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I finished Takeda's army.

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This topic contains 23 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  alfonsothetraitor 6 years ago.

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  • #1311934

    IMG_4562IMG_4419IMG_4416IMG_4524IMG_4508IMG_4513IMG_4401IMG_4433IMG_4515IMG_4447IMG_4409IMG_4451IMG_4422IMG_4427Ladies and gentlemen I bring you Takeda’s army.

    Now I have to paint the other army so I can start playing  😉IMG_4398


    Cult of Games Member

    Amazing work!  Can’t wait o see h next one.


    Thank you I only need to paint up just over 100 miniatures for the Uesugi force then the allies for each side.


    PEACE is one of my favorite characters of all time 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Piece of cake! :(). You are doing way ether than me.  I have had the figures for a Tokugawa force years but I stil have a long way to go.

    Peace is the best!


    Cult of Games Member

    Very impressive work!

    I bow to the power of your brush.



    Well done!


    Thank you very much I really appreciate that a lot.


    Sweet deal.  I think back to Alderac Entertainment when they were putting out the army game for  Legend of the Five Rings as Clan War which wasn’t near as snazzy as this. All I can think of is watching “Ran” by Kurosawa with all the extras that were used for the engagements.

    Considering the army and building atmosphere I submit some music by Kodo.

    and a Japanese college of music presentation


    Other drum music of note would be samgo mu performed by awesome Korean women



    Outside of military history, this is by far my most favourite era.

    Whenever Uesugi Kenshin heard that Takeda had died, he wept: “I have lost my greatest rival. We will never know a hero like that again.”

    Amazing work. Who makes these miniatures?



    Holy crap, amazing!


    Cult of Games Member

    So since the other day when this fantastic army was posted in all it’s new paint glory I’ve been thinking about it.

    I have some questions if anyone has the answers.

    Is this a 15mm army or 28mm?  What game or rules set are these connected to?

    Thanks to anyone who has these answer.


    Thank you and I am about to weep because I need to paint up Uesugi’s force next =D


    @templar007 these are the old Wargames Factory plastic but now Warlord Games 28mm Samurai and Ashigaru plastic kits for Test of Honour and there Pike and Shotte game.


    Cult of Games Member

    Well @alfonsothetraitor  I have been trying to resist the temptation of buying into another rules set and the host of miniatures to play that game with.

    But today I lost that battle!  I have placed an order for two of Warlords ‘Samurai Starter Army’ boxes.  Of course I ordered the ‘Pike and Shotte’ rulesbook as well.  They should arrive middle of next week, so I’ll have them in time for my Christmas Vacation.


    @templar007 I must say that has to be the best compliment I have ever received. I have never inspired someone to purchase miniature and rule system before 😉 But I have tube honest I have not played the game yet I am still trying to get my head around the rules.


    Cult of Games Member

    Spectacular army, very impressive.

    I enjoyed following the project as well

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