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Is more than the price of a cup of coffee too much? (title amended see within)

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Is more than the price of a cup of coffee too much? (title amended see within)

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This topic contains 33 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  blinky465 4 years, 9 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Like many here, BoW/OTT has been a key part of my hobby for many years now. Even if I’m not a big contributor, it is here that I come to ‘feel at home’. So losing it would be a big blow.

    So I have no problem at all with the monthly price rising (although I’ve just paid my annual fee), especially given that the price hasn’t changed for the entire time I’ve been a member. £5 per month seems perfectly reasonable to me, it’s still less than a pint of craft beer at the local.

    Bringing back the ‘donate a backstage pass’ option on the site would also be a good idea – I can see a few here would be willing to help both OTT and other gamers out.


    Cult of Games Member
    1. I never pay more than £1 for a cup of coffee.   any more and I make it myself


    that being said; no politician ever got elected saying  I will raise your taxes for additional services.   A houseplant will win an election promising lower taxes so the OTT/BoW  people have to be aware that a vocal minority may say raise the price; alot will drop off if it is raised.  During this crisis; my income has dropped alot so I am ‘cautious’ of all my money right now.  I love the gang but my little girl always comes first,second and third when it comes to gaming and everything else.


    just wanted to put the other side out there.




    Cult of Games Member

    I will echo the sentiments of security and sanity found here on the site.
    I can’t afford to pay for a “guest” backstage pass, but I can afford to contribute £5 to an optional add-on tier contribution.

    I will also echo the desire to have it as a discreet anonymous option with no on-site recognition or additional benefits.
    Just the idea that the site and the community is more secure as a result.


    Cult of Games Member

    Maybe one of the guys @warzan @lloyd @dignity @ludicryan @avernos @johnlyons @tgu3 could throw together a “contact us” type page where readers can enter their email address and an amount and it simply creates a recurring PayPal monthly charge as a seperate payment? (or, worst-case scenario, emails the team and someone can raise a recurring invoice on PayPal manually and send it back to the viewer who got in touch?)

    That way, those who wish to do so can, it remains discreet so nobody needs pressured into doing it, and nobody’s current payment schedule is disrupted? Old users aren’t prompted to cancel their current subscription, new users don’t feel they’re paying more than past users and once you’ve filled in the form, nobody needs ever talk about it again.

    By letting users enter a nominal amount, each can contribute as much as they feel comfortable without being made to feel it’s too much (or too little).

    I suggested PayPal only because that’ s how my current subs are collected and it’s relatively easy to integrate with to set up a recurring billing thing. Until such time, anyone wishing to do so could always just make a one-off paypal payment (payment to a friend) for whichever amount they like, to [email protected] (that’s where my subs go to anyway).


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