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Hobby Weekender 31/01/2019 – Let's All Down with the Sickness

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This topic contains 80 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    Steal away.

    I have no idea what pink peppercorn is but I should probably try it.

    Thanks! Its weird doing independent character model after independent charter model. I have five left. Im going to start a separate thread on how to do one as I cannot figure it out.

    It was nice to play with it and it is so shiny. Octopath Traveller is so fun. I got mine for only thirty euro in Smyths toys.

    I tend to make my shy guy orange, being ginger. Ive never been into the heavy ones. I prefer a light, fast vehicle would good acceleration and speed. Just my style. We should play online some time. I will try the wiggler quad.

    The trick with the mansion is to get some shells and rapid fire the middle area with all the power ups and do it drive-by style. The N64 rainbow road seems to be shortened, like you only do one lap and the entire course is divied by three. But I could be wrong. Hectic can be fun.


    I do not recall that but should be easy to find online.

    @dawfydd Siege of the Citadel looks interesting. Any good?

    @evilstu I need more recharging. I must be fighting something mild because at least one friend / family member / coworker seems sick to one degree or another, and I could only do half an hour at the gym the other night (minimum I do is one hour, sometimes 90 to 105 minutes). I have three days off starting tomorrow morning, using annual leave, and going to see Steel Panther in Dublin. I decided to go to more gigs this year. Going with at least one friend.

    You get more pizza and coke? Thank goodness it can all be delivered! Or take a fifteen minute break and go on a snack run.

    My liquid green stuff tends to turn weird. I try adding in water but I think it has a finite life sadly. Try warhammer tv on youtube for tips.

    I have the whole company. I just need to do Ori, Nori, Fili, Kili and Oin.




    @mage so far 2 Knights painted, the parts I was waiting for for my Knight Preceptor arrived today, so that and the 2 Armiger Warglaives are ready to be painted, and I won an auction on Ebay for a 3rd Warglaive. All told that comes in at just over 1800 points as a single Super-Heavy Detachment, with points spare  for a Loyal 32 Battalion for CP shenanigans 😀 Will admit I’d like a Valiant and either a Gallant or Errant down the line to pad that out….

    Both the armoured dudes are actually Inquisitors – the Librarian-looking chap is the Silas Hand mini from the ltd edition Demonifuge set that came with Ephrael Stern (still regretting parting with that model…) based on the strip from the old Warhammer Monthly comic, whilst the other was my attempt to make a modified take on this chap:


    …using a metal Grey Knight Terminator as a base. Head is from one of the old Van Saar leader models, the Deamon Hammer is two plasma pistols on the head of a Nemesis Force Halberd with sigils from the Inquisitor range, then the skull on the shoulderpad is the top from Eisenhorns staff. Ironically the bionic leg is the one from the original terminator inquisitor (I had more than a few of that  model at one point…)

    Irksomely the Space Wolves book is light on successors compared to the other Marine Codexes, a surprise given it was the last one out. You would have though that at the least they would have had a section on The Wolfspear (but I suspect GW still don;t know what to do with that idea as of yet)…

    I don’t think the Techpriest was limited edition…

    …nope, still available 🙂

    I do need to pick up that Company of Thorin set at some point, and actually paint some LOTR stuff – I’ve a huge Rohirrim cavalry force in a box I  painted back when the films were coming out, and a chunk of Gondor I never got around to painting…






    Im getting lost with all the different Knight names hahaha. How many are there in said Detachment? And are the last three you list from Forge World?


    I never even knew that she and Hand got a mini. Interesting stuff.


    Ah nice so its an homage to that older Inquisitor, I like it.


    That’s unfortunate about the wolves.


    We could do a challenge. If you start a LOTR project I will do a complimentary one and we could blog it.



    @mage somewhat surprisingly they are all out of the Codex…

    Yeah, it’s from the time when GW did several limited diorama sets of characters from the Black Library – Stern & Hand, a couple of the Blood Quest  guys, Ibram Gaunt & Colm Corbec, I think Ciaphas Cain got one, Eisenhorn, Raganr Blackmane & Maddox, to name just a few. Needless to say they were limited and now go for crazy money if they go up on Ebay….

    And I tell you what – let me get my back surgery out of the way and you’re on. I’ve had some bits for a Grey Company force based on their depiction in the books (Dunedein Rangers & the Sons of Elrond) lying around for a while, and GW finally made Duinhir available again who pairs with the Blackroot Vale Archers Command and the box of rangers of Middle Earth I’ve got sat in the to-do-pile. Toss in some Warriors of Minas Tirith and a bunch of conversions I did of various Gondorian vassals based on the old White Dwarf article and I’ve sure I can whip something together 😉



    Sounds like you have an army planned


    i just need to think… doni do an evil force that compliments yours? Or not…



    Ooh I have a Gaunt just lying around. I had no idea!


    @rayzryr I looked at happysepuku (speaking of karoshi @evilstu ) a long time ago and wasn’t so keen. Looking at it again I see they’ve expanded quite a bit. I think that the Basius sets that were up for Kickstarter might also be another good investment into greenstuff molding for bases you should take a look at.

    @dawfydd I was about to take you up on the Town Crier stuff but mage shot a link and I am set. Thank you for the offer. As far as what they used to call specialist games I was always partial to Mordheim. I managed to miss the late 90s push on games. It sucked that when GW got the license for LoTR they all went the way of the dodo.

    On a happy note related to publications, I found that GW had the journal ‘Spike!’ for Blood Bowl. (Yeah, I’m late to the damn party but I brought a band of hooligans to liven things up) I was strapped for cash beyond what I stopped in for and I will try to catch what I can later. This all ties into the idea on what to paint up next as far as batches since I do have a Blood Bowl team of orks that I got nameplates printed for my pieces. I also got a coach plate made as well that I need to properly kitbash a figure for. Coaches and their animated reactions to calls sometimes have always been more entertaining than the action on the field.

    As far as Gundam are concerned I’m not one much for the crazy kits out there as a whole but I’m a sucker for Iori Rinko. Yes, I claim dibs on her to be part of my waifu harem. I have purchased a couple of the Bear G-Guy kits. One was a gag that I wasn’t able to deliver and the second is going to be an airbrush test for some Mr. Hobby gloss black enamel as a primer to put metallics over and see what a difference that will make for the AK Mig and Vallejo Air I have followed by some thinned Army painter.

    @mage I thank you for the info my good fellow. I might well need to kick into the FLGS and speak to the young people there about the game. This I will need to do after building some terrain and maybe(one day) finding some time that other people are actually hanging around.

    In other news I just received my Minicrate for the Legend of the Five Rings subscription. Not really a fan of the Lion clan but the sculpt for Matsu Tsuko is impressive. I still have one of the metal Lion sculpts wielding a naginata (one of the champions?) and have a resin 40mm set aside for it.

    Anywho, off to bed for work awaits.



    @horati0nosebl0wer About what game? I is super tired at the end of my twelve hour night 🙁


    And  now, a 30 – 45 minute drive home.


    Pic of the mini.



    @dawfydd Quick TF Question. I loved playing with my cousin’s Chromedome toy as a child. It wasn’t very posable but loved the chunkiness of it as well as the Cybertronian vehicle toy. Even as a four year old it felt right and very honest a representation of the cartoon (as did Hardhead). Is there any rendition of it you would recommend that is similar to it?



    Hey guys,



    im not an expert painter by any means but looking for helps with base coats, washes and hilgiths for this dude. I’ve already done some work but am not sure what to do next.


    Need Advice Painting Ori (GW model)


    I only have GW paints and washed and some army painter dropper bottles of tones

    Thanks in advance ?





    @mage gooood question. Now your in luck as Chromedome got an updated figure about a year & a half ago as part of the Titans Return line  – Titanmasters being the updated term for Headmasters. He’s a good solid Deluxe-class, if not one who does anything particularly exciting. The rest of the “standard” Autobot & Decepticon Headmasters got updates as part of this line, and the update of Hardhead might be my favourite of the lot. If you want something a bit chunkier then there were some excellent over-sized knock-offs released of all 7 for fairly reasonable prices.

    If you fancy something a bit more premium then there have also been a couple of takes on ‘Domey in the Masterpiece scale by various 3rd Party makers. These tend to skew more to updating the classic animation model to a functioning Transformer.

    My best reccomendation would be to checkout some youtube reviews and see what takes your fancy:

    Be warned, this is quite a rabbit hole to go down…..



    Hm. I have a lot to look at! Woo!


    Going to Dublin tomorrow ~(later today?) and am hoping to hit GW, a few toy stores and another toy shop)



    Pg 3 replies since I’m posting on lunch break ?

    @dawfydd ahh! Clever ?

    Oooo, nice! I always liked those Mutant Chronicles/ Warzone minis.

    @evilstu cheers, pics later when I get home (posting on lunch break rn) as I got a fair bit of progress done yesterday

    Oh, I’ve no worries regarding the washers I’ll find a use for them again. Standard Bearers bases is a good idea.

    Glad to hear the Simple Green worked out. I’ve used it on metal and plastic. I was a bit leery on the plastic, but after 24 hours the paint came off, but didn’t seem to damage the plastic.

    @mage damn, messing up your sleep cycle sucks. Hope you get through ok. Don’t fall asleep at your post!

    Thanks mate! Cool, checked out those, good inspiration! Also linked through to Aaron Dembski-Bowden as well. Similar ideas. Pics later of my work ?


    Well, after annihilating my written masterpiece of a post to all this I will try for the condensed version.

    @dawfydd Always crazy to see what you pull up with Transformers and the latest Space Wolves builds and a treat to see your enthusiasm.

    @mage I added to your thread for the painting and I hope things go well

    @rayzryr Simple Green is good overall and from what I’ve seen will pull up greenstuff from bases if you let minis sit long enough.

    And now this is the part of the thread where we dance!!!

    I believe that I’ve found old footage of @sundancer in another life far before we knew him

    I am the Dance Commander!!!

    @warzan There is a NEW Jammie Dance! It may take the place of the yellow blanket

    @dracs Looks like our little Asian overlords have some moves to show off

    We speak not of Gummi bears, Gangnam or Bollywood as a whole.

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