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Introduce yourselves (New member thread)

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This topic contains 117 replies, has 57 voices, and was last updated by  bhupender12a 1 year, 1 month ago.

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  • #1819091

    Cult of Games Member

    Why do i feel the sudden urge to invade a small east Europe country ,to reclaim my former territory  ?


    Cult of Games Member

    Sounds like you may have caught a dose of historical gaming, have you been exposed to any dangerous miniatures lately?





    Name: Conor
    Build Date: Nov 1981
    Status: Partnered to a Swedish warhammer fanatic
    Location: Derry
    Occupation: Graphic Designer
    Current miniature games played:…


    i dont actually play any tabletop games. i started with heroquest, space hulk etc in the late 80s, did a bit of fantasy battle, the odd game of 40k but then fell out of touch with miniatures around the age of 14, usual story. been back with a vengeance in the last 5 years or so.

    im mostly just into painting, i have fantasy/aos/40k armies im building up but if me and my woman were to play some games it would probably be mordhiem/kill team/warcry/necromunda. she has some friends who play those. i hope one day to see some gigantic armies back on the table tho.

    so im from croydon originally (lol) but my parents and extended family are all from derry and thats where i live now. might move to sweden some day if current relationship goes the distance.



    welcome to the fun house, if you fancy organising some games one Saturday in Coleraine give me a poke.

    hej då


    Cult of Games Member

    @neca welcome to the loony asylum! 8) We have coffee!



    Name: Chris
    Build Date: 1970
    Status: married, 2 kids under 10.
    Location: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
    Occupation: Web developer
    Current miniature games played: Rangers of Shadowdeep and that’s about it. I’m very much more into the painting side of the hobby at the minute, feeling my way back into the hobby after decades away.


    Cult of Games Member

    @tinyheadbones  welcome. WebDev, so you’ve seen the darkness that is the internet from the early days as I have. Welcome to our little cave on the interwebs and tubes.



    hello, welcome, and not the bees!!!


    I’m not new so much as relapsed — I came on board from watching On the Table on Geek & Sundry. I’ve been a Backstage/CoG member for years and first played around with the project system when it was launched back in 2018. I’ve been dormant for a while but I’ve decided I want to get more involved in the online community, so here I am.

    Name: Jefferson (yes, it’s my real name)
    First Appearance: 1972
    Domestic Status: married 21 years, no children, one very ill-tempered cat
    Location: Portland, Oregon (originally from Denver, Colorado)
    Occupation: Freelance website designer
    Currently Playing: mainly 7TV, Shatterpoint, Gaslands, Batman, and Core Space, with Savage Core, Gangs of Rome, Test of Honour, Dead Man’s Hand, and Judge Dredd on my “have tons of minis and wish I played more” list. I also play a lot of board games (Tapestry and Star Wars: Outer Rim are current favorites) and am in two RPG groups, running Dragonbane in one and playing D&D 5E in the other. And I’m having a lot of fun with the new Doctor Who Magic: the Gathering set.


    Cult of Games Member

    Welcome back Mr. Airplane Power

    Sorry, couldn’t let that one slip past me. 🙂


    @sundancer I don’t get too many Jefferson Airplane references. Even the Austin Powers jokes have dried up of late… 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Tells you all you need to know about me I guess XD



    Current miniature games played: none played as I struggle to find opponents in new place, still love Infinity and Frostgrave. I focus on painting and building and develop my new love to 3d printing and designing.

    pikashow download

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