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Hobby Weekender – Something musically different 23/06/18

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This topic contains 27 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  mage 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @mage He loves it mate. In fact we only see him when he wants feeding…. who needs a cat when you have a Chris 😀

    Ahhh Lego… the Bane of the bare foot Parent/Grandparent. I bought Lily some at Christmas. To be honest I was a bit put off at first because of both the price and it only seems to come in kits now. We were lucky though and stumbled on a generic box in a backstreet Toy Shop in town. I had forgotten how much fun it was and spent hours with Lily building stuff.

    Sorry about the Pic quality I still cant figure out the Camera on my phone. Its a side view but theres three glowy lights on the front and two on the top. Its something called RGB lighting and it’s contollable (or it will be when I figure out how too)



    Currently playing “7 Days to Die” with Chris. Its a base building Survival Zombie game. Its pretty good. I do have Dawn of War 2 on the go too, and Bloodbowl 2 .

    Nah mate The Enlightened are a Wild West Exodus Posse. I suppose they would be a hybrid of the Arcanist’s and Ressurectionist’s in Malifaux. The Enlightened are Scientists who use RJ1027 in their experiments and have discovered ways to augment the nearly dead (mostly from the Battlefield) and use them in their Posse’s (obvioulsly using nefarious means to control them).

    I enjoy the Let’s Plays and the Unboxings mostly. I do watch 3 Colours Up if the mini being painted is something that catches my eye.

    The truth is my eyesight isnt what it was (a combination of Type 2 Diabetes and getting on in years) and I cant focus properly up close (my distance vision is excellent though… go figure?). My glasses are useless because my eyesight changes from day to day and magnifiers don’t help either for the same reason. So apart from the actual playing of the games the other sides of the hobby have become a bit difficult and not as enjoyable as it once was. I do still love seeing what you guys produce though.

    Monsterpocalypse is an excellent little game. It used to be a prepainted collectables game (although they are doing away with that premise for the updated version) and pits giant Monsters/Robots/Aliens against each other. It is played out over a map and each player takes his Monster (or whatever) and must kill the other players Monster. They are supported by smaller units and although you can build your army from any faction, units from the same faction as your monster get bonuses. Its very cinematic as you smash your opponents monster through nearby buildings or hurl him into his own supporting units. All good fun.

    Yeah, I watched Season 1 too. I have recorded Season 2 but haven’t had time to watch it yet myself. I’m guessing a binge weekend is in order… after the World Cup has finished



    Cult of Games Member


    Pirates of Dark Water! I had completely forgotten about that!


    Cult of Games Member

    At least some of you  getting a bit of hobby time this weekend , lucky b#st*rds .   lol   I seem to have wasted my free time this weekend , too much BS ing with friends down at the hobby shop yesterday , but we did  talk a lot of hobby and I did remember to pick up some paint ,  not the colors that I needed mind you …… shouldn’t have left my list at home , Today was much the same except it was hanging out at a record shop , swilling bad coffee and spinning classic ( and not so classic ) 70s & 80s vinyl . Well at least I can get a bit of painting done tonight . The Tiger II kits I got are from Warlord , and I’ve got a project log going about them ( Tale of Three Tigers ) , a lot  work remembering to make notes and take photos of your biulding and painting . Thankfully there are 3  in the box so if I miss showing a  step in the  build  on one I can post the second one , or maybe the third . Here;s a snap of the Werecroc & his fishy friend . Just need the odd diversion at times from Panzer Yellow and RussiaIMG_20180624_174141476n Green . And just when I thought I was all done with this Garden Gnome thing , what ends up in my car on the way home this afternoon ? Yea , 3 of the little buggers . That’ll make an even dozen when finished , I wonder if Battle Foam can make me a custom bag ?


    Cult of Games Member

    @a27cromwell Nice paint job on Sharkman and Werecroc, really cool. Am really liking Sharkman, whats he from? It’s one of those models I really really need.

    You know what thay say mate “Gnome is where the heart is” (I know I know, a rubbish Gnome pun, but i’ve resisted for a whole three weeks, been like a four year old bursting for the toilet) 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    The Croc is just base coat so far , green to follow . The Sharkman is one of the Bones/ Reaper figures . I saw one on a shelf in the back ground of the BOW set on one of the weekenders ( might be what Warren calls his Sharkarasaurous  ?) a long while go  , thought it looked cool , and finally  found one down at the LHS .  I adjusted his arms bit ,a little trimming , some green stuff on the joints , paint  & done . I then based him on one of the new  GW  40 x 52mm oval bases ,used a Vallejo ground cover paste to blend in the base ( worked a treat ) added those new GW plastic spiky plants and a misshapen metal skull . Although very sci fi and spiky those GW plants paint up nice , I’ve added some along with other plastic plant / shrub types to  my Japanese foxholes , they look very tropical / jungle if you don’t paint them too   garish  if know what I mean  .  Sure bring on the Gnome puns , I’ve been getting them from co workers and my kids  all month .  But actually  it’s another relaxing change from full on historical builds ,  paint and decals . Sometimes you just need to have fun with the hobby  . Next up , my Mum wants me to repaint a 40 plus year old wooden decoy Mallard duck …… fun times ahead …fun times



    @irredeemable (80 points)


    Understandable with the heat we are having. The vampire book sounds disappointin. Best of luck with the gaunts ghosts book(s).


    (1)  10 points. It sounds like work is sucky at the moment.

    (2)  Not my cup of tea, but 10 points all the same.

    (3)  That counts, 10 points.

    (4)  When do you think you will get around to them? 10 points.

    (5)  10 points. What makes it so good?


    First one, I do not like. 10 points for the second. 5 points for the third one. 15 points for the last song.







    Semantics lol.


    (1)  Any sign of improvement with the arm?

    (2)  That is maybe not a good idea then.

    (3)  I tried biostrip before on models and failed to get the results a lot of people were raving about.

    (4)  House Mortan are cool to be fair. As are free blades.

    (5)  Dark but not pandering or condescending to, well whatever age I was at the time. All those shows you list are awesome though I never really saw or remembering seeing Pirates of dark Water much. Lots of good stuff from 80s and 90s cartoons.


    Man there are a lot of late night posts here, haha. Excellent



    @biggabum (45 points)


    The age old question: Chris V Cat.


    You can still get it in sets which are just bricks and not kits per se. As well as being able to order individual pieces from lego. I think If I didn’t have lego as a child I might never have got into tabletop miniatures.


    Rig looks good. 25 points. I know nothing of them.


    Understood with the enlightened, thanks for explaining. 10 points.


    5 points on what you enjoy on beasts. Sucks about your eyes. As for Monsterpocalypse, that sounds really cool. Was there something about it being less prepainted and blind buy and going the more ‘traditional tabletop game’ route with models and paints? 5 points for the explanation.


    @irredemable I almost had too. 5 points.


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage Yeah me too with the Lego. I ised to have some really small Airfix figures (Romans and Barbarians I think they were) and used to build castles and Spaceships for them (yeah my History knowledge sucked back then too). So yaeh I suppose Lego was my first foray into Gaming too (although instaed of dice I used to roll marbles at them).

    We looked everywhere local for a generic box and nowhere had anything other than the kits. Mostly Marvel, DC and Star Wars too. Mind you all the Toy shops we tried, before finding the little independant, were the big name guys. I guess they were what was selling well at the time.

    Yeah, PP have been showing off the Cads for the new stuff. Its a little bigger in scale too.  I’m hoping they go the route of using tiles (or even the mousemat type game mats) for the Cityscapes rather than the paper mats they used before (they get tatty very quickly). If you like Warmachine, Monsterpocalypse is definately worth having a look at. Actually we might see if we can get a game of the original in, of course we’ll  post pics 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    @a27cromwell thanks, i’ll have a look around see if I can find me one.



    @mage well the Deathwatch were the result of  a simple dip & scrub, but they were just a very granular primer layer. The others I’ve done I’ve left to soak in the goop for at least a week, in one case for a month. In those cases the pain was actually coming away onto my fingers as I pulled them out. The only issues I found are that it weakens the joins of parts glues using poly cement, and it can weaken thin pieces 😉


    Cult of Games Member


    As you said, guitar practice on Friday. Quite a lot of music exams are broken down into grades, so if you are studying almost any instrument or music theory, you will study grades 1 – 8 (certainly this method is common in the UK, I think a lot of the rest of the world as well). They introduced a grade 0 as well, to kind of help people getting started. There are a few different exam bodies and within an instrument their might multiple styles (So for the guitar you might choose, acoustic, electric or rock for example). Mostly it’s kids who have done it as extra study alongside school (I did classical guitar in school, but never took it very far). So now I am doing RGT Rock Guitar, have been for a few years. To put it in perspective, I am in my mid-thirties, and usually, there will be like a 14 year-old in the same exam group doing the grade above me!

    If you care to see how bad I am, here is me a couple of weeks before my exam practising a simplified rendition of the Guns and Roses classic “Sweet Child O’Mine”, the intro goes on forever…

    My dog is a Keeshond, her name is Tammy, she is 3 years old, here is a picture of her.


    They are known also known as Dutch barge dogs. Not super common in the UK, they are from the Spitz family and recognised by the Kennel Club both in the UK and the US. She is a registered pedigree from an assured breeding program. I am a bit mixed on the whole pedigree system, on the one hand, it does do a lot to make sure dogs are bred in good conditions (proper homes, limited litters for the mother, breeding above a certain age and with certain breaks between litters). It also does a lot to promote proper care and health for dogs. On the other, it also can foster certain irrelevant aesthetic ideals and sometimes unpleasant and irrational views of non-pedigree dogs.

    The Frap was 280 calories before I added the caramel drizzle, so not healthy.

    The WoK Goritsi vs Nasier stuff, current progress (and pics of the finish Goritsi) can all be seen on the project here…

    The Battle Of Ravenwood

    As for Deneb, it’s going well, latest progress also recorded in a project here…



    Cult of Games Member

    Also, loving all the discussion of classic 90’s cartoon series, like the skeletons thing, pirates of dark water, conan and so on. Ended up watching a load of that stuff on youtube not that long ago.



    Have not been able to spend the time on this that it deserved over the last few days. I jumped the shark on this one with enjoying the fine weather and simply did not have the chance to come online, and when I did have free time I did other stuff. I will update this with points, etc. throughout the day


    But in all honesty, I am burned out from doing the weekender threads. I’d really appreciate it if someone could step up and volunteer for the next two or three.

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