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Hobby Weekender 31/01/2019 – Let's All Down with the Sickness

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This topic contains 80 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer you have blown my cover… now I must kill everyone in this thread as they are a threat now…. 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer good cartoon choices 🙂 I still break out Robotech for a bit of a rewatch every now and then. Must track down Macross Do You Remember Love one day – if only for the Super Strike Valkyrie. No need to kill us all, we’re a trustworthy bunch 😉 30 Woolong for posts.

    @dawfydd I think my main problem with Wing was when every faction started to break into subfactions – it started to get a little silly after the second iteration of that process. Still, I guess with 49 episodes they had to do something to keep it innovative… what is Siege of the Citadel like? 40 Woolong for posts and Transformers research.

    @mage ugh, night shifts mess with the body clock, no wonder you are playing catch-up on sleep. Enjoy the days off/retail therapy/concert! 40 Woolong for posts and hobby progress.

    @woldenspoons cool! I’m assuming you mean the Tzeentch summoner and not the old metal IG mini? 10 Woolong.

    @horati0nosebl0wer I’ve been using the GSW rolling pins for bases with some success, so can give those ones a +1, That Basius stuff does look pretty sweet though – I have gazed longingly both times it’s been up on KS. My problem is I can’t decide which ones to get, so don’t get any. Like the look of the L5R stuff but never picked any up. A bit like the old Anima tactics – really pretty but nothing I have a use for unfortunately. w00t! Faderhead 🙂 40 Woolong for detailed responses and tunes.

    @rayzryr yeah the paint is just falling away on the metals. Will probably run a test plastic before I move up to mass stripping of stuff. 40 Woolong for responses.




    P4 after dinner replies…

    @mage steal away eh?

    Pink Peppercorn? According to Wikipedia, the most reliable source on the internet, Pink Peppercorn

    “pink peppercorn is a dried berry of the shrub Schinus molle, commonly known as the Peruvian peppertree. Although a peppercorn is the dried fruit of a plant from the genus Piper, pink peppercorns came to be called such because they resemble peppercorns, and because they, too, have a peppery flavour.

    So! Um… let me know if they’re any good whenever you so feel the urge to try them ?

    Octopath Traveller? Hmm, I’ll have to try it, but the young ‘un probably wouldn’t be interested at first. She might get into it once started though.

    I like that we can have different colour Shy Guys and Yoshi’s. Shy Guy is pretty cool. Do you play on the Switch? We only have it on the Wii U, so not sure if it’ll work cross-platform like that… but if it does, sure!

    I have more trouble timing the turns for some reason… probably coz I use heavies and their drift sucks if you don’t time it right ?

    I think you’re spot on with N64 Rajnbow Road, the daughter says it used to be the longest race in the game. I think that was the one she was talking about…

    Stay healthy fella, look after yourself!

    @dawfydd nice take on the old school Inquisitor man! And Silas Hand? Ah man, Daemonifuge was probably one of the better runs in the old Warhammer Monthly, IMO anyway…

    @horati0nosebl0wer yeah, the guys at Happy Seppuku have a limited offering. I grabbed a few things in their very first Kickstarter, some of which I’ve yet to even use.

    I’ve looked at the Basius stuff as well, I think it might have a higher resolution and perhaps a better method of applying the stamp… but I’ve not bought in yet.

    Same with GSW

    Greenstuff from bases?!? Yeesh…

    Haha! Electric six, noice!

    @evilstu oh Anima Tactics was soo pretty, but yeah, what to use them for?

    @sundancer yeah, you know… you could also Not kill us all too… I mean, it’d get pretty lonely in this thread without all of us here to engage you with sane, rational conversation. Right?



    @evilstu The Tzeentch one? There are nine of them ?.

    But no, it is the metal guard figure I have. For now…


    Cult of Games Member

    @rayzryr no… we wouldn’t be alone… we’ve kept ourselves company for a long time now… very long time… yeeeees……



    Progress on the minis!

    From working the public holiday last week (and consequently doing a 6 day week) I had an extra day off yesterday. I spent most of it painting my DA.

    Progress shots taken during the day. Last shots taken tonight before any further progress.


    The whites need a little more whitening, just final highlights there. Then the sergeants head and squad, company and chapter markings. Then basing… then maybe done… lol



    @sundancer oh, oh well then. Have at it! Carry on good sir… sir’s?



    Other hobby things as according to my pledge:

    Monday night was to be DnD night. However DnD itself was cancelled as the Siblings recently lost a close mutual friend, who himself was very involved with DnD. Understandably they were not up for DnD.

    So the rest of us played Kingdom Death instead. We introduced the newest member of our group to the game, Kaykheel hadn’t heard of KD before, and the introduction battle experienced was a Nemeses fight with the Kings Man.

    Our little hunting party was ill-prepared… it was a TPK… Kayk seems to have enjoyed it! Especially when Poseidon, the survivor being used, was repeatedly stabbed and attacked. Poseidon finally died when an arm was removed and died of shock.

    The rest of the party soon followed…


    In other news, I have received two bundles of fresh Kingdom Death goodness. This bundle I ordered in the Christmas sale and received today:



    Holiday White Speaker Nico in the green box. Plastic mini. Comes with a settlement event card for the game too.

    A set of Winter Death Dice. Alternate dice for KD. Not at all necessary, but I like ‘em.

    Satan Santa. Plastic Minis. One half of KD’s Satan, dressed as Santa. Comes with a 54mm and 32 mm version of Satan Santa in different poses. Also a milestone event for the game and a new resource for the game: Lumps of Atnas.

    KD Thief. Resin mini. Kingdom Death have a range of generic RPG hero minis, done in their own KD style (think Paladin, Mage, Bard etc)


    This Bundle I ordered in the January New Sale, and received… yesterday.


    Resin minis: Cyclops Knight, Death High Enforcer and Death High Aya. And another set of Winter dice. D’oh! In my rush to order in the January sale, I didnt remember that I had already ordered the damn dice. Ah well.


    @evilstu The stuff coming out from GSW and Basius are very keen and I agree its hard to decide. With L5R I got hooked way back when for the RPG. Their wargame foray was Clan Wars which divided among the different clans as essentially Test of Honor going about battle with armies and not skirmish. The sculpting done by hand in the late 90’s was great for breaking out of the European themed fantasy and not going into the pure historical figure lines.

    The current figures coming out in the Minicrate for L5R are limited edition (like all the rest of the Minicrate from Privateer Press) and I like the fact that the range of miniatures I have for display is diverse as it is. I still love the setting and the first figure for the release was Togashi Yokuni that I originally had in metal. I had to give it up when I last moved and I do regret that fact as I think back to not doing anything with it. So, part sentamentality and part admiration of the work compels me to collect and work on the paint for the acquisitions. Worse comes to worst I can always trade what I don’t want/need.

    Now about this woolong stuff… I’m getting a super intelligent dog included on this deal that doubles as a furry ottoman that will bounce about when he’s happy, right? If that’s not the case I’m switching straight to double dollars while the exchange rate is advantageous.

    *wonders about sundancer sitting alone with sundancer while sundancer confers with sundancer over the state of sundancer not having the best of disposition toward sundancer which might affect his future interactions with sundancer…. all before shaking out the Tzeentchian influence and throwing out some glorious music to banish the offensive silence*

    game fun from something I had not seen before

    Relavent to my interests and hopefully yours too

    Not for those who suffer epilepsy

    Now for something completely different


    *taps his headset hearing @rayzryr mentioning sane and rational conversation and wonders about reception*

    The stripping of greenstuff isn’t bad. It comes off in whatever kind of chunk you put it down as. If you wanted to redo a figure completely in stripping the paint and pull the greenstuff from the slotta base you could. It really is useful to avoid having to keep buying bases when you decide to say ‘screw it’ and begin from square one.

    KD is great stuff. I need to get around to all the stuff I have from them and finish a bit before the stuff from the 1.5 release arrives.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m doing projects! 8)

    Rebel scum progress project


    Cult of Games Member

    @rayzryr nice progress! White is coming along well. Oh no, hope your friends are doing OK 🙁 Oh dear, TPK – glad you enjoyed it regardless. Cool shiny loot! 40 Woolong for posts and project progress.

    @woldenspoons ah the guard model – very cool! Congrats 🙂 10 Woolong.

    @sundancer erm, maybe you both need more coffee? or does that just encourage the voices?… Nice project! 40 Woolong for posts and project progress.

    @horati0nosebl0wer ah LE minis would just feed my inner collector/mini addiction – est I don’t get started on the L5R stuff then 😉 Yes, Woolong are tradeable for a superintelligent corgi who does nothing for the rest of the series but bark and eat food… Ahem… Hrm, have you put @sundancer in the mirror dimension or have you stumbled into the @sundancer dimension?… HEHE! Happy Sonic Dreadnought 🙂 Great tunes! 20 Woolong for post and tunes.

    Ok Team, going to call the thread officially closed at this point – Feel free to keep posting until the next one’s up 🙂 Anybody keen to host next week?


    Cult of Games Member

    MOAR COFFEE! Feed the machine! MOAR FUEL!!!!!



    Tired of having these guys standing around without paint and not being too careful about the blends or faces. I’m happy to have  playable pieces if I get back into the game. The most fun I had was throwing down the Blood For the Blood God effect around the bases. The fluff around them and the 1st ed. rules really stressed how brutal and cannibalistic they were.


    Cult of Games Member

    “It’s a bloody mess” XD

    I did some hobby to.


    They are done approximately 50% and if I get them finished tonight I’m still on my “1 mini a day” streak XD



    @rayzryr I stayed up doing the first half of the finale of D&D last night and played switch when I got home. At work now. Zombified. My sleep cycle is still boggerwoggers. See, so bad I invented a word for it. Context explains it.


    Steal Away? Smashy smashy…



    Nice Dark Angels!


    @horati0nosebl0wer Thanks for adding to the thread. I completed the model and will probably do my own thread about Thorin’s company soon ish. I keep meaning to post photos. I’ve gotten very bad at taking proper photos with my light box.


    @evilstu I got two blisters of D&D minis, a pot of paint and a Warhammer Age of Sigmar novel. Didn’t come to too much either J




    I must acquire said pringles.


    Octopaht is very good. I got to level 27 ish and tried a new area. Kept getting my butt handed to me even though I was the right level. New areas tell you what the recommended level is. Then I realised I’d built up tens of thousands of job points and had a bunch of newer, more powerful, MP absorbing abilities to unlock with said points. Its getting easier to grind and level up now. Also, the game clearly has more nuance and mechanics I wasn’t aware of. Hahahahaah.


    It is good though. Its one of the top selling switch games and one of the fastest selling ones in the year it was released. I think.


    I do not know about cross platform, yeah I do play it on the Switch. Multiple colours on the Yoshis and shyguys is a neat, effortless little touch that is nice to have.

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