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Issues with large projects on the project system

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  crazyredcoat 3 years, 10 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I know I probably definitely take the piss on the projects system. I have learned it’s quirks and work around these and post now with confidence that it’s not going to break when uploading. My project(s) is massive and takes ages to load, I learned to accept this.

    However I was going back through my project as I am painting a model I painted for someone else and wanted to compare and contrast as I don’t have that model here anymore.

    I noticed the previous entries buttons were not always loading. Now they seem to be. However I seem to be missing a large chunk of posts. I am certain I updated this project in within that period and the model I am looking for is within the missing posts.

    First post is May 24 2018 next post is May 5 2019

    Checked my other completed project  and this is missing a ton of of entries. both projects are pretty much rooked in terms of completeness.

    Also checked the original Darkstar project and it seems to have the same issue, looking at the “Darkstar Hits 4000 Project Recommendations!” post and you look at the project and it “only” has 1000 recommendations. meaning to be that 3/4 of the project could be missing.

    I don’t really know what I am asking. Is there a reason for this? Should the project system have a post cap?  Is this lost?

    Any help would be appreciated.




    Cult of Games Member

    @soapdodger – I can’t speak for the Project System overall – but as relates to he Darkstar project …

    The original project grew too large and it was taking too long to load (as you mention for larger projects).

    Also, I think in previous years, the project thread was putting more entries on a single web page, meaning even longer load times and a lot of scroll-wear on the mouse wheel when it came to searching for something.

    Anyway, I made the decision to stop posting on the original Darkstar project (it was past 120 entries, I think, about 700 comments) and just start a new one.

    At the time the old one had about 3500 recommendations, and when the new project hit about 500, I made the “announcement”  that “Darkstar had hit 4000.”

    Now the old one has just over 1000, the old one is just over 3600.

    Anyway, that was the reason for the “4000” announcement.  None of my project entries are missing.  😀


    Cult of Games Member

    Amazing! I just misunderstood from your perspective @oriskany. Glad nothing was effected. Seems to be just my two projects then that I have found. Still well bummed about it.

    Thinking about alternatives but the project system is the simplest for me to keep a blog.



    @timchubb and @tgu3 will have a look chaps and see what the issue is 🙂

    Tom – can we see if any posts became unlinked in the back end?



    I think I’m reaching a similar point with my main project log. It could just be that there is a workable limit to what can be uploaded. If you think about it it is a LOT of data with all those pictures, so it makes sense that things will start to slow down as a project gets larger with loading times and such. Starting a new project is something I’m considering and just linking the old one in the new project’s little ‘About’ box that we get to add info to. I guess we all got a lot more done with The Event this past year. 😛

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