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This topic contains 115 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  unclejimmy 1 year, 8 months ago.

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    Some music to keep you going.

    Derek’s theme tune!

    Marilyn who? It’s all been done before. Better.

    Back when to form a band all you did was sell your brothers moped, rob a telephone box, and learn three chords.



    @ceppie – I forgot this one as I was listening to it! I blame the White Rabbit…



    @unclejimmy don’t forget our ‘new’ physical addie! As I explained in an e-mail, they moved our mailboxes, and it has become an administrative nightmare trying to get it all sorted. I hope you have the right one, and had the right one for those vehicle bits. They haven’t arrived yet. I sent it to your Hotmail a while back (for the wedding invite), and I think I just re-sent it a day or so ago. If you need it again, ask.

    I made 26 dollars a day when I  joined! Crazy. I didn’t really join for the money though. It was a bit of a family tradition (dad was in the QOCH during the ‘Big Exercise’), and of course an escape.

    I ruined a fair number of toy soldiers with a pellet gun, come to think of it. Rules would have saved them all!… sniff.

    I didn’t bring anything home from Nurnberg that didn’t wash off, if that’s what you’re implying.. or from any other place. Had a Hep C scare once, but a quick visit to the pecker checker and a blood test came back clean. I always wore a party hat after that.

    I’ll be on my horse in a few minutes, and have a few errands to run. See you all soon. Don’t have fun without me!



    I have almost finished the Domaru.



    He can go into a Fireteam with his friends…


    Who’s first? No doubt about these guys.

    It was raining really heavily this morning so the Puggos didn’t get their usual walkies. Howver, after their breakfast they discovered Heather having hers.


    She managed to resist for about 20 seconds. Mollie is totally shameful!



    @ceppie – I just wanted to drive a tank, but they wouldn’t let me! Your $26 is lower than my £22. That was in 1985-6. Now, in training, the little bastards get £1500. No wonder the standards have to be dropped…

    I didn’t have a pellet gun and I doubt my dad would let me use a .45. I did have the lens out of a cinema projector and used it like a death ray on a few Afrika Korps.

    See you later and don’t go Scuba diving! 100pts.



    I am not sure if i’ll be back on tonight, but if I don’t then thank you for your efforts so far. Sleep tight. D.x


    Cult of Games Member

    Well, the Americans turn up late to every war, you know how it is.


    1: Tell me 2-3 things that were important to you when you were young.  Actually, my mom did something similar about six months ago.  She was moving house and was “giving away” a bunch of stuff she’d been holding onto since f*** knows when.  An old book about dinosaurs I literally learned to read on.  One of my kid brothers scribbled crayon all over it later after our family broke up.  That’s another ass-whippin’ I owe him.  Don’t cry, bitch!  You’ve had this comin’ to ya since 1977!

    Other things, some plush toys I had as a kid I still have.  They still sit on the shelf and a quick glance makes me smile now and then.

    Green plastic army men.  Mom and Dad got me the Guns of Navarone playset when I was a kid.  Epic, if not terribly historically accurate.  😀


    2. Everyone likes a bargain. What have your best ones been?  – Panzer Leader, many of the counters still in the punch cards, at Historicon for @20.00.  Sent to @damon for all the Panzer Leader games he’s been playing with me on the web @brucelea already has a set).  I will spread the evil wherever I can!  Bwahahaha!

    3. What is your approach to “the rules” check a few things:

    a) TURN SEQUENCE.  You can tell if a game is shit right there.  Red flags:  Games that let a unit move and fire in the same phase / activation – now this isn’t a 100% rule, but that’s usually a very worrisome sign that game has a light emphasis on real world tactics.  Now move and ASSAULT is another story …

    b)  SCALE: Now this isn’t just ground scale, or scale of the miniatures.  But definitive scale of HOW MANY MEN the miniature represents.  This is why I steer clear of a lot of skirmish and especially warband games, they leave this open to interpretation to appeal to more people.

    Well, not for me.  I want definitive conversion measurements.  How else can I translate historical engagements into your game system?

    And as far as appealing to the most people, well … again, no thanks.  When you’re doing the opposite of most people, that’s usually a good sign that you’re on to something.


    c) Finally, read the rule book fast and dirty, then PLAY!  Play! Play play!  You can red a rule book three times and still not  have a clue.  Play a game three times and you’re ready to kick ass on 90% of your opponents.


    Cult of Games Member

    @unclejimmy Yeah mate we’re good thanks. The Mrs was a bit poorly earlier in the year but she’s ok now.  Hows about you and your’s.

    Sadly Matty gave up on painting… he prefers to watch me and tell me where i’m going wrong 😀 Yep he’s still beating me at most games… it’s getting annoying 😀

    The first time I read the Hobbit was because it was on the School Carricu…curricali….corricul…. my teacher made me read it. I was a bit young at the time to understand what was going on but have read it a couple of times since and fared better.

    Its great to have you back too Sir.

    @oriskany hey mate, good to see you, hows you?


    So spent the evening setting up the table and troop selecting for tomorrows game.

    The battleground (as set up by Matty)


    Matty’s Outlaws


    My lawmen




    Previous weekend was busy so I didn’t have time to take part into that one or do anything hobby related but here I am now for this one.

    My pledge is related to my ongoing projects that I still haven’t finished. This time it’s turn to paint those Blightlord Terminators and Typhus. That is what happens when you don’t assemble and paint models when you get them instead of leaving them to be done one after another. Oh well I have only myself to blame from this.

    1. None of these are still around so I regret getting rid of them. Well for one there were my TMNT toys that I had as kid. I was huge TMNT fan back then. Then there are model kits that I used to build before getting into wargaming trough original Warzone, 40k and WHFB. Back then I really liked military planes and especially historical ones with Bf 109 being my favorite.

    2. Let’s see. My original Warzone miniatures (Capital troops) were bought from sale that LGS had back then so maybe those could count. And then there is that I mostly paid from my Mortarion that’s 110€ model with MtG card credits as well as BB starter box and Citadel Battle Figure Case.

    3. To me most important thing when it comes to rules is how fun those make game to play from my opinion. As some one who plays 40k it’s clear that I don’t care about things like realism or accuracy. Also balance between simple and complex is always plus so that those rules are not too much to either direction. IMO if it’s too simple there won’t be enough options and if it’s too complex then thinking how rules work interfere with playing game.

    Here is some epic metal:



    I’ve never had a model kit show up where I thought “F*ck me, I have to build that!” This one is the exception. I took a pic even before I pinned it to put it on a base. I bought two, but I’m thinking a battery of four will be the minimum for my humanoid army.

    IMG_0769 (3)

    I bought some Zealot mini’s before, their limited edition kroot hounds, and was very impressed with them. Even when one was stolen, they came through with an ‘extra’ they had sitting on a shelf. Can’t say enough about these guys!

    IMG_0772 (2)

    Second model will be done shortly. Not much flash, but it’s hidden in sneaky places.

    I’ve got some catching up to do, but it will have to wait till morning. I blame the honey whiskey. I finally managed to build up a stockpile after it was pillaged by @oriskany 🙂

    Here’s the last thing on offer tonight from HAL:

    Hard to beat Carlos’ energy!

    Sleep well, all!


    I pledge this week to finish another commission figure(maybe more) as I get my painting area and general room in order. As promised in last Weekender I have finished one of the minis from my most recent commission.


    I’m not thrilled about my skintone work or the face but the scales came out better than expected. On to the other pieces for me and I’ll have pics of the work as soon as their done.
    On a related note that I think I have found a way of motivating myself to paint more. I’ve set up my DETOLF shelves with some after market shelves to display all my unpainted figures. I can’t run away from the bare metal and resin. I look in and see my Horde of Shame naked and waiting for paint. I’ve come to the crisis of knowing I cannot paint to the great display level I want but I have a butt ton of figures that must be covered in pigment. I will post pictures this weekend as evidence which all can consider as well.

    Now questions…
    1. Some things important to me when I was young were my collections. I had a collection of LEGO, GI Joe, stuffed animals, sports cards, comics and other stuff here and there. Nothing stayed around as I grew up with my family moving. Things needed to be gotten rid of in order to lower the military weight allowance for home good shipment.
    2. The best deal I’ve managed I think I might’ve just had with the Miniature Market warehouse sale. I bought a large umber of the Micro Art bases at a fraction of the cost normally. If its still on I recommend it.
    3. Rules are pretty much there to be followed until the errata breaks the game with expanded rulings on esoteric situations. Then again those times might come up more often than not and be the whole reason for the errata. In general its fun to tweak the rules when playing things like GURPS with their character builder and watching the GM twitch slightly when rolling it out to see if its playable in the campaign.
    Music in future.. time for sleep



    Good morning! Another glorious day in the Corps…

    @oriskany – I wouldn’t expect you any other way! 50pts. Hope you have been having a nice rest too.

    1. My book was about everyday vehicles and it was little poems about each vehicles. ‘Tootles the Taxi’. I never drew in books and would panic if anyone picked-up any of them. I have a collection of ‘Beano’ & ‘Dandy’ annuals from 1973 to 1985. I got them every year and still have them!

    My grandfather would buy me Airfix sets that would have French Foreign Legion soldiers in a Fort with Arabs attacking them. They were awesome. Did the GoN set have trench-lines – it was almost a diorama? There was a massive ‘Waterloo’ set (when I was about 7 or so), but you could never get it. At least that was what I was told…

    2. Game bargains are always awesome. 100pts. You really have a thing for that game.

    3. Oh, you mean 40Gay? If only fighting in a real war was like that! 100pts. I am definatley a one-to-one guy. I never liked the idea of 2 models = 37 men (unless you charge and it counts as 44) and distances vary depending on what you do…logical rules. I have read some honkers over the years too.

    Your option ‘c’ is the best advice for any new player of anything. When I first read through FoF and came to the reaction part I thought, “No chance!” However, play it through with a few minis and it makes total sense. 100pts.

    @biggabum – Glad to hear it. Heather is on her summer holidays and is destroying the house bit-by-bit. She will get to me soon…

    Jamie finished his course, but isn’t going to practice law. He cannot stand the people or the way they behave. You have to join ‘societies’ to get anywhere and Jamie is not into that crap. He is thinking about SO19 and with a law degree they offer accelerated promotion. He is helping to run a car business for two brothers that race cars and it is good for him. Eve was invited to Buckingham Palace to have dinner with Prince Charles because of a cancer charity ‘thing’ she set-up at work. Eve and Ernie bought a house, got a Pug, then another, and are getting married 2nd May 2020. Just boring stuff.

    Heather is learning to drive, as is the boy, and I am still limping about. However, now I have Puggies to go with me.

    I have your water-tower! (or a very similar one – is it TTCombat?) I like the big thing with the cow-catcher on the front. Nasty. 100pts.

    Good luck!

    @mecha82 – Oh, really? I know different. 30pts and 30pos.

    I always loved Nurgle! 100pts. By the time we stopped playing I had just over 16000pts of Chaos. They have changed the look quite a bit recently, but I still have a place in my heart for Nurgle. Iron Warriors too.

    I look forward to seeing them. 50pts as a bribe.

    Everyone has 10 things being built at once…I think you are supposed to. 20pts. I can see 6 without moving my eyes!

    1. I loved the original TMNT comics. We also used to play the RPG back in 1986(?) First time we rolled characters Steve got a Budgie! He stomped out because we couldn’t stop laughing.

    I must have built almost as many Bf-109’s than the Germans did. 100pts. I dread to think how much space would be needed if I kept ever single model I ever build as a child.

    One of my favourites has to be the F-4. You can give it so many bombs and missiles…Hasagawa rule.

    2. Gaming bargains are better than a cheaper couch! 100pts. My neighbour came over (last year sometime) and she had been to a house clearing looking for furniture to renovate and brought me some stuff that was being thrown away. A brand new Wacoshop figure case, a Battlefront river set still in the box, and a bag with 5-6 boxes of flock.

    3. “As some one who plays 40k it’s clear that I don’t care about things like realism or accuracy.” – 1000pts. I went along until it got really silly as I loved the minis.

    The ‘complex vs. simple’ argument will always exist. I did find my perfect set of rules with Force-on-Force. That really gives you everything and is easy to learn. 50pts. I have tried the complicated (Harpoon) and the easy (Space Hulk) and I know which one I played for years. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 100pts.

    Sabaton might be a bit harsh for me this morning. Maybe after lunch! 30pts. I have been listening to ‘Crawling Chaos’ by Autism. Very atmospheric.

    @ceppie – they are very nasty looking, but I love the “crossbow”. 100pts. Never heard of the company…I will have to have a look. Dave buys these stunning Minotaurs from a company called Avatars of War. They make some really nice stuff!

    @horati0nosebl0wer – and a good morning to you! Nice mini, but those are fake titties! 100pts. My dad would love that. The ‘snake’ bit is awesome. Very striking colours. I am terrible with colours. Dave tried to teach me colour theory, but I just don’t get it.

    A really nice base too.

    Whatever gets you going! If it works – do it. 50pts. Sometimes it takes me a while to get going…

    1. Bad luck. -100pts. I never moved until I was 18. I have a few things I will never part with, but they are not huge. End up anywhere interesting?

    2. MAS are awesome. 100pts for such a good choice. We bought one of their £500 deals and they set us heaps of free stuff. Such nice people to deal with too.

    3. Oh, so you play 40Gay too? Too many FAQ’s is bad news. One of the reasons I don’t like FoW is all the books and supplimental stuff. They change one line in the rules and your 2000pt army is useless!

    GURPS was awesome. 100pts. Great game system.

    Glad you decided to join us.



    Keep up the good work and i’ll be here all day!



    So, it is just me playing with myself! Just like every other day. Well, until everyone wakes-up, or sends their Lady-boy out for the afternoon, I will keep on fiddling with myself.

    I thought I had finished that scatter terrain until I found two bits that I must have missed. Knackers. I also have a skip to fill and paint. Every garage needs a skip outside. If we are going for ultra-realism them i’ll have to make a dirty calender for the toilets. That was the best bit about going to the garage with my dad. I have no interest in ‘cars’, but they had some amazing pictures on the walls and some educational material in the toilets. I won’t describe the toilets.

    This is sort of a terrain making story: a friend of mine works in a factory that make injection moulding for Nissan cars and their toilets are pure honking. He told me that most of the guys go into “trap 3” for a skive. They also blow their noses out onto the back of the toilet door, either that or fling their beef-bogies after cleaning our their snouts by hand. Every few months, rather than clean it up, they just add a coat of gloss paint. John said it looks like a refief map of Mars!

    They found a Tape-Worm on the loose too. I am laughing my ass off at the thought, but I also want to throw-up. A perfect illustration of the ‘duality of man’.

    How can you tell there is nobody home? I was hoping my Traktor Muls would turn-up today…it said 9th-10th on the invoice.


    Shouldn’t take long! (famous last words)


    I also had to remove his arm. I am a terrible painter without something being in the way! I wanted to try my best as the face is really stunning. However, I really can’t paint ‘skin’. My method is base coat, highlight, and wash.



    p.s., he looks like me! Not as handsome, but who is? I’ll prove it later…

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