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Joan of Arc figure scale

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  wolfie65 1 year, 10 months ago.

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    For those of you who actually own this beautifully produced  but hideously expensive game – what size are the minis in real life? It usually says 15mm, but they somehow look bigger, more like 20mm. Btw, I measure the old fashioned way: male, standing straight, soles of feet to top of head  – or where the top of the head would be if he wasn’t wearing headgear X.


    Cult of Games Member

    From the Kickstarter FAQ.

    Our miniatures are in what we call Legendary Scale. This is half the height of the most common miniature scale generally used by companies like Games Workshop, Privateer Press, or CMON. For reference, in Legendary Scale, humans are about 16mm from the soles of their shoes to the top of their heads. By the same measure, the giants Gog and Magog are well over three times the height of a man at about 60-70mm (c2.5-3 inches) tall.

    The only mini I have in front of me is La Hire who measures approx. 18mm, and I believe he is meant to be 6’4-6″ in real life, so that scale sounds about right.


    Cult of Games Member

    Here’s couple from my collection. So about 18mm from ground to eyes. They feel similar in size and scale as AB Napoleonics, which are officially 18mm.




    So they’re almost the same as 1/72 or 20mm Airfix/Hät/Strelets, etc. and definitely taller than real 15s. That’s kinda what I thought, because real 15mm figures are quite tiny, and when I watch videos of this game being played, the Joan of Arc figures don’t look like 15s in people’s hands.

    Thanks !



    I had always read one assessed scale by measuring from foot to eye level…



    Going back to at least the 1970s, figure scale was measured the same way they would measure your height: soles of feet to top of head.

    I’m guessing eye level measurement creeped in when actual scales lost all meaning what with ‘heroic’ 25s actually being 28…then 30…then 32….now approaching 40…..

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