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Image Orientation in Projects

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  while 4 years, 9 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve tried using the Projects system more, but I’m getting frustrated with the orientation of images. I take photos using my phone. Upload straight from my phone causes images to end up upside down or on the side. I’ve tried to upload images to my computer from my phone. And from there put them up on the site. I still get the right orientation. The weird things is when you click images in the project the open up the right side up. I tried flipping an image and uploading it, it was the the right orientation in the post, but when clicked it was the wrong way.

    Any tips for this to work?



    I believe they are looking at an image rotation function in the project system at the moment @while in the meantime if you take everything out of focus like I do then people won’t know if they are in the incorrect orientation


    Cult of Games Member

    valid advice from Gerry… sadly may reduce the number of skill/idea/tutoring recommendations Justin doesn’t give you


    Cult of Games Member

    Check if your editing software has an option to reset EXIF data. It stores some info in each image file on orientation (and lots of other stuff). Some browsers and  viewers handle it well  some don’t. I’ve found this to be the best trick to post pictures and get expected results.


    Cult of Games Member

    On iPhone and iPad it helps if you rotate the photo a bit on the device before uploading.


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks. I dont use any editing software. I point and click. I’ll try the rotate trick from @guillotine!

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