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Hobby Wekkender 08/06/18 #3 Hit me with your Best Shot!

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Wekkender 08/06/18 #3 Hit me with your Best Shot!

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This topic contains 43 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  irredeemable 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    indeed @biggabum


    Hey gang, lets say we all like each others posts on the thread!



    @mage Pan-Oceania is known in Infinity as “The Hyperpower”. Of all the nations of the Human Sphere no one else has such depths of wealth, materiel resources, breadth of technology, and quality of living for it’s citizens. Pleasingly the setting doesn’t shy away from the fact that, public appearances to the contrary,you don;t reach  such a position without having to engage in some massively shady activities 😉

    Didn’t get quite  the amount of Wolfyness done as I’d intended, but I got some work in on Greigor Fell-hand, painting him up as a 40k Space  Wolf as opposed to a 30k one as he was designed 🙂 still a bit of work to go, but getting metals and some extra colours in is making him come together

    2018-06-09 22.19.04

    And the Gundam? Well here is where  I’m  at currently. Full disclosure I nearly gave up entirely as I managed to drop a piece that formed apart of the leg armour that promptly disappeared around my desk.  Luckily I managed to find it (somehow balanced on one of the bottom struts?) and have carried on. As it is there are still both arms, the head and the compliment of weapons to build:

    2018-06-10 07.57.122018-06-10 07.56.28

    And yeah, Bandai are really at the top of their game with these kits. I mean look at how that leg bends – not just the double jointed knee, but there’s panels that actually move on the pre-cast mountings to facilitate things. I mean they have been doing this now for 40 years or so so know their beans….

    (Impressive that it comes from all these:)
    2018-04-22 22.31.12


    Cult of Games Member

    Hails gents,

    Today is day one of ten days off work. My hobby weekend starts now! My brother is arriving down later today and he’ll be bringing his hobby stuff with him. We’ll both be working on our Knights and also a couple of ongoing bits. I still have my Dark Angels and Grey Knights and he has an Admech project he’s starting on.

    My Knights in the extremely early stages of their base coats. These have been dry-fitted by the way, every armour panel is separate and the arms are magnetised.

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    Neil’s Admech

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    So hopefully we’ll have some proper updates on the various projects throughout the week. We’ll also be getting some gaming in. I dunno if we’ll be playing a full game of 40k (ie: I dunno if I want to get walloped again) or some board games. It’s his birthday next weeknd so we’ll have mates around. Might be a good opportunity to try out all the Green Horde wave 2 goodies that turned up mid-week!

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    And if I get any quiet time in I’ll be getting more reading done for the FAITH RPG.


    I suppose I should answer some questions…

    1. Orks. Because Dwarves were never cool enough to have a game where they got to smash trucks into one another.

    2. Narrative. Always. I love the story-telling element to gaming and it’s one of the reasons I’ve fallen in love with RPGs.

    3. Cooperative. The best multiplayer experiences I’ve had on console have been games like Borderlands, Ghost Recon and Dying Light. Even a shite game (Terminator Salvation, Damnation) can become playable if you have someone to have a laugh with. It’s the same with boardgames, our most played games are Zombicide: Black Plague and Dead of Winter.



    You’ve had a mixed week mate. Sorry to hear about the health and plumbing problems but congrats to the kids on doing well.

    Hex Beasts look great.



    Looking forward to seeing those conversions. Historical stuff was never my thing (even though I live with an absolute war and history nut) but I do love to see people build armies and forces based on real divisions.



    Infinity was a game I came so close to jumping into multiple times. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a bad word said about the ruleset and the minis are glorious. I have both the Angel Giraldez painting books and the close-up shots of the mechs/rigs are stunning.


    Now some ditties to clear the cobwebs.



    So I came away from the tournament with the wooden spoon, but man that was a total blast! Learnt some lessons about list building and when the right (or wrong) time to use a model is. The guys were really chilled about it being my first set of games, and helped talk me through some order sequence and turn etiquette things that were really helpful. Now I know where the club is as well I’ll be  sure to try and drop by if I can on the odd Tuesday night.



    Cult of Games Member

    Cool stuff going on

    @dawfydd Love the Space Wolf although it shows how out of touch with GW stuff I am as I didnt kow they were doing 30k stuff…. slips quietly back under my rock…

    @irredeemable really liking the knights, even at this early stage. Zooooommmmbbbbiiieeeeecccciiidddeee, great game but i’m awful at it… its co-operative…. I’m not 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    @dawfydd hey nothing wrong with wooden spoons, especially if its your first tourny. At least you picked up some tips, so next time you’ll be better equiped. At the end of the day, if you had fun, you’re as much of a winner as the guy who took first.


    Cult of Games Member

    Malifaux Mini Bat rep: Neverborn Vs Arcanists –  50 Soul Stones.

    Matty chose to use the Neverborn for this game and chose a compact but powerful crew with some nice (or nasty from my side of the table) tricks. With only 50 Soul Stones to spend Matty opted to do without upgrades, figuring his choices had enough natural synergies together to give me a hard time.

    From left to right

    Baby Kade, Teddy, Lilith (His Master), Mature Nephilim, Barbaros and a Young Nephilim.


    As for Myself I chose my go to Arcanist Crew led by Ramos, He is one of those paradoxical leaders who has a lot of powerful offensive abilities but extremely vulnerable. Fortunately Ramos isn’t a one trick pony and does have some great support abilities too, not least being able to create mechanical spiders.

    As with Matthew, I thought it more prudent to rely on each of my characters natural synergies rather than spend valuable resources on upgrades. I also chose fewer powerful characters which gave me the numbers edge…. All I had to do was avoid combat.

    My Crew from Left to right

    Electric creation, Gunsmith (yeah he is Jesse James from WWX but I like the model and it was going to waste because Matty preferred the Alt JJ sculpt), Joss, Ramos, Howard Langston, Brass Arachnid and a Union Miner.


    It turned out to be a very quick game. Matty won the initiative and made me start to set up first. I dcided to spread my Crew across a wide front so I could get to the Scheme markers on the flanks quickly, whilst Matty chose a more central deployment.


    We edged cautiously towards each other, both aware of each others big guys and the damage they could do and how important it was going to be not to suffer early casualties with such small crews. The exeption was Lilith who used her long move to cross half the table and claim the scheme marker in the centre. Joss killed the Electric Creation, which dropped two scrap counters which allowed Ramos to create two Steam Arachnids

    Fortunately for me Lilith had moved within the effective range of Howard Langston, his nimble move taking him into base contact and then killing her with flurry, I hadn’t expected that but a lucky flip of the red Joker (which causes severe + moderate damage) landed 11 points of damage and took her out of the game and nerfed the remaining Nephilim….

    Matty answered by bringing Teddy and Baby Kade into play but made a mistake in pulling Howard Langston towards Baby Kade and had to save him with the Young Nephilim.

    Meanwhile I concentrated on grabbing the objectives on the extreme flanks and used a steam Arachnid to grab a third. That left the objective the Mature Nephilim was sitting on (and I was going nowhere near that bugger) and the now vacant one in the centre (although it was still claimed by the Neverborn).

    Barbaros charged Ramos and while he did damage him it was minimal. In turn Barbaros was dispatched by Joss. As the final turn drew to a close my remaining Steam Arachinid claimed the objective in the centre.

    Archanists 5 vp’s – Neverborn 2 vp’s













    @biggabum nothing wrong with that. Some of my groups most memorable games of Zombicide have involved one player either  not getting the whole “cooperation” side of things or instead having a moment when they suddenly just go all in to get  their  Survivor out 😉

    And I meant to say, also finished the main campaign story of Battletech. It was one hell of a ride, and the fact it now lets you jump to any system on the map at your leisure taking whatever jobs come up is most intriguing. I’m debating dipping into the multiplayer but can’t quite get my head around how this would work for a turn based X-Com-alike. Have to say though, I hope Hare  Brained Studios and Paradox can continue to support it. At the least I would be very surprised  if they didn’t have new mechpacks planned, but would love more story content, or just the chance to cross paths with iconic mercenary commands like Wolf’s Dragoons, The Kell Hounds or The Gray Death Legion. Not The Clans though. Let’s keep it purely 4th Succession War-era, as the coming of The Clans is surely perfect sequel material ala Mechwarrior 2?


    Cult of Games Member

    E3 is here … and the latest Cyberpunk 2077 trailer dropped.

    If that doesn’t inspire anyone into playing Cyberpunk rpg’s again then I don’t know what will … 😉

    @irredeemable the horde has gotten you too ?

    How much time did you need to build those knights ?



    Damn I have some replies to do. Gonna head out for a while. Spent the morning with a hangover trying to find my phone in town. Gonna go enjoy the sun while its here. Ill post replies and do some answering and hobby this evening.


    Keep those brushses wet and be gansta with those d6s.


    Cult of Games Member

    It wouldn’t be the internet if the track in the new CP2077 trailer wasn’t *eh* spoiled …

    Definitely a good fit for the game.



    @dawfydd (75 points)


    Sinister undertones, I like it. 20 points. Geigor is looking good so far, 15 points. 20 points for the gundam. Looks great.


    Wooden spoon?


    10 points for the tournament. Sounds like your doing well after dipping your toe with playing. Nice and friendly event?


    That battletech write up is interesting, 10 points.



    @limburger (15 points)


    15 points for the cyberpunk trailer. Saw this and thought it looked good:



    Thank goodness they cancelled the silly reboot nonsense.



    Cult of Games Member

    @mage : I’ve never been a fan of DMC and its style of play, so I can’t say I was bothered by the reboot.

    The new trailer looks interesting, but … this is E3. Lots of flash, no substance.
    Plus it is capcom … they’re not the most consumer friendly publishers out there.

    // edit

    more interesting stuff :

    Apocalypse engine, Dungeon world, Gumshoe and Mindjammer bundles are available at bundle of holding website.

    #drmfree and supporting a charity always = +1



    @limburger Interesting stuff.



    @irredeemable (110 points)


    The Knights look good now. Is that a FW on the left? 10 points each so far.


    20 points for the green horde. Enjoy the birthday weekend and best of luck with the hobby and gaming. His admech looks good. Don’t forget to ask him that outload question for the Blood Angels scouts for me.


    1.       Gorkamorka reference? 15 points!!!

    2.       We need to play Mordheim on the tabletop dude, you will fall in love with it. 20 points.

    3.       Many valid points. I’m half tempted to get Silver Tower for that. 20 points.


    10 points for replying to others.


    Regarding music, I will listen to it later and award points.

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