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Hobby Weekender 31/08/2018 Thank you very much.

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This topic contains 95 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  elessar2590 6 years, 4 months ago.

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    Welcome one and all to another weekender! Explanatory blurb shamelessly cut and paste below:

    Welcome to the hobby weekender, a place where anyone is welcome. This is a collaborative, chatty thread. Not an exclusive thing or elitist. Please join in and enjoy a friendly welcome. Main rules are don’t be a dick, engage with others, and do not discuss religion or politics. Post your progress, answer questions, chat to people, post up some music, and enjoy the show. Points get awarded and we have a sort of winner at the end.

    Some questions to get the ball rolling:

    (1) You get the choice of anyone, real or not, to be your regular gaming opponent. Who would it be?

    (2) Music time! I’m genuinely obsessed with the idea of an album of songs covered by Elvis. A bit like the Jonny Cash one. What song would you like to hear Elvis sing in his own inimitable style? Note I’m not an Elvis fan so no feelings to hurt.

    (3)  It’s Beasts of War Boot Camp time! What are you playing and what are they planning? What would you like for a boot camp? Campaigns, tournaments, specific games. World is your oyster!

    Please post tunes and hobby pledges (aspirational pledges are fine) and if you haven’t joined in on the thread before please do feel welcome and jump on in

    Also there are bonuses for the following ‘Achievements’:

    ·         Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic)

    ·         Fire Starter (topic starter, encourages the member circulation)

    ·         Hobby Champ (most hobby over the weekend)

    ·         Meme Lord (ryhmes, funnies & memes)

    ·         Pun-Tertainment (best pun)

    ·         Brush Licker (painting & terrain)

    ·         Headliner DJ (most eclectic music)

    ·         Armchair Commander (weekend battle reports)

    ·         Community Usher (helpful & engaged)

    ·         Storyteller (weekly discussion & story)

    Points will be awarded by me for posts, most likely in what would appear on face value to be a random and happenstance manner, but rest assured, there is a highly scientific method utilised to determine point allocations




    Just to stretch the commander thoughts. It can be split in 3.

    Historical opponent

    Fictional character

    Current person.


    Cult of Games Member

    Hi all and thanks to @woldenspoons for hosting this weekend.

    Well with everything baack to normal this week after last weeks celebrations I am fighting fit and ready for some Hobby. Pledge this week will be part 2 of the Batman game from a few weeks ago. Can Harley Quinn outwit Batman and spring the Joker? Watch this space 😀

    On top of that have got a few bits of scenery for the game arriving, so will attempt to get that put together for the game too.

    Right on to the questions:

    1) Mmmm Historical, so many greats to chose from…. I think it would be amazing fun to play a game of Napoleonics against……Napoleon. Not only that I would like him to play the British and their Allies.

    Fictional – again a lot of choice but I think it would have to be…. nope chaanged my mind…. I’ll go for….. Oh dear, this ones actually harder thaan the Historical…. Ok a game of Space Hulk against Ripley.

    Current- This ones a little easier as I would just love to meet the guy, a game of anything with Samuel Jackson. I think the game would just be so laid back and the guy is hilarious.

    2) I would love to hear Elvis sing Bat Out of Hell. With his blues/rock n roll/ country  based style I don’t think the King would have any problems making it his own.

    3) Well the games we are playing most at the moment are The Batman Miniatures Game (a bit obvious), Wild West Exodus, Malifaux and Warmachine. I think I would like to see a Wild West Exodus Boot Camp. The game has been around for a while but didn’t really do much untill Warcradle took over. A rewrite of the rules and massive support for the game has made it increasingly popular and I think the game is only going to get bigger, maybe even to the point it becomes one of the top tier games alongside the GW offerings (it will never match GW though) Warmachine, Malifaux and Infinity. I think a Boot Camp would give a huge boost to its profile.


    Will post some tunes later…. breakfast is ready 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    (1) Robin Williams. Imagine him narrating the game all the time… I’d die of laughter…

    (2) Led Zepplin – Whole Lotta Love

    (3) THATS  IS A CRUEL QUESTION! *cries in the corner* Think of all the ones not being able to be there… you monster!!111!11!! 😉 (sorry, had to ;))



    And here we are again, once again, teetering on the edge of the abyss…

    I was up early guys, did not get a lot of sleep with making a four hour trip back and forth for my son’s first day of school. Feet up, tv on, laptop ready and two dobermans on the couch with me. The younger one is annoying the hell out of me.

    Some music.

    It is so much easier to cut and paste the blurb, eh?

    The day is now mine. My friend Mike will be calling down with his Star Wars Legion to paint in a couple of hours. Im gonna make a coffee and reheat a lamb burger in the mean time. Craving food for some reason…

    (1) You get the choice of anyone, real or not, to be your regular gaming opponent. Who would it be?

    Stephen King, for Dungeon/Games Mastering Games. Seriously, do I really need to explain how and why this would be FANTASTIC?

    (2) Music time! I’m genuinely obsessed with the idea of an album of songs covered by Elvis. A bit like the Jonny Cash one. What song would you like to hear Elvis sing in his own inimitable style? Note I’m not an Elvis fan so no feelings to hurt.

    Come as You are by Nirvana. Wait… a… minute:

    (3) It’s Beasts of War Boot Camp time! What are you playing and what are they planning? What would you like for a boot camp? Campaigns, tournaments, specific games. World is your oyster!

    Arcworlde. Run on a bank holiday weekend (Friday to Monday). Painting, narrative play, seminars, talks, sneak peaks, campaign, kit bashing. The works.

    My pledge:

     Finish my Mordor Troll
     Finish my Mr Freeze Crew
     Work on my Morannon Orcs
     Work on Arcworlde
     Work on my Suicide Squad set




    Good choices.

    Aw, there there. *pokes sundancer with a sharp stick while he cries*

    Can’t wait to hear about your BMG game. You really are taking to it well.


    Sammuel L sounds like a fine choice.

    May I ask how and what Warcradle did to improve the games popularity and what mistakes were the previous company making that let it wallow in limbo?


    Cult of Games Member

    @woldenspoons thanks for hosting this week 🙂

    Kicking off with the questions:

    (1) You get the choice of anyone, real or not, to be your regular gaming opponent. Who would it be?

    Historical opponent – Howard, Lovecraft or Tolkien, mainly so I could pick their brain… Maybe HG Wells as he kind of kicked off the whole wargaming thing…

    Or Douglas Adams for the humour thing…

    Fictional character – Can I pick the Greek god Ares? after a couple of years of high intensity gaming practising against the literal god of war you would really clean up on the tournament scene 😉

    Current person – I know Kevin Smith used to play 40k… Joss Whedon could also be a pretty sporting opponent I’d suggest…

    (2) Music time! I’m genuinely obsessed with the idea of an album of songs covered by Elvis. A bit like the Jonny Cash one. What song would you like to hear Elvis sing in his own inimitable style? Note I’m not an Elvis fan so no feelings to hurt.

    ‘Wait and Bleed’ by Slipknot – mainly because it would work 🙂

    (3)  It’s Beasts of War Boot Camp time! What are you playing and what are they planning? What would you like for a boot camp? Campaigns, tournaments, specific games. World is your oyster!

    Mainly playing Warhammer Fantasy 8th ed, Tanks and Frostgrave presently, but looking to get the ball rolling on Kill Team and messing around a bit more with Dragon Rampant and Sharp Practice. As far as boot camps go, while I would love to see Frostgrave I’m not sure that the game system would really lend itself to a bootcamp environment ,Sure, everyone could knock together a warband and even get base paint down quick-smart, but if you’re playing one off games of Frostgrave then everybody ends up dead – combat is thoroughly brutal. It’s not until you have the campaign system and actual consequences that the game really starts to work properly… Plus a Frostgrave bootcamp would be 4 hours assembling a warband and then everybody spending the next 6 months making terrain 😛 Sharp Practice I think would be great fun due to the narrative element, especially if you could get multiple generals involved in a larger scale free for all…

    @biggabum like the Napoleon idea. Especially if you could set up historical scenarios -that way you would always know his next move 😛

    @sundancer I was going to say John Cleese for ‘current’ for the very same reason 🙂

    @mage Hmm.. doing ‘Stormtember’ accidentally? 😛 Of course that could work for Stormcasts as well as Stormtroopers 🙂 OK, I’ll show myself out now…. Hope the first day of school goes well 🙂 yeah I’m running on little sleep today – it was a bit of a horrendous day but we got through it all unscathed. Keen for the weekend now though 🙂 Coffee sounds like such an appealing idea but I really do need to sleep tonight…

    Hobby pledge will be something along the lines of:

    – prime and paint road sections for my gaming board

    – Consider starting a project log for my terrain

    – add a few details to my Warhammer Fantasy orc army

    – Progress Skaven project

    – Progress Historicals

    – Get some wall sections primed and painted

    – Sort through my bits box for old Ork parts…

    Going to retire for the evening – more coherent input after some sleep and a strong coffee in the morning….


    Cult of Games Member

    Can’t wait to hear about your BMG game. You really are taking to it well.

    @mage either BMG is a term that I don’t get or I am missing something completely… or you got something wrong… I’m…


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu Oh I don’t think that Mr. Cleese would narrate… he would be more the guy looking at you in “disgust” and frequently asking “are you sure you want to do *that*?” and making noises like “hmm”…. “uuuh” and mumbling “interesting” 😉

    While Robin Williams would be more Mork from Ork, Good Morning Vietnam and Mrs Doubtfire


    Cult of Games Member

    Surprise 😀 …. oh you saw me hiding behind the carrots… oh well.

    So the wife and tribe (apart from Matty) have gone to the park with the grandkids and then theyre off for some ice cream and then to feed the ducks, so me and Matty have already got our Batman game in for the weekend (which suits me as it leaves me the rest of the weekend to do some terrain…. if it arrives).

    As it was a breakout scenario, with harley attempting to spring the Joker as he was being transported to Arkham Asylum from Gotham City Courthouse, we decided to add some special rules.

    We used a hidden deployment rule to recreaate the ambush of the van. Matty wrote the names of his crew on 7 blue discs and then placed 12 face down. That meant it was impossible for me to know which were actual crew and which were dummy’s. Then at any point after Matty sprung the ambush he would reveal some or all of his crew.

    Second, at any point during the GCPD van’s movement (we clocked it at 6″ and it moved first every turn) Matty could spring his ambush. Blocking the vans movement with rubble , which I could drive around as long as the van wasn’t immobilised (we agreed that shooting the tyres out, taking the van to half damage or the Titan clown in base contact would stop the van from moving)

    Thirdly we agreed that the Joker would probably be in no mood for a fight, so if he was freed the game would end in the following turn with a Victory for Matty regardless of objectives achieved. If not the normal rules for Victory points would apply.



    Cult of Games Member

    The Black van reversed, carefully negotiating the narrow gates of the Gotham courthouse, and stopped just shy of the large ornate doors. The Letters G.C.P.D neatly painted in white on its side panels.

    An eerie laughter, insane, detached, and growing louder with each passing second could be heard from the other side of the doors. Moments later they swung open and two burly heavily armed guards wearing the Black of Arkham Asylum emerged flanking a much smaller, ironically, black hooded man, his hands and feet chained together forcing him to shuffle along with an unnatural gait.

    Gotham Police and Arkham Guards alike that swarmed the yard, all turned to face the hooded man, the residues of the fear they had all felt when He was free resurfaced as they listened to the seemingly unwarranted laughter emanating from beneath the hood.

    The Guards bookending the black hooded man each took an arm and swiftly lifted him into the waiting van, climbing in behind him and slamming the doors shut. A third, shotgun armed Guard climbed in beside the driver and the van moved off to join the convoy of identical vans waiting outside the gates.

    Nobody had seen the Gotham Policeman, the one with the wisp of green hair snaking out from under his hat, unnoticed amongst the swarm of similarly clad men and women, marking the van with a small white cross.


    Batman watched intently as the van hove into view. “They’re on time.” He said gruffly as he scanned the road ahead of the Vans planned route. “Dick, that truck at the junction, its missed three green lights, move in closer and take a look.”

    Dick Grayson, Nightwing, crouched in the shadows of the Alleyway, from his position he had a clear view of the trucks cab. “It’s empty Bruce!” he said in a hushed tone. “I think they  must have gone after one of the decoys.”

    “Don’t be so sure,” Batgirls voice crackled over the communicator, “It’s too qui……..”

    The explosion from the storefront sent debris in every direction, a huge chunk of concrete and glass landing, almost as if directed, in the road in front of the van and blocking its path. Clown masked thugs poured out of the nearby buildings and headed towards the stalled vehicle.

    Batman raced to the aid of Nightwing, who was now pinned down by the newly appeared Harley Quinn and one of her accomplices as they ran at him firing wildly Batman glanced over his shoulder and could see Batgirl and Agent O Connell  headed towards the van hoping to stop the rest of the gang relieving it of its cargo. They too were under heavy fire.

    By the time he turned back towards Nightwing he was already down and Harley Quinn and her Clown were already heading towards her true target. Batman was torn, but there was nothing he could do for Dick other than hope he was alive. He spun around and sprinted towards Harley.

    A sudden dulled yelp from the direction of Agent O Connell drew Batman’s attention and he watched in dismay as he too fell sprawling on the wet Gotham streets. Now Batgirl faced the throng of Clowns alone.

    A huge figure appeared and began to run towards the rear of the G.C.P.D.  van, Batman instantly recognising it as one of the Joker’s Titan Clowns. Batman was still too far away to do anything but watch as the hulking Clown reached the back door of the transport and rip the doors off their hinges.

    Batgirl had managed to take down one of the Clowns that now had her  surrounded but the weight of numbers worked against her and she soon joined Agent O Connell and Nightwing in the gutter.

    Batman tried in vain to reach the Arkham Guards as they desperately fought back against  the newly arrived Harley Quinn and the rest of the gang, seeing each one fall in turn. By the time he made the Van the Joker was gone, the distant echo of his laughter carried in the wind….












    Cult of Games Member

    @mage Well Outlaw Miniatures (the original guys) didn’t do a lot to promote the game, it was more a word of mouth thing. The game itself was pretty good, although it did have some flaws, and the miniatures were fabulous so i’m guessing it was the failiure to push the game outside of the US (they were an American company) that stalled the game. It was so hard to get Mini’s here, very few places sold them and even fewer actually held stock on their shelves  and none held the complete range. This meant whether you ordered here or from Outlaw themselves you ended up with at least two weeks wait for your mini’s (wierdly it was actually quicker to order from Outlaw… but the postage… ouch)

    When Warcradle (actually an arm of Wayland Games) took over they pretty much ripped up the rulebook and rewrote the whole thing. They kept the setting, factions and Mini’s but the rules were a new game entirely. Promotion wise they were all over it like a rash, not just here but all over the US and europe as well. They have also sorted out the supplier issue I get new alerts daily of stores that now stock the game and there are  clubs forming and tournaments being announced.

    Oh and the team are very community oriented too. If you post a rules quiery or general question on their facebook page, one of the design team usually pops up to answer.


    Cult of Games Member

    Not done much in the last two weeks due to work. And recovering from a paranormal investigation.(Yes really ) But i thought I would update you all on this




    Yo guys. Really enjoying you doing the Elvis thing properly. All totally got it. @mage that come as you are video was like a dream come true. @evilstu that is one of the songs I him for him. Freaky! @tuffyears it’s coming along nicely, keep us updated.

    @biggabum holy cow BMG man, you’ve done it again. Kapow!

    @sundancer I can’t be there either, sorry, wasn’t meant to stab raw wounds. I leave that for Mage ?

    Points and my answers in the morning. Funny story but I got no sleep last night either.


    Cult of Games Member

    I made some hobby… terrain from scraps.


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