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Hobby Weekender 31/01/2019 – Let's All Down with the Sickness

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This topic contains 80 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    True story – apparently this is my 7 year old niece’s favourite song. She’s awesome 🙂

    Welcome All to another Hobby Weekender! As per tradition started generations ago, and handed down from wise elders, the intro blurb is shamelessly cut and paste below once again and possibly for all time…:


    To the uninitiated, this is a virtual hobby hangout here on the forum. It is something fun and silly with a little more ‘oomph’. Its not just show and tell with your models. Its chatting, getting to know one another, community building. Think of it as a sort of club like hobby session. Everyone is welcome, of course, and there are a few rules to abide by. Let it go as OT as you like with chatting with folks. BoW/OTT is a special, unique community, and this little weekly thread is a tradition on these forums. Though not for everyone, if you are still reading and keen, then it is for you. If not, best click out.

    We do a few things on this thread that usually lasts from Friday or Saturday til about Wednesday or Thursday. My say is final in this silly little corner of the internet. Fear not, for this is your safe place against the outside world of flame wars, trolling and all that other crap.

    (1) Make a pledge for the weekend. It can be painting, assembly, priming, converting, background writing, terrain, you name it. Just gotta be relevant to hobbying or gaming.

    (2) Chat with people. Be friendly. Do get to know one another, be kind, provide positive reinforcement and constructive criticism. Do not post up your real name, credit card, bank details or home address info.

    (3) I will list out questions. Answer them. Longer answers = more points. Also, points are being assigned to something else as it confused some folk for a while.

    (4) Awards will be given out at the end of the thread and you shall be awarded XP, added to your account profile by the wonderful @lancorz . Think of him as the ever vigilant Batman of the forums who keeps a careful eye on the status quo, but also acts in a way, like Alfred; with a calm disposition and the attentive nature of a concierge.

    (5) Scottish Pub Law rules: no discussion of religion or politics**. Keep it clean. Behave. Be nice, be kind. Walk away if you get angry. Don’t be a dick.

    Also there are bonuses for the following ‘Achievements’:
    · Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic)
    · Fire Starter (topic starter, encourages the member circulation)
    · Hobby Champ (most hobby over the weekend)
    · Meme Lord (ryhmes, funnies & memes)
    · Pun-Tertainment (best pun)
    · Brush Licker (painting & terrain)
    · Headliner DJ (most eclectic music)
    · Armchair Commander (weekend battle reports)
    · Community Usher (helpful & engaged)
    · Storyteller (weekly discussion & story)

    Note: All points are awarded in fictional currencies… sometimes

    To get the conversation started, this week’s questions! Now with 17% more impromptu enthusiasm! For no apparent reason!…

    1.    What hobby progress can be done when it is just too hot to paint (totally not asking for myself… it’s for a friend of a friend of a friend…). Conversely, what hobby progress can be done when t’s too cold?

    2.    In this day and age of OH&S and ergonomic enlightenment, do you prefer to sit or stand when doing hobby? Does this vary depending on the activity you are undertaking?

    3.    Give us all a rundown on an innovative (or at least slightly unusual) basing technique that you have used before or would like to try.

    4.    Would you ever consider skydiving? How about SCUBA diving?

    More differenter songs, apparently because I word good…



    Cult of Games Member

    Lightning, thunder….

    Now, questions and maybe answers

    1. What hobby progress can be done when it is just too hot to paint (totally not asking for myself… it’s for a friend of a friend of a friend…). Conversely, what hobby progress can be done when t’s too cold?

    Things that don’t really need paint. So planing, cutting foam, building, taking pictures and last (but not least) PLAY! Too hot or too cold is *the* excuse to stay indoors and play with little plastic men and monsters 😉 Planing events, look for new shiny stuff to add to the pile/closet/room/mountain of shame 😉

    2. In this day and age of OH&S and ergonomic enlightenment, do you prefer to sit or stand when doing hobby? Does this vary depending on the activity you are undertaking?

    While building and painting I usually prefer to sit. That being said, my desk is elevated so that I don’t “hunker down” to paint but can sit rather upright. When using powertools I generally stand. Just to have much more control over my tools. At work I switch between sitting at the PC and standing. Other than that I go swimming with my wife and daughter but only now and then.

    3. Give us all a rundown on an innovative (or at least slightly unusual) basing technique that you have used before or would like to try.

    Uh, since I’m rather… um… simple with basing (mostly to avoid having a snow base on my mini when playing on a lava map and such things). But @avernos finger-stirred-untill-good method really intrigued me. Only, my inner Monk won’t allow to mix those nicely divided grass, tuffs and other things… so, monochrom it is for me 😉

    4. Would you ever consider skydiving? How about SCUBA diving?

    Nope. I’m a little control freak and when plummeting towards earth there is very little control. And SCUBA diving takes a lot of time and practice. At least if you want to do it really well. Nope, not my cup of coffee. For those things we build drones, submarines and the likes. But I’d like to sit a race car or super sports car and be driven around by someone who can really drive.

    BONUSQUESTION for everybody

    What is the first thing you can remember, that brought you to the hobby?

    For me it was: *drumroll* Boredom. It was Spetember 1997 and I was doing my time in the Bundeswehr. (I was wearing uniform for 4 years) I was on guard duty but on my off time and had nothing to to. I bought a funny looking magazine from the shop on our base. It was called: White Dwarf. I saw pictures of Epic 40.000, Orks and much more… I was hooked.

    The rest is history.


    Cult of Games Member

    Umm….. @evilstu you might want to change the subject…

    Hobby Weekender 31/12/2019

    just sayin’ 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    X-( @sundancer Crazy time travelling future thread, messing with the space-time continuum… Good spot 🙂 @lancorz thanks for the temporal realignment 🙂



    Wubba lubba dub dub!


    My pledge this weekend is to finish Dwalin, post pictures of this weeks finished stuff, two objective markers, and work on some more Dwarves (only seven left!… wait…)


    Cult of Games Member

    Furrrrrrrrrr it’s not getting easier XD




    Oh  good questions  🙂

    1) if  it’s too hot or too cold for painting, then my typical go-to is build something. Case in point my first Diet Knight:

    2019-01-31 23.18.11

    Built as the snow starts to mount up here in the West Country.  Alternatively list building or trying to find some inspiration, be it podcasts, a book,  or video media of some sort. Ideally with a chilled drink (I’ve found a fantastic cordial of late – crushed lime & mint – on it’s own it’s smoothly refreshing but also an excellent mixer to add something to a class of Coke..)

    2) sit, partly as I don’t have any hobby space I could comfortably stand at and work, partly because of my leg issues…

    3) when I did my combined Raptors/Cadians army I had the crazed notion to spice up the minis bases to look like they were fighting through marshlands of some sort, so on each model before priming I added patches of sand whilst leaving parts of the base bare. once the model was painted the sand was painted in earthy tones and had static grass applied. after that the gaps in between the batches of grass were painted deep blues before thick layers of PVA were applied. Crude, and did not take dust well at all, but got the general effect across…

    2017-05-21 17.10.092017-05-21 16.57.582017-05-21 16.58.05

    Brigadier Duggan at the top there shows the last time I finished the effect, whilst the two Inquisitors below him show how it looked ahead of the PVa layer

    4) SCUBA-diving I’d give a shot, sky-diving may require a tad more convincing. also booze. Lots of booze 😀


    If its too hot to paint there is still hobby stuff to do. Planning out the next model build is a good standby. High heat is definitely good for the curing of glue. If you don’t get the odorless stuff then I’d recommend stowing that stuff away in places not capable of being smelled. The more intricate the detail of the piece means more time so it will help in whiling away the time until things cool to slap around paint. Terrain building is also a boon for the time as well.

    For ergonomics I’d say sitting is my friend for painting but other building is all over the place depending on the construction.

    Innovative/unusual basing techniques of my own aren’t really much to speak of. I guess that my most unusual thing I’ve done has been to use plastic scraps from cut pieces and affix them to urban/industrial decay bases to emphasize the breakdown of structures into mere rubble. Beyond that I’m apt to pick up random bits of garbage that tickles my fancy that would be of use from the sides of roads, in alleys or off of construction sites. Bits of car debris garnered from car accidents yield interesting plastic odds and ends.

    I’d go skydiving to say that I’ve done it and tuck away in my pocket as skills to draw on if need arose. SCUBA diving might be more useful and likely of greater value in recreation, survival or for underwater welding.

    Did I miss my Giftmas deadline?! I’m confused. My catclock goes off and tells me when the lightball in the sky shows when feeding the furball must occur because I, as his designated salty pink feeder monkey, have opposable thumbs and can open cans.

    I missed last weeks pledge on the December Acolytes and I’ll finish it this week. I’ll forego videogames in order to get that.


    @sundancer When did you turn to the furry side? Did you suddenly find Wookie boots appealing from the Janu-hairy bruhaha that was talked about? Are you feeling ill and having random thoughts of how delightful the companionship of your very own ewok might be (in the same sense as in the movie “Paul”)?

    @dawfydd Good stuff to work on. I think your Diet Knight is looking fine as is. There’s no need to lose anymore weight. As far as your Cadians/Raptors I like what you’ve done. The two Inquisitors really pop in the photos.


    Cult of Games Member

    Fur, horatio, not Furry!




    @lancorz is that Chow-Yun Fat from Hard Boiled?

    Also, finished building the second Knight Armiger Warglaive, I’ve got both carapace weapons built as they have nice snug friction fit, so can be swapped out easy enough if points don’t stretch to all the Melta, the arms can be removed to make painting easier, and the shoulder & leg armour are all seperate so I can prime them to get more vibrant reds, yellows & golds 🙂
    2019-02-01 11.04.01

    I really dig the idea of Armigers being used by low-born Knights or the younger children of Knight Houses to train,and I REALLY like the idea of running them with the Knight Preceptor. Still waiting on a few more bits to finish that one off..


    The only annoyance  right now is I’m both snowed-in and off sick from work (yaaaaaay >_< ) but I’ve run out of 32mm bases so no messing around with Astartes kits for me right now 🙁


    Cult of Games Member

    Nice build @dawfydd

    I’ve done some little things on the Wookies.



    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer A solid list of alternate ideas to painting when the weather does not suit. The idea of sitting with power tools sounds unusual to me – maybe because from an early age I have always seen people stand when operating them, so this makes sense too. Glad you don’t have to sit at the C all day when doing actual work 🙂 I think you can buy pre-mixed flock blends from Woodland Scenics? Would that help out with the baseing? Heh, I’m a little the same with being in control of a moving vehicle – not particularly comfortable being a passenger, and on planes, even though I know how highly trained the pilot has to be, i think because I can’t see what’s directly ahead I start to worry a little 🙂

    In response to your bonus question, in the late 80’s and early 90’s a few things happened – my neighbour got a copy of the Hero Quest board game, I picked up a copy of 2nd edition Battletech and my friends at school started to play a role playing game called Dragon Warriors. From that point on I pretty much had no hope, but I think if I go back earlier it may have started with the Castle themed Lego sets from around 1984?…

    Nice start on the wookies! I think there was a Three Colours Up painting tutorial posted not long ago where Roman was looking at painting wolf fur – could come in handy? Are all wookies brown? I’d almost be tempted to do mine in white, greys and blacks, but then I suppose they could end up looking more like abominable snowmen… Might be better to stick with the standard colour scheme 🙂 30 Woolong for question responses, another 20 for hobby progress. 50 total 🙂

    @dawfydd hope you are feeling better by the time you read this 🙂 Snowed in doesn’t sound like fun, fingers crossed that 32mm bases are the only thing you are out of. Heh – Diet Knight *giggles*. Marshland bases do look good – it’s immediately obvious as to what the base represents and must look really good when the squads are all massed up in the deployment zone. I think from memory they don’t let you go skydiving drunk :-/ Otherwise, would have been a solid plan 🙂 Nice work on the Knights – good to see you found a workaround for being out of standard sized bases 😉  Heh, the lore reminds me a little of Battletech with light mechs getting used to rain the new kids 🙂 30 Woolong for question responses, 20 more for hobby progress. 50 total 🙂

    @horati0nosebl0wer terribly brave of you – at least my alarm clock doesn’t have the capacity to claw my face if I try to snooze it… Good suggestions re hot weather hobbying. I have been using the quick glue setting to get a lot of minis put together (200+ over the last few weeks) so will have plenty to paint as long as the shift in weather holds for a bit. Using sprue offcuts and random car bits sounds like a good plan. I picked up some minis from Anvil Industries for their Afterlife game a while back – the sprue is actually moulded with detail to look like rubble, construction beams etc so once you clip the mini parts, the sprue can be used to add detail to the bases. I personally thought that was a brilliant idea, a really nice touch that reduced waste for little extra effort on the part of the designers  🙂 Yes both handy skill sets to have for the inevitable zombie apocalypse I guess. Unless there are zombie sharks. In which case I may never take a bath again… Foregoing video games to finish a pledge? That’s hardcore! 30 Woolong for question responses.

    @mage solid pledge. Objective markers for which game? I have been meaning to do some deployment markers for Sharp Practice, hopefully pics of your objectives may inspire me to get going on that…

    BTW, looks like some of the units for test of Honour are being discontinued by Warlord (perhaps the whole game? Not sure…) so as I know you had some o the stuff just wanted to flag in case there was anything you wanted to grab before it all got super-hard to find 2nd hand… 10 Woolong for the pledge.

    Last Chance Offers!




    Cult of Games Member

    Well a bit of a wierd start to the weekend. Took my two boys (well men I suppose Chris is nearly 21 and Matty is 29) out for a Costa (got its name coz it Costa fortune) and ended up buying a car. Spent the journey home in a panic trying to think of an excuse (Matty didnt help by suggesting I just cry and tell her i’m an Idiot). Fortunatley the wife loves it and has allowed me to keep my Manly bits…. for now.

    Any hoo did a bit more hobby during the week and finished off the Cryx stuff Matty got for Christmas –



    So the pledge this weekend is to at least make a start on my Trenchers.

    @sundancer Wookies look excellent Sir.

    @dawfydd really like the Cadians and A nice start to the knights.


    And on to the questions-

    1) Actually temperature hasn’t been an issue for the past few years for me. Due to the wife’s condition I had to invest in Air Conditioning so the temperature in the house is pretty constant all year round. Before that though we just played games when it was too extreme to paint.

    2) Sit for painting and hobby and stand for playing although I do sit for board games or when it’s my opponents turn.

    3) I’m to lazy to try anything spectacular myself, bit o sand painted and the odd tuft of static grass thrown on, but I do love seeing what you guys do with yours.  I would like to try those transparent bases that crop up now and again as it would save me having to put any effort into basing at all 😀

    4) Uhhhm no. Scuba diving is out because it would make my Pizza soggy. I did try Sky diving once but the chute didnt open. As I was plummeting towards the ground I saw a man heading up towards me. As he passed I shouted “Hey mate…do you know anything about Parachutes ?” He shouts back. “No….Do you know anything about Gas Ovens ?”


    Answer to the Bonus Question.

    The wife bough me an old (well it wasnt at the time) Milton and Bradley game called BattleMasters. It was played on a plastic hex mat and used Citadel Miniatures (and had a plastic keep). I loved it so went to the local hobby shop to buy the expansions but the guy didnt have them. Instead he introduced me to Warhammer Fantasy Battle (fourth edition had just been released) and I was hooked. Eventually over the years I found other games that I preferred to GW ones and sold off my GW stuff to fund them.


    @sundancer I care not a bit about your Frankish furry fury fanaticism. If you suddenly have a hankerings for angora sweaters I will worry. We here love you all the same… up until you start soiling the rug and shedding all over the couch.

    Perhaps this year there might be wookies in awful Giftmas sweaters sent to accompany Boba Fett… that might work.

    Bonus: What started me on my hobby? Sheesh back in 1996 and getting my first minis from Ral Partha at this warehouse out in the middle of nowhere Indiana that was packed full of figures. It really wasn’t until a couple years later when I too was wearing a uniform that I found a small shop off base that was dedicated to gaming.

    @evilstu There were grey and yellow wookies from what I recall in the children’s book regarding Chewbacca’s son

    @dawfydd The progress looks good to me. The large models did put me off when looking at 40k… wel, more like their price

    @biggabum It’s a good thing that was a tandem jump because it seems your instructor seemed to know a bit about both. Quite handy I’d say. Now about this underwater pizza you speak of… is there a large market for it?

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