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How to paint Reichbusters Mutations: Help wanted

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming How to paint Reichbusters Mutations: Help wanted

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This topic contains 19 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  flatbattery 4 years, 10 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    The whole model was primed with Army Painter army green, under sprayed with black, green tone washed then dry brushed with Combat Fatigues, Necrotic Flesh then a yellow which I can’t remember. The tongue and gums were layered instead dry brushed edged making it much lighter. After the red tone you just have to throw some darker tones into the recesses as preferred.

    It might be a weird way of doing it, but I’ve only ever got similar results glazing over skin tones, which is fine when you’re doing rosy cheeks on a tiny little face, but this’ll be the quicker way I’ll be going for on project X. Also I don’t have the time or patience for Golden Demon level painting, so I’m all for short cuts.



    Cult of Games Member

    I’m all about chasing the sweet spot between speed and golden demon (Not that I’m golden demon worthy).  Fast but quality.  I don’t have time to spend a month on each mini, but I want my stuff to look good and I want to develop my skills.  I am working towards the day when I have so little bare plastic I can take my time.  For now I want to go fast, but i’m willing to sacrifice a little speed to up the quality, especially on nicer models.  Most of RB will be batch painted.  The characters will get a little more love once all the runts are done.


    Cult of Games Member

    I can relate to that, although when I do have time to paint I usually spend it procrastinating. I end up disappointing myself, because I’m not getting better or quicker and my pile of shame is getting bigger.

    The frog monster is from the Hellboy core box. I did that, 20 frog minions and a load of tokens and objective markers in a few days, so I know I’m capable.


    Cult of Games Member

    That’s good going.  Don’t worry if you can’t see improvements in quality or speed.  We are often too close to it to see for ourselves over time.  Its when you look back a year or two ago you notice the improvements, or every once in along while I have a mini level up moment when something just works much better than expected.  Definitely do no judge your work mid-mini.  Everything looks like arse until one random magical brush stroke near the end that somehow ties everything together unexpectedly.

    That frog man looks pretty damn good.  I don’t think you’ve got anything to be disappointed with if that’s representative.  My pile of shame is shrinking on average but has spikes quite often.  I actually track whats what so I have a number that overall shrinks which helps keep me motivated.  I also know roughly how much I paint in a year.  This helps as I know how much I can work through and warns me how much work I’ll be making if I back that KS I probably shouldn’t.  I can also tell if I’m being slack this month.  There are little tricks like this you can use to stay motivated, but just be sure you’re overall enjoying it.  If you’re not then just do a black and white zenithal spray, varnish your stuff and be happy.  Things look surprisingly good for minimal effort that way.  There’s nothing stopping you going Sin City and adding one detail colour, maybe the same colour for a whole faction.


    Cult of Games Member

    Definitely something I’ve considered on occasion, although I’ve leant more towards wanting a bronze statue look.

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