck the new O-12 stuff might be here before that and I can go all ‘alien’ on his skinny ass.

    What time is your stream tomorrow…I would like to give that a watch. 50pts.

    Nine hours of sleep. I don’t think I have ever slept that long in the last 30 years! I did almost 3 hours without moving, but that was while I was sedated with Morphine. Hmmmmmm, Morphine!

    This week @biggabum returns…it is starting.

    Those things with the crossbows look like Biffa Bacons mother. Google her. 100pts.

    I notice I get no points for knowing the right name…someone is teachers pet.

    The GoN set was by Airfix and OO/HO scale.

    @woldenspoons – they might be good, but I wouldn’t buy a Wacoshop product. I’ll struggle on. I am on try number 4 as I write this. I’ll post a picture as soon as I can.



    Hi All!

    Chores done. Time to finish up the second minotaur ballista, and then dive into terrain.

    @biggabum Great table and game. Wow! you’ve certainly added to your Wild West Exodus stuff since the last time you posted a battle report. There’s something about a well painted table that stirs the soul!

    I would be all about inappropriate questions to Charles. Is Camilla great in the sack? Why did you trade Di for that bed troll? I’m sure I would bow at the wrong time and show my crack to someone important… and don’t get me started on cutlery!

    So why isn’t Matty painting anymore? Is it because he can convince you to do it? 🙂 Did he run out of patience? Or was he not happy with his paint jobs? As I recall, he was improving considerably.

    Yup, the same Jeff Healey. He died not long ago… cancer I think. Shitty luck: born blind and then had his life cut short. At least he was semi-famous here, so I hope got laid a lot.

    @woldenspoons Sounds like a simple fix! I gotta get me some of that contrast flesh tone.

    @oriskany I guess things worked out pay wise to about the same. Where we made big money was on UN deployments. Lots of tax free benefits, and nothing to spend your money on… in most cases.

    Is that a recent pic of your Guns of Navarone set? It looks pristine!

    @unclejimmy one pedophile down, 1,000,000 or more to go. It’s a good start, I’ll admit.

    Every time I hear this song I think of the liftoff from the movie ‘Apollo 13’.

    Very manly, sort of like Kenny Loggins’ Danger Zone at the beginning of ‘Top Gun.’ Nothing like a little flight deck ballet to elevate the testosterone.

    This was so long ago Tom Cruise was cool.





    @ceppie – “dive into terrain”…mushrooms again? 100pts. I don’t think you can really fly.

    When was Tom Cruise ever cool? I did see him in a South Park episode…him and John Travolta wouldn’t come out of the closet. They should just have added “ing” to the end of his name and get it over with. He didn’t want to pump Nicole Kidman! I rest my case, your Honour. Have you seen her in the ‘body snatchers’ movie? 1000pts for that thought. Worth it too.

    Mr. Epstein had all of them on film. There is too much paperwork. I wonder how the Clintons will be mentioned in this? It was obvious that he would never make it to court. I hope before “he went” the Ayrians got to adjust the size of his anus for him. I have seen Oz.

    Would you not have asked Charlie who ordered the hit? Mummy or Daddy. The night of the accident I was listening to the radio and heard the first news about the crash. Diana was seen walking into the ambulance and the French Police had reports of ‘men in black balaclavas’ heading out of the tunnel and up onto the road. We listened until she had been pronounced dead at about 0500hrs. Strange thing is that we scanned the TV channels and nothing was mentioned in the UK until 0700hrs.

    Charles lives in Transylvania some of the year ever since he found he is related to Vlad the Impaler. No kidding.

    CPB must have been risen from the dead. She is no oil painting…Dali maybe! However, she must have given him the once over when he was really young. My friend John always said if you go with an older woman “sex” will never be the same again. Maybe she can lick the coating from a non-stick pan while frying a bacon sanger? One dreads to think…

    Top Gun was shit. They couldn’t even get real MiGs. They didn’t even try. I had to go and see it with a girl I was going out with. As an aside…I didn’t even get my Nat King.





    Well, I am on my fifth and final attempt with this ‘skin’. If I fail then he gets camo-paint on his chops! I am going to have a bite to eat and some milk before I try again. Wish me luck.

    @ceppie – this is a TM…


    @oriskany – I also found some pictures of the sets I was talking about.





    The first one I bought was about £5 when I was 7-8. Very expensive.


    Cult of Games Member

    I found some nice “bunker doors” at the end of some breakfast chocolate



    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks, @unclejimmy – eh … Lemme say 7PM UK Time tomorrow, after the 40K weekend has perhaps died down a little.  It won’t be a big deal.  Just a small little demo game of USMC vs. NVA, 1967 hill fights during the build-up to Tet.

    I agree the “MiG-28s” (F-5 Freedom Fighters) in Top Gun were pretty sad.  The only “real” MiGs they could’ve gotten at the time though are MiG-19s and MiG-21s captured by Israelis.  These things would have been pathetic against F-14C or D Super Tomcats.  At the time the Su-27 and MiG-29 was barely in the protoype stage, clearly these are the next-gen Soviet fighter craft they were “aiming” for with the MiG-28.  I remember being 15 in the theater and laughing.  They couldn’t even get the name right.  MiGs all carry odd numbers, you dumbasses!  But hey, compared to Iron Eagle (came out earlier the same year), Tom Gun was practically a documentary.  A different time.

    That Waterloo set is awesome!

    We don’t really do French Foreign Legion or Napoleonics here.  In the States those slots are taken by Wild West “Cavalry vs. Indian” sets for kids and American Civil War.

    @ceppie – no, my GoN set is long long gone.  Apparently people are still selling them on e-Bay.



    @unclejimmy I didn’t say the movie Top Gun was good, just the song and the first five minutes. F-5’s for MIG’s, and they’re supposed to be Russian jets carrying Exocet missiles? I spent most of the movie rolling my eyes. You should see his co-star love interest now… total battle heifer!

    I’m sure mommy ordered the hit on Di… never crossed my mind to ask Charles about it. I met him at a mess dinner once, just before I threw up a cigar I had eaten on a bet. I blame the port.

    First board more or less done. I just need to touch up the edges. River boards have already been delivered, along with two of these flat boards. They are 2′ by 2′, just like GW ones. If you don’t have river boards you can pretty much get away with a doctored vinyl mat and scatter terrain.



    Next: I start with the same green edge as a default on all the boards, so you don’t have a sudden straight line of a different colour of foliage from one board edge to the next. No gravel or any other stuff to tilt bases, and all variations in the terrain will be accomplished with scatter terrain, rather than sculpting elevations into the boards themselves. It always looks like crap having movement trays sitting on uneven ground.


    I made four hills and four copses, and a few individual trees thus far. My favourite hill:

    IMG_0364 (2)

    This was on when I came in for a beer.

    More to follow.


    Well all it looks like I’m on the move again. My current housemate delivered a “talking to” me about everything wrong with things since I’ve moved in. I’m looking for somewhere else to live right now. It makes sense though as his new job starting shortly will give him more money and I won’t be needed to help for his rent. He will have his otaku (anime fanatic) hermitage to rule over in peace with only his cat to worry about.
    It sucks that when things just started coming together this happens, especially after setting up the display cabinets and almost having my painting station cleared. FML

    Ugh.. with all that said and done I’m feeling pretty much like ass right now. The commentary has been a boon away from it. Everybody seems to be in agreement that boobs are the salvation of most minis. As far as fake I can say that they were a little firmer than most.

    To you @woldenspoons I will say, my good fellow, that there are enough highlights. I will try for more on the next few I do to make them pop all that much more.



    It’s Sunday night. The daughter has been return safely to her Maternal household, I’ve retreated from the cold in to the comfort of my hobby space. It’s time to reengage, and reply! Wall of text warning! Replies and conversation for pages 1 and 2

    @unclejimmy The one the only eh? I feel like you’ve something of a rep on this site 🙂
    I’ll have to go back and look at old Dr Who, I don’t remember him ever kung-fu fightin’! Ha! I’ve not seen Peter Cushing as the Doctor… checking that out.
    Haha! my online name is silly, I know. It was cool when I was a teenager, I just stuck with it.
    I’m more a cat person than dog person, but I enjoy the company of both. Cats dont expect you to take them for a run around the block every day, dogs dont need a clean box to drop a turd…
    The ginger cat we had since he was a kitten, a rescue from the RSPCA. He was already named Gerry, so we left it at that. He always got on better with me than anyone else in the house. Even now that I’ve moved out he still comes to me to get scratches when I visit to pick up my daughter.
    Mowgli is gorgeous.

    So these are the new version of Space Marine, called the Primaris Marine. Now 20% Bigger, Shinier and More Fanatical! With none of the drawbacks or flaws of of your favourite original Chapter. 40% less calories. And no soul.
    Yeah, they’re bigger. They’re going to replace the original Space Marine eventually. I’ve been collecting Space MArines since Space Crusade was new in stores, so I’m still torn on the idea. But at the end of the day it’s toy soldiers, so I still enjoy painting them. GW are in this interesting situation of releasing these guys now for 40k, but still releasing standard marines for Horus Heresy stuff through Forgeworld.
    Can’t paint for toffee? We’ll see about that: I saw those tanks you had for sale, they looked pretty good to me.

    Labyrinth as a regular night at Bowie’s place, hahaha, yeah I can see that. The old video tape collection has been totally superceded by the internet. I still enjoy the idea of a CD collection myself.
    Counter question: What do you mean by “What about everyone else”?
    I have three younger brothers, we all were rather fanatical about Star Wars and fantasy in general.

    We are pet-sitting this weekend too. My youngest brother had to go to China for the week, and was supposed to go into surgery when he got back, though seems like hes going to post-pone the operation. Nothing major so he can put it off for a bit.
    Jack-Russells are great little dogs. My cousins had one, it sounds like it had a similar temperament to yours. He would’ve gone up the trees to catch birds above his yard if he could’ve.

    I reckon pets get the important stuff.

    I have played some Infinity. My mate Damian is right into it. He has tried to get me into it. We’ve played through a few games, I’ve had the basics of the rules down fairly well. He’s gone on to play in a few tournies, though I’ve not got that far into it. I’m more of a social gamer than competitive gamer.
    And yes, definitely an Aussie. You make an interesting comment regarding the Australian Govenment and the national treasure that is Uluru. Personally I agree with you.

    Hmmm, unless Johnny Rotten has personally spat in every stick, then I don’t believe I want any butter that he is advertising. Marilyn Manson said he was the anti-christ too, then when the Columbine high-school shooting happened he washed his hands of responsibilty, didnt he? I don’t know. Probably being anti-establishment ALL the time is hard work. Something about you die and become a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Didn’t Two-Face say that in the Nolan Batman movie?

    I do love the Infinity minis though. That Domaru looks the business! That’s a nasty looking fireteam…

    @biggabum Hi mate, I hope you and the family are as well as can be expected, or better! Ah sorry to hear the Mrs wasn’t so well.
    Theres a fair amount of minis there for your game. Do you use that many in WWX?

    @ceppie good to see you too! Glad I could be of assistance by reminding of those things of which I was thoroughly clueless 🙂
    Are the star ship crew for a particular game, or just for fun? Is that a minotaur carrying a ballista? It looks epic anyway! Do Zealot do metal or resin minis?

    @oriskany Wow, your Mum kept that stuff? I was told about 12 months after I’d moved out that all that kind of thing had gone out or gone to charity…

    hello hello @horati0nosebl0wer it has been a while. Are you well?
    That looks like a Reaper miniature. The skintone and face look alright I reckon, what would make you feel happier with the results?

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