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Indomitus alocations to stores is already "sold out" world wide

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This topic contains 73 replies, has 33 voices, and was last updated by  holly 4 years, 6 months ago.

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    Yeah we sold through pretty quick.

    I’ve seen the chatter about a second august wave – we were not told that, but I have asked Tom to double check next week 🙂

    Yep no fancy holidays here, we get a trip out in the transit van (campervan I wish! lol) when the weather allows lol

    We went a different route on the discount, supplier wanted all the money for copies up front and to deter scalpers and stick with loyal customers we apply the discount via a voucher on their next order. Helps us recoup the upfront investment, helps us keep scalpers a little warier, and helps us keep good relations with our repeat customers who will order again anyway.

    At least that has been the plan 🙂



    I think this sums it up

    Funny thing is that I don’t have to jump through hoops to buy Team Yankee stuff. It is almost as if Battlefront want my money and value me as a customer :p



    on a side note I am chuffed with Tom, Tim and the team as the store site suffered no issues what so ever and we sold our allocation (we had 300) very smoothly. We were selling a copy every 5 seconds at one point to.

    And it looked like we sold out quicker than even some of the much larger companies (obviously not GW lol)

    So unlike the common narrative there was at least one store that handled it pretty smoothly (so far at least lol)



    Regardless of individual opinions, my own included, there is a lot going on at the moment and all sorts of things that can get in the way. I live in Canada currently, and there are constant issues with supply here from almost all companies simply due to location. Australia and New Zealand are similar, or worse, and anything going into or out of American at the moment was subject to madness even before The Event (stay indoors) happened. Maybe GW could have delayed their launch until a better time, maybe they made a calculation that made them more profits but it is what it is. Like has been said many times here; we influence with our wallets. If we want to invest, we invest, if not then we don’t. Personally, I didn’t like how it was being presented, so I didn’t buy into it. Are those models amazing? Yes. Would I like them? Yes. But I made the choice to not put my money into it because I simply did not have the desire, or really budget, to do so. Comparisons to what other companies are doing are interesting, but something to consider there is that GW is the top of the market. If other companies want to compete for a share of the market, they have to engage the market in different ways. I collect from a fairly broad range of companies these days (not as many as some) and each I find has their ups and downs and that’s how I see it. These kind of conversations can cause a bit of division and I feel that it’s always a good idea to throw in the age old rule of ‘it’s YOUR hobby’. That’s not to say you can’t be upset about how this was done or be upset about someone being upset. I’m upset about it, if I’m honest. I love the worlds that GW has created over the years, I love the minis they’ve come out with over the years (ok, not all of them, but name a range that large that you love 100% of the minis in 😛 ), but to me they are pricing me out of their market and that turns me away from them as a company a bit. That’s just me, though. Someone else may think differently, and that’s ok. At the end of the day, a business survives on customer engagement and if you lose a few customers but maintain a better profit line then the company will likely do that. I don’t like it, but it is what it is. All businesses put a value on a customer, but remember that the value is usually a monetary one, more and more so these days because of the stupid idea that Business Schools are important (but that’s not a rant for here).

    In short, I wanted to write this just as a reminder that regardless of our opinions on an individual level we each make our own part of this shared hobby of ours. Some of use are browsers who collect a bit of everything, some of us dive deep into one area of historicals, some of us leap whole heartedly into the worlds of fantasy and science fiction. But all those parts together form our mad hobby of moving toy soldiers are a board, or a table, or a shelf. Sometimes we choose one company for those toys, sometimes we choose many, sometimes we have questionable obsessions with badgers or wookies.

    Each of you enjoy your own little corner of madness the way you wish, and I’m glad that everything went smoothly for the OTT team, @warzan!



    Fingers crossed Warren doesn’t get a call today from GW rep telling him his allocation got cut from 300 to 45.

    We all know it is impossible for GW to magic stock out of nowhere. This could have been avoided by them being honest about what stock WAS available now, and a promise to make a second wave of stock. That would have stopped all of the scalping.

    GW said that anyone who wanted one would get one. So make good on that promise GW. Nobody is saying you have to keep making this box forever.


    Cult of Games Member

    And they are all made in China ? wow the box set must be real cheaper now…..!



    Cult of Games Member

    Just seen the latest email from GW and they are doing Indomitus as print to order so anyone that wants a box can get one, I assume some people will still be whining like a milk float. Also a bit of karma for the scalpers lol.



    GW listens 🙂 Might have had something to do with the number of thumbs down on their latest ‘Week in Warhammer’ YT video 🙂



    The cynical part of me thinks this is just part of a ploy. They intentionally made a short run to make it sell out so that they can guarantee selling them all.



    They can’t win. People moan when they sell out and then throw shade at them for finding a solution within days. I’ve even seen people saying it should have been made to order from the start – so FLGS would have got no money at all from the box.



    I assume that print to order is only for Warhammer stores and GW’s own webstore so it doesn’t help with getting more copies for LGSs and independent webstores to sell. It would match to way GW does things to force people buy straight from them instead of from LGSs or independent webstores.


    Cult of Games Member

    Mecha 82, I think that is a bit unfair. They are clear this wasn’t their intend and they work to rectify. I say, good show to resolve the issue.



    That 120 days time period mentioned goes to show how long the production cycle is.

    Is this sort of “pre-order” the length of time between ordering and receiving more what people expect or want?


    Cult of Games Member

    I doubt they intended to limit the supply.
    Keep in mind that they had to factor in several things :
    (1) the potential audience for the set
    (2) the fact that the old data predates The Event(tm)  and is therefor even more unreliable
    (3) reduced supply capacity across the world as a result of The Event(tm)

    I think you’d be a millionaire if you could accurately predict the required stock for a product such as this.
    This isn’t a consumable with a fairly predictable cycle.
    It’s an expensive toy in an unpredictable niche market.

    Cynical me thinks that the 120 days delay may be related to the possible launch of ‘start collecting’ sets for both armies in this boxed set.
    I don’t know what the timeframe was between the Vanguard vs Chaos marines boxed set and their respective ‘start collecting’ sets appearing at retail, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this was related.

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