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This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  nightrunner 3 years, 3 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    After trying to avoid it I have fallen into the Infinity hole (stop groaning). I originally began my little quest just looking at alternate figs for Stargrave (They will also be used for that). As it wasnt originally a genre I was intersted I have pretty muych ignored most of the content on this August Site, but boy did I find all the into videos and particulalry the lets plays really useful. I have gained a fair idea of the rules from them which has helped no end on reading through Code one

    And boy were some of the lets plays down to the wire or bounce of the dice….didnt believe it but some were edge of the seats jobs.

    So a big thanks to all the team for all the stuff I’ve been able to go through , Justins face on his trial game was a picture, but to be fair The ARO is going to throw a lot of players, I and my group have a far smaller learning curve as it is a very similar system to that used in Two Hour Wargames Chain Reaction system, and I think Infinty’s system is actually a bit smoother

    Again a big thanks  to Warren, LLoyd and backteam. Justin ,Callas and not forgetting Carls form Covrvus Bellis on helping me get into a new game.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m a big Infinity fan and player since the beginning of 2nd edition.  I was going to quit the game several times, but the figures always keep me coming back.

    As for the rules, they are solid and far more balanced than 40K for example.  I do have a love/hate relationship with the rules though.  And with 4th ed, I was hoping they would revise a few more things, but the only streamlined the rules – which is a good thing.

    The ARO is one of my pet peeves.  I have had half my force wiped out with AROs on my turn.  I was hoping they would limit the ARO to only once per model and have a range limit to it – like 12 inches for example.  It would allow for a faster game.

    I also do not like the order system.  It is very very flexible and allows you to do what you need to do when you need to.  But the down side is you end up with 2 or three models doing most of the work and the rest end up as cheer-leaders.  If there was a cap of 2 orders per model with only one model activating 3 times with the lieutenant order, it would force the player to use at least half his force.

    And so on.  Nonetheless, it is a good solid game with great miniatures.  You can’t really go wrong.



    Cult of Games Member

    Again a big thanks to Warren, LLoyd and backteam. Justin ,Callas and not forgetting Carls form Covrvus Bellis on helping me get into a new game.

    Only in wargaming someone will thank you for introducing him to ways of spending even more money 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve been playing Infinity since the beginning of N3 and it’s still my game of choice. I hope you get as much fun from it as I did!

    I would say be a little careful of the quick play rules at the start of the rulebooks. They’ve caused some people confusion when they moved on to the full game. Otherwise I think it’s a great time to get in. The new terrain sets they’re producing are the best, reasonably low cost they’ve ever produced. The figures have got much easier to assemble, particularly if you play PanO. I broadly like the rule changes though we’re still waiting to see what happens with Fireteams.


    Cult of Games Member

    I forgot to add, there’s an app detailing all the missions in the latest ITS (Infinity Tournament System). It’s called Comlog if you haven’t come cross it already. It’s available on Android, I don’t know about Apple.


    Cult of Games Member

    @nightunner, can see your point on both aspects you have raised, mulitple ARO’s from one figure , is something that did come up a few Times in Two hour Wargames various rule sets, I’m out of touch with current editions (Think on about 4th) so dont know if they ever amended it their system. Only thing I can say it THW was written and played a lot by vets and they didn’t seem to have a problem with multiple reaction so is it a problem in real life, gut says yes and I agree with you  but I  have never been in combat so have no experience either way to back it up .

    One thing we learnt from above was deployment and watching out for line of sight or 1st sight tests in above. Infinty on paper seems to be a smoother system on this . A lot of the firefights in THW could be long winded to resolve with bugger all result apart from everyone but the heavy wpn guy on either going to ground.


    Yup on 2nd point I think figures that are cheerleaders have been mentioned in others vidoes such as Infinty Gamer. Interestingly in Hammer Slammers rules you are limited to activating the same unit 3 times, but this is also helped by mutlliply the no of order points you have to used to move mulitple times, once on point twice 3 pts and 3 times 9 points. Even though your order pool is higher in that game ypu cant half burn through pts.

    @sundancer yup we are guilty of that

    @seldon9 yeah can  see what you mean in reading  through them, the Las video have helped a lot in getting the basic bits inot my head.



    Cult of Games Member

    Oh and forgot a big thank you to Callan for showing me that my lousy dice rolling is shared , apart from that odd game!!!



    I read through third edition rules (i think it was) and the points you raise immediately struck me too @nightrunner and you’ve confirmed some of the consequences i suspected would happen as a result. However i think these things would probably be easy to house rule and they don’t put me off completely, especially given the alternatives in this genre.


    Cult of Games Member

    @totsuzenheni  I agree for sure.  Most players though are very ‘rules as written’ types even in my group.  I have tried implementing several changes with just one fellow player and it is amazing how much the game changes while still staying the same.  If I recall, I altered the ARO, the orders, removed the fireteam rules and only played ‘vanilla vs vanilla’ or ‘sectorial vs sectorial’.  There were some balancing issues with certain armies or figures, but this was a few years back in 3rd ed, and I don’t recall all the details.

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