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Hobbyweekender 12/10/18 Now with less typos!

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This topic contains 53 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    More WIP pics when you have em guys, keep the music coming, post memes, post interesting pics, youtube videos, factoids, keep the chat going.


    And thanks for participating all. Apologies for the comparative lateness of starting this thread as well as the absence yesterday.






    Question 1: How do you feel about musicals and which one is your favourite?

    I want to like them, I really do but so far I hate them all. Except single episodes of shows like that one in Buffy and Scrubs.

    Question 2: How do you feel about settings that are super serious for either RPGs, Tabletop board games, minature games or computer games?

    I wish I played them more. I used to avoid historical games because I like the supernatural elements but hanging in here I’d love to do something rigidly accurate. Paint and camo schemes and everything. I blame @oriskany whether it’s his fault or not. Ahem.

    Question 3: The same but for more lighthearted, comedic, whimsical or fun?

    My bread and butter. How many of you played Paranoia? Hilarious fun. Kind of ruined me for life though.

    Question4: Give me a brief elevator pitch for a game. No more than 40 words.

    I should just be a game designer. I have far too many ideas and no outlet my head can’t hold them all.

    Ok. A tabletop skirmish game set in The Purge universe. Select your characters. Select your weapons. Go out and do what you want. Alien style counters represent people. Draw X cards and apply when you encounter. Whoever survived the night wins.

    Hobby pledge go through Age of Sigmar Champions rehab. Not getting much else done.

    Music to come later.



    @woldenspoons (45 points)

    Question 1: How do you feel about musicals and which one is your favourite?

    I remember the Scrubs one, and it was genius because it had context with the lady with the disease where she thought everyone was singing like in a musical. I liked Scrubs, and it shouldn’t have run for so long it became horrendous, but that episode was actually genius.

    10 points.

    Question 2: How do you feel about settings that are super serious for either RPGs, Tabletop board games, minature games or computer games?

    Its totally his fault, haha. 10 points.

    Question 3: The same but for more lighthearted, comedic, whimsical or fun?

    Ive heard of that RPG. People talked about it a lot when I was on the Mongoose Publishing forum. Ruined you for life? 5 points.

    Question 4: Give me a brief elevator pitch for a game. No more than 40 words.

    Well, give me one or you get no points! Hahahaha. Come on man, the whole point is to start conversations and chat, you have the perfect opportunity to voice your thoughts.

    Ah you answered me, never mind!

    I like it. 20 points. Would there be any winning, just seeing how long you can last, very slim chances of winning? Cooperative? Competitive? Semi cooperative?

    Age of Sigmar Champions Rehab? Playing a lot of it lately?

    Im looking forward to your music.


    Cult of Games Member

    Today my head is not as light as the last few days, I’ll give the questions a try. Bear with me if my wording gets weird XD

    Question 1: How do you feel about musicals and which one is your favourite?

    Don’t like them really. That being said I love the movie adaptions of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Little Shop of Horrors and even Phantom of the Opera.  Especially the humor in the first two gets me every time… it’s just a jump to the left…

    Question 2: How do you feel about settings that are super serious for either RPGs, Tabletop board games, minature games or computer games?

    Don’t want. All those things are free time activities and at some point I need to “bail out” of reality to recover and relax. That’s why I favour single player video games, the take you further out of every day life.

    Question 3: The same but for more lighthearted, comedic, whimsical or fun?

    Can be a great stress relieve but shouldn’t be overdone. Snarky jokes, lewd wordplay and all will lighten up the game, especially with good friends.

    Question 4: Give me a brief elevator pitch for a game. No more than 40 words.

    100 Orks jump from a Space Hulk and land on a planet with a reducing landmass. Only one Rokkit is hidden on the planet and will take the Waaaaghboss (Grot or Ork)  back to the Space Hulk.



    @sundancer I’d totally play that game!


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage no unfortunately they’re Resin. It will save my should carrying them around but I prefer metal.

    For Question 4. WWII Squad based Skirmish game inspired by the old TV Show Combat!. Pre-planned activation’s that can be active or reactive and enough depth to be fun but not so much that it’s unplayable. Designed to be played with 5-10 minis.

    I actually made the game a few years ago but never took it anywhere. I will probably get around to re-doing it some day since it still needs a lot of work.



    Some assembly but ran out of primer




    Cult of Games Member

    Have no fear, @woldenspoons.  I take full blame, and by that I mean credit, for any conversions to our dark and twisted church. 😀


    Ha haa! I got in at the second page… blasted timezones and work to keep a roof over my head.

    @evilstu… you complete me, lol… Cannibal is awesome as a musical. It’s great as I live in Colorado and the cafeteria for Colorado University in Boulder is named for the main character Alfred Packer.

    Super serious themes in gaming have definitely been interesting to see come of their own from the hazy days of early installments of Deus Ex through the present. In the development in gaming away from the early consoles and cabinets to modern PCs and consoles the narratives have only gotten better.

    For lighthearted games I will cheerfully advocate for sophomoric humor the likes of Poo, Nuts and Chez Geek.

    And now for my pitch…

    Solo/multi player escape game. You are the creation of a mad scientist. Character traits pulled at random from a deck. AI deck scientist moves/actions against you. Players lay tiles each round to map the lab.

    @sundancer We all know that the only part of the body that matters most in getting sick is our heads…. we’re all lost causes in that regard. How did a GW pot last over 5 years? Did you keep it in some special encapsulation like the hand of the character David Duchovny played in Zoolander? Good work otherwise for Star Wars to get back in the saddle.

    @elessar I first saw a mass of black figures and thought I was about to see the troops from the Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade. Good to see the beginning of work before the storm of paint.


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer it didn’t last 5 but nearly 20 years 😉 And it could because I had a loooong hiatus in between. I’m just starting again (well, starting for over a year now) with active painting. The paints where all stored like there were made: lying in their box, waiting.

    And while I was watching XLBS yesterday evening (curse you @avernos) I took my hobby knife and made an idol for my tank.


    Next up: more armour, more spiky bits and lot’s more DAKKA!


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage that AFI cover was pretty good, especially given the ‘reduced palette’ that the band have to work with as far as instrumentation goes compared to Nails. Re question 4 I’d probably default to a home-brew mash up of D&D 3.5, 5th ed and Pathfinder if I was running it. Only Issue I’d have is that most of our campaigns tend to get derailed after a few months, and this idea sounds like kind of a long game.. with regard to minis, the foot knights were done up to the dip varnish last week (so the second picture in my other post) – this weekends work was rehighligting, baseing and a matt varnish. For the Dragoons had the horses dione already – progress was just the blue and red on the riders. And the rest of the historicals are as they have been for a month or so. Objectives looks really good, nice colour choices 🙂 And flaunting Conquest in front of the rest of us no less 😛 Maybe one day it will be available locally… Planning on gluing the terain down to those bases in that configuration? if so will mean you should be able to quickly rearrange and put together a nice variety of terrain-intense gaming tables.

    @woldenspoons “I want to like them, I really do but so far I hate them all” – this made me giggle far too much 🙂

    @horati0nosebl0wer haha! hope there are not terrible ‘house special’ puns on the cafeteria menu 🙂

    @elessar2590 game sounds intriguing – keep us posted if you get an opportunity to revisit. BTW, how are your French tracking?

    @sundancer Hope you are feeling better soon 🙂 Moar dakka! Nice work on the icon :)I really should hook back into my ork project – they are just too much fun 🙂

    Finally got around to watching Wonder Woman the other night with the girlfriend. We both really wanted to like it but unfortunately our viewing sort of devolved into a series of hat tips to when Conan punched a camel – Ever been so mad you punched an armored car/church/airfield.. etc… Will check out Justice League next, then need to catch up on Solo and Antman and the Wasp – so far behind on the pop culture front…





    @horati0nosebl0wer I have 30 year old paints that predate those ones still going strong. The paints came in better bottles and were just better quality. I’m not saying GW deliberately make paints that dry out now…actually no, that is exactly what I’m saying 🙂 coat d’arms is the original manufacturer and they’re still going with that paint range. Well worth picking up they’re an excellent brand.





    Those are all glued down and together



    Answers to my own questions:

    Question 1: How do you feel about musicals and which one is your favourite?

    I liked Disney movies when I was a kid, they worked in the context of a kids movie. Now, unless a movie is based on a musical, it doesen’t work. Not for me, I just feel it does not work in general. It breaks plausibility and the fourth wall too. I mean, movies like ‘The King and I’ were of their time, though some are still lauded, iconic and relevant. But the world has moved on, much like how Spaghetti Westerns were of their time.

    Question 2: How do you feel about settings that are super serious for either RPGs, Tabletop board games, minature games or computer games?

    I’ve been playing 40k for some time, and while humour is included, I got tired of the constant Grim Dark all the time. It works, don’t get me wrong. But sometimes its cool to have stories about the Salamanders who are just sound dudes, the Orks getting up to crazy shenanigans, and so on. It could be why I developed a bright, vibrant comic book painting style to break up the grimdark on the table a little too.

    Question 3: The same but for more lighthearted, comedic, whimsical or fun?

    Because of the above, I enjoy said type of games. Arcworlde is something I am enjoying lately, and I am going back to my Space Orks, Ironjawz, Morannon Orcs and Bayourks soon. Oh, and my Night Goblins. And squigs. And a giant. Moonstone is also something that fits the bill here. Not to mention stuff like the Monty Python figures in one of the Zombicide games. Malifaux has it to a degree too with their Gremlins.

    Question 4: Give me a brief elevator pitch for a game. No more than 40 words.

    A tabletop skirmish RPG inspired by Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Imagine it! It writes itself. Event cards, objective and narrative driven play, ploys, surreal miniature concepts added in, but solid gameplay too.

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