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In need of Goblin Reinforcements!

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  lordsanes 5 years, 3 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Hey everyone


    I was wondering if anyone would know somewhere good to get different goblin sculpts for use in Kings of War. I’m probably going to buy more Mantic stuff but I’d like something a little different. I was hoping for some forest goblins but Sheildwolfs kickstarter isn’t out until early 2020 apparently.


    It would be nice if it was UK friendly shipping too.


    Thanks all!



    off the top of my head:

    plastic goblins: these are the relatively new oathmark plastics. very old school 1980s lord of the rings-animated movie style. reaper makes alot of different goblins mainly for D&D and such games, both in bones PVC plastic and in metal, and they have a UK warehouse now as well. The reaper paint series is also good.


    a lot of lovely metal minis in the oldhammer style:   has a lot of great kev adams sculpts, including all the crooked claw lineup.  who have alot of the old Harlequin miniatures orcs and goblins, many sculpted by Kev Adams and I believe Kev White of Hasslefree miniatures fame, also other sculptors




    Cult of Games Member

    Gt studio has some nice ones though their resin so maybe as characters



    Cult of Games Member

    In addition to the above excellent suggestions, if you are looking for something ‘in bulk’ and shipping friendy have you considered the WOE range? Says ‘Orcs’ on the tin but they look much more like goblins to me…

    Orc Warband



    Heresey Miniatures have a lovely set of metal archers – but you probably don’t need more archers, given how many arrows you current ones can fire!

    Wargames Foundary have lovely old school (but expensive) miniatures –

    For the Oathsmark ones, there is probably some plastic wolf riders coming “soonish” as they being sculpted around the time of Salute.


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks for the answers so far guys

    @maledrakh Thanks for all the sites listed, I like the Oathmark goblins but I think they would be too big for my army, I’ve already got Mantic ones in there. I’m looking through the others, there’s some good options there but I’d need at least 20 of them, there’s a few possibilities there.


    @dekinrie Actually love these, I think they might be a bit big for normal infantry but they would be perfect for characters. Looking at the orcs makes me wanna start a new orc army!


    Cult of Games Member

    They may be a bit short of the quantity you need but Warmonger Miniatures (a branch of Wargames Foundry) do some really characterful gobbos. I have the archers and love them!



    Cult of Games Member

    Sorry – I see @robert beat me to the scoop on Warmonger. Send coffee


    Cult of Games Member

    Cult of Games Member

    You lot are all legends, I think I’ve got many choices. I really like those West wind Goblins, they are somewhat different and strange looking.


    Thank you OTTers/Cultists

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