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Hobby Weekender 31/01/2019 – Let's All Down with the Sickness

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This topic contains 80 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    @horati0nosebl0wer yeah, I hadn’t planned on getting any knights but the Renegade box last year where you basically got a Knight for free was too tempting, and the Preceptor buying in bitz has worked out a bit cheaper than buying the full kit 🙂 The Armigers I only pulled the trigger on as I found a seller with the pair for under 40 quid including postage. Worryingly I’m looking at the Valiant longingly…..

    @evilstu feeling a lot better today – spent yesterday maxed out on painkillers,  finishing off watching One Punch Man and catching up with this weeks Star Trek: Discovery and The Grand Tour. Happily there was no snow overnight so they’ve been able to get onto the roads on our estate to do some clearance 🙂

    And to answer the Bonus Question: my first hobby product was the venerable Heroquest, brought as a Christmas present when we were living out in Hong Kong. When we came back to the UK I discovered the expansions, Space Crusade, and then a classmate at school mentioned there were extra rules for both games in this magazine his dad brought him – White Dwarf. And Lo, my fate was sealed 😀



    Cult of Games Member

    @biggabum congrats on getting to keep all your bits! And on the new ride. Those are expensive toys, I find them to be more of a necessary evil than an entertaining diversion, but I understand the appeal that they can hold for those who are car enthusiasts. Nice wok on the Cryx! Err… I’m not quite sure that’s how you are supposed to go about making stale pizza good again… Heh, sounds like ‘GW lite’ MB products got a lot of us hooked 🙂 30 Woolong for question responses, another 20 for hobby progress. 50 total.

    @horati0nosebl0wer ah cool I remember Ral Partha. Still have a few of their minis kicking around in my pile of shame 🙂 Hrm, so a multicoloured wookie army with different colourings in each quad could be worked in and called canon. Unless it’s been retconned in the last 20 minutes, I can never keep track of these things… 10 Woolong for responses, another 10 for agreeably articulate and amiable alliteration. 20 total.

    @dawfydd glad you are on the mend, and that the snow is receding somewhat. I picked up one of the Knights kit as it was a) heavily reduced in a sale and b) triggered my giant robot reflex. Still no idea what I’m going to do with it. My foray into 40k extends as far as some Ork trucks and base colours being applied to a Salamander Kill Team. Doubtless it will come in handy in the future though…

    My hobby progress for today:





    This was achieved by following the guidance and teachings of @lloyd (As Marie Kondo would have just made me throw it all out…).


    So now I can at least locate which hobby projects I’ve had on the backburner for years… 🙂



    Okay a quick little post as my Saturday is quickly getting busy. Sleeping in til half ten didnt help but by gum it was needed.


    I finished Dwalin and Dori (the Dwarf, not the DeGeneres fish) and have torn into the remaining six dwarves with unexpected fast progress. I have a few errands to do today in my own town and if I have time and the weather doesent worsen with cold (still nothing nowhere near as bad as Chicago) I might try and nip into Limerick city to do some stuff.


    I also got concert tickets for Steel Panther on Wednesday. The girlfriend cannot make it unfortunately so taking a friend.



    I will answer questions later and probably give feedback and try harder with the Weekender Achievements tomorrow when I have more time.



    1. What hobby progress can be done when it is just too hot to paint (totally not asking for myself… it’s for a friend of a friend of a friend…). Conversely, what hobby progress can be done when t’s too cold?

    Assembly, list building, peer hobby support online, conversions, background writing, terrain making, forum stuff

    When it is too cold I am of the opinion you can still paint but I think aside from priming and airbrushing, when it is too cold there is still a lot you can do. Even paint.

    Or play Dungeons and Dragons, which imho is EVERTHING-PROOF!!!

    2. In this day and age of OH&S and ergonomic enlightenment, do you prefer to sit or stand when doing hobby? Does this vary depending on the activity you are undertaking?

    What the hell is OH&S? Sit down all the way with hobby but I have to be careful how long I sit and how I sit since that is what I do mostly at work. I cannot stand and hobby. That is madness of the Lovecraftian variety.

    3. Give us all a rundown on an innovative (or at least slightly unusual) basing technique that you have used before or would like to try.

    Painting liquid green stuff thick onto the base to simulate water, slime or lava after assembling a model but before priming it.

    4. Would you ever consider skydiving? How about SCUBA diving?

    Hell no to either. The first one because SPLAT and I have too much to live for and the risk is too high even if it is kept to a minimal.

    And I’ve heard of people getting stuck scuba diving training at the bottom of a pool for like two hours and not being able to get up until others have had the sense to realise they havent moved. FART! Not into it.




    Above is a selection on what I am working off for my minis, a finished mini, two memes, and an intersting variety of pringle I discovered. I am off now. Enjoy! Ill be back later.



    @mage is that the Forge World Thorin’s Company? Always blows my mind  that Graham McTavish (Dwalin) is jacked as **** but they still had to cover his forearms with prognostics to get that dwarven bulk 😀

    Spent my  afternoon blocking in details on the Company Champion and Long Fang packs, just got gun metal and tidy up left to go before the wash stage:

    2019-02-02 15.45.20

    2019-02-02 15.45.46

    2019-02-02 15.46.33

    and thought I’d go back to a Forge World Tech Priest I picked up ages ago and had begun painting but just left to one side:

    2019-02-02 15.47.10

    The robe had originally been painted Khorne Red with a wash of Druichi Violet, so all I’ve done here is paint the yoke black and add a layer of Mephisotn Red to the robe




    Cult of Games Member

    It’s getting late (past 11pm here) but I finished the Wookies! Next, fun little specialist… still have to decide on a colour scheme for the droids.




    Lasst bit of hobby for today – relaxed this evening with a mug of hot chocolate & watching Youtube vids whilst building this quite nice Gundam Astray Blue Frame kit. not the  most complicated build but not the most basic either. always have a soft spot for the Gundam SEED iteration of the franchise, and the mecha designs are probably Gundam at “peak anime” 🙂

    2019-02-02 20.27.04



    Another meme, wip of Gloin and a Zelda switch remote I got today ?




    Gloin is done, pictured with Dwalin and Dori. That’s me for tonight and today. More tomorrow ?




    Cult of Games Member

    Progress for today was stripping a bunch of old Chaos minis,


    and getting the base colours on 4 foot of barbican…


    Responses later on 🙂


    Home from third 12 in a row. I’m calling in dead if I’m needed for more OT. Hobby time is nonexistent. The videogame curtailment might extend further than planned. I did get to watch the entire Helsreach movie and episodes 11-13 of the regular series of shorts to pass time at work.

    Music for my mood


    Something a little more cheerful

    The group name is pronounced Grai (Gr-eye) and the name of the song is Vesna (Vyesna). Slavic languages can be a little funny with their e’s. There’s a whole background of an element called jotation that is a subset of what’s called dipthongs. It’s nowhere near what Koreans do with their vowels. Yeah, a little bit of a language nerd from previous life experience. Night all.. its 4 AM here.


    Cult of Games Member

    I did a little R5-D4. Since the specialists expansions are individual sculpts my usual batch workflow does not apply. Pretty happy with the little bugger.




    Greetings all!

    It is Monday morning, it’s my Sunday. Now I have to fill in the rest of my weekend. Maybe I will do some hobby!

    The pledge for the week:

    back to DnD fortnightly starting tonight. We resume the Elven adventure we are on.

    Heresy-Era Dark Angels are for painting.

    Using the Betrayal at Calth box as the base.


    That’s enough to keep me busy for a while ?

    Some music perhaps?

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