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Hobbyweekender 12/10/18 Now with less typos!

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This topic contains 53 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    What? Why did the site eat my post? Well, here it goes again:


    More here: KLICKYKLANKY



    Hey @sundancer a bit late with your reply, my bad. (45 points)

    Head feeling better?

    Question 1: How do you feel about musicals and which one is your favourite?

    This seems to be the general consensus. I do not think they ‘work’ anymore.

    10 points.

    Question 2: How do you feel about settings that are super serious for either RPGs, Tabletop board games, minature games or computer games?

    I never got into online gaming. Id kill someone. Its nice to immerse yourself in a one player RPG campaign, it just happens to be with a video game.

    10 points.

    Question 3: The same but for more lighthearted, comedic, whimsical or fun?

    Well, being lightheared, comedis, whimsical OR fun does not make them all mutually exlusive. Im having a ball replaying Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, enjoying playing the start as Young Link: a child on a quest to save the Kingdom. Nothing too hilarious, snarky or lewd. Just fun. Not as grim or serious as Dark Souls.

    5 points.

    Question 4: Give me a brief elevator pitch for a game. No more than 40 words.

    I love it! 20 points.




    Also, I am indisposed this weekend, can anyone else host this weekend?

    Started the first third or so of Ready Player One with the missus. No spoilers please! Im enjoying it.


    Ok, off to paint and maybe, just maybe, hit the gym.



    @sundancer (20 points)


    20 points for that @sundancer


    Cult of Games Member

    With the all hurricanes hitting our state, it only seemed fitting that everyone in the “day job” office take the opportunity to help out in the local community. Cooperating with Lowe’s “[Re]-Builder” program, our office at Citrix got together to repaint a house in the community that had been badly damaged by Hurricane Irma and then in a subsequent fire. We hope in another few weeks to have this person’s house again in a functional, habitable state, and help him get back on his feet. It felt great to pick up a paint brush for something “bigger” than toy soldiers.

    They asked who had a steady hand with a brush for the “cutting” around doors, windows, ceiling, etc. I figured if I could paint 28mm infantry, I could paint a straight line on a house.

    Exterior Paint and Landscaping

    Inside, we were busy with interior paint and trying not to overheat. 🙂

    The coworker at the left was the one taking most of these pictures. She also took the picture of me at the right, neglecting to tell me I had a big smear of paint on my face at the time. 🙂

    This photo includes Greg, the gentleman who’s home this was.

    Some of our collaborators from Lowe’s (local home improvement outlet). In addition to the expertise, they also provide most of the materials used in refurbishment of this house.

    Cleaning up at the end of the day. Painting just about done. New roof repairs going up Monday (today). Water and power restored shortly thereafter.

    Team pic. 😀 😀 😀 There are worse ways to close out the week at the office. 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    Nice to see companies and communities pulling together after natural disasters . Too bad we  all can’t get along like that in our daily lives , but that’s a topic for another forum . Good to see you left your GW / Army Painter brand brushes at home oriskany , you’ld been there painting  for weeks  lol


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks, @a27cromwell . 😀  You know, the foreman was very pleased with the accuracy and neatness of my “cutting,” but did politely suggest I speed it up a little.  The “terrain” was 1:1 scale after all. 😀



    @oriskany Great progress pictures on your hobby project and nice ‘battle’ report. ?

    I was watching the latest Purge episode today and really had to stop myself making notes. Nothing worse than making a game in someone else’s IP.


    Cult of Games Member

    Judging from all this silence everybody had a busy non-hobby related week? Makes me feel better for not achieving much 😉  Next week will be better.



    Its been a gruelling few days at work and my chill out time has been necessary to stop my head from popping.


    Im going to close the thread now and thank everyone for participating. Ill try do a count up later today (Im near the end of a night shift now) after I have a painting session with friends (I’ve kinda been avoiding people for the last few days, gym notwithstandnig).


    Also I need to get around to proper replies, points and awards for all you lovely people 🙂


    My AoS objective is nearly done with only some final highlights, touch ups and varnish to do.


    Ive also converted my Boba Fett for Star Wars Legion and started work on some Night Goblins / Moonclan Grotz. Can’t wait to show you guys pics. Shame I left my phone at home… Its been a long 12 hours…


    Feel free to keep posting, as I know I will!




    Also can someone volunteer to host this weekend? My son is up to visit again 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    @oriskany I imagine everyone gave you a strange look when you started dumping PVA on the ground and throwing sand on it.

    I spent a few hours last night making some 3-D Ships to try out Dark Star with. Largest is a Destroyer, then a Frigate and the smallest is a Corvette. The Larger two are my idea of “standard” ships and the Corvette was designed to look like a long-range reconnaissance ship with extra power generators and an expanded bridge for greater visibility. I’ll have to get them 3-D printed soon.


    I also had a go at designing a “Sutton Skunk Armoured Holt Tractor” for my Chinese forces (Bolt Action). I could only find one company that sold them and the shipping was way to expensive so I had a go at doing my own. It still needs a bit of work but I guess it counts as hobby. Basically take a Tractor, rivet armour to it, stick an armoured cab on the back thensqueeze two medium mortars and two BAR’s in the back.



    The only known picture of the Sutton Skunk

    I also jumped back into my Star Wars Legion this week. I picked up Han Solo during the week. My Rebels are fighting in a City and wear grey urban style Camo. I went for a Grey haired Han because it fit better with the colour scheme.




    Long time no chat guys.

    So I’ve had a spectacularly crappy few weeks, culminating last Monday in getting taken to hospital after collapsing at work. Thankfully it was just exhaustion, but caused in part by a virus that has been doing the rounds and subsequently knocked out all  my energy. Queue 2 weeks of unplanned leave from work >_<

    That all comes up as the main reason for my lack of engagement here, but as thankfully it feels like I’ve turned a bit of a corner so want to try and get my hobby head back on. To that end:

    2018-10-15 21.38.58

    Converted the Ultramarine Lt from Warhammer Conquest into an intercessor Sgt for my Deathwatch, kit-bashed a spare Dark Imperium Lt into a line Intercessor, and had a spare from the Intercessor kit who I built as well. All Ultramarines as I kinda dig the idea of them being one of the squads assigned wholesale by Guilleman via the Ultima decree…

    2018-10-15 21.37.59

    Also built a Tempestor Prime to  command the 40+ Kasrkin I have knocking around, and it struck me just how much bigger (and more true to scale) the Primaris are compared to normal humans 😀

    2018-10-18 13.09.01

    And today started laying down base colours on my Fenrisian Wolves….


    Cult of Games Member

    @elessar2590 – Those ships look great so far!  😀 HOPEFULLY there’ll be some Darkstar video content coming out on the site before too long.  Nice to see you’re focusing on the smaller ranges of ships.  Destroyers are probably my favorite class of ships in general, while I usually start new commanders out in frigates when they’re tring for a new career (Lt. Commander or Commander).  Corvettes are almost always commanded by Lt. Commanders, the rough equivalent of WW2 submarines.  Scouting, raiding, screening, as you say.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve got resupplied! 8)

    New Star Wars Legion minis. Boba and his band of Scouts. Ready to prime.




    2018-10-18 16.05.06

    And after the first layer of washes – Seraphim Sepia over the Kharak and Nuln Oil over the Skavenblght.

    2018-10-18 22.05.06

    Then whilst those were drying finished adding the gold trim to the various components of my two Imperial knights of House Mortan, and gave the black armour an initial base of Army Painter Necromancers Cloak. Next step a second coat and tidying up where the gold spilled onto the coloured elements of the armour plates, before washes & glazes (and hoping there is enough Stirland Battlemire left in the bottle….)



    Better late than never! I got really into the groove with painting today…

    Page 2 Responses:

    @elessar2590 I havent seen nor heard of combat, it may have been before my time. As for pre-planned reactions, its not a million miles away from the maneuver dial for Star Wars X-Wing. I like that idea

    @oriskany Dark and twisted? Regular ol church then.

    @horati0nosbl0wer Second page is still early ish.

    @sundancer Still loving the wagon the more I see it progress.

    @evilstu May have answered page 2 already here and there but going back through for consitency. Forgot conquest wasn’t available outside certain places. As for the objective, the last one was a royal pain in the butt and thank goodness I finished it tonight. Technically I have to varnish it in the morning, but it is done. And with that, my project that has lasted almost a year.

    How did you find Justice League? Wonder woman was, to me, pretty good and Justice League inferior though I wanted it to be better.

    Nothing wrong with being a little behind and going at your own pace.

    @avernos I don’t think I have some quite that old still left, but yeah, they built the relabelled coat de arms paints they had to last back in the day. I do firmly believe now they are intended to dry out as to encourage robust repeat sales.

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