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Hobby weekender 29/03/2019 – So…. I'm it? HALP!

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby weekender 29/03/2019 – So…. I'm it? HALP!

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This topic contains 71 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Replies! Replies! Hot and …. hot… get ’em while they last! (But seriously, apologies for being offline so much. More on that later (maybe))

    rest page 2:

    @limburger Music! 30 Imperial Credits

    @horati0nosebl0wer : 30 Imperial Credits for the answers, 40 Credits for the first music batch and another 40 for the next batch. I’m actually liking that stuff 😉

    Page 3:

    @mage nice award and even nicer hobby progress. 30 Imperial Credits

    @woldenspoons 30 Credits for answers and 20 for one of the best tracks ever. At least in my book

    @robert 30 Credits for pictures, music and interaction.

    @tuffyears  -100 Credits due to making me feel bad for not having painted anything lately… but, that is unfair. So 20 Imperial Credits.

    @mage 10 IC for interaction

    @rayzryr  as mage.

    @horati0nosebl0wer NEED MORE COFFEE 30 Imperial Credits…. COFFEE

    @limburger 40 more music Credits…

    and finaly @woldenspoons @mage and @limburger 20 IC each for interaction….


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer if it make you feel better ,i’m currently down with fathers nurgles blessings and cant paint anything




    Yup, started to clean these bad boys up!!!!


    Cult of Games Member

    @robert : 1994 ? Those are proper old skool marines.
    It’s interesting to see the difference in quality, detail and paint between those and their current variants.


    Cult of Games Member

    Page 4:

    @evilstu that is a lot of filament where it shouldn’t be. 30 Imperial Credits

    @rayzryr 50 Imperial Credits for interaction and feedback

    @limburger 20 Imperials Credits for more music. (Did you know that Rapalje is sort of local to me? William is actual living near me ;))

    @robert @woldenspoons  @mage and @horati0nosebl0wer  each 10 IC for interaction.

    You guys are killing me.

    So why have I been seen so rarely lately? Well I could write an essay and give you all kind of facts and stories but it boils down that I’m currently unhappy with some aspects of my life and (as Mel would put it) that stupid black dog is trying to get up. I’m avoiding responsibilities left, right and centre and do anything but things I should do or would at least enjoy doing. The last four days after my daughter and wife went to bed (which is normally my hobby time) I just browsed the interwebs aimlessly. And that’s really dinging my dong wrong.

    With that in mind I’ve started the replies and will hopefully get something done on the weekend.

    Oh, and I will call this thread closed in about 12’ish hours.



    Cult of Games Member

    @robert I did those buggers summer 2017. I really dig them


    You can see more old CSM in my blog entry I did that year:


    Cult of Games Member


    I thought they were Dutch, but then I think they’re a mixed nationality group.
    ‘Rapalje’ is (old) Dutch for rabble. The sort of word that Imperials would use for Rebels.

    Which kind of makes me think that the origin of ‘Rebel’  might very well be rabble but the internets says no so …

    I hope you find your happy spot or someone who can help you. We need your punning.


    Cult of Games Member

    He is Dutch, but my city is in throwing distance to the Netherlands 😉 Groningen is our go to town to stack up on Stroopwafels every now and again *g*



    Will I roll out a new thread today? Can do so in the next couple of hours


    Cult of Games Member


    @robert 70 Imperial Credits

    @tuffyears 30 Imperial Credits

    @rayzryr 140 Imperial Credits

    @mage 130 Imperial Credits

    @oriskany 50 Imperial Credits

    @limburger 140 Imperial Credits

    @dawfydd 10 Imperial Credits

    @evilstu 75 Imperial Credits

    @blinky465 30 Imperial Credits

    @horati0nosebl0wer 150 Imperial Credits

    @woldenspoons 60 Imperial Credits

    Now everybody get out… last one turns of the lights.



    @sundancer thanks for blog link, very cool indeed.  I guess I’ll wait and post in the new thread now.


    Cult of Games Member

    In case anybody wonders. This picture seems like an appropriate visual description on how I felt this week being on the helm here XD





    @sundancer you did a great job this week! Even  if you felt like a greenskin looney with the  black dog on your back!

    Good work mate!




    @sundancer you kept a steady and tight ship old bean. Allowed the conversation to flow naturally and in certain places I learnt things.

    Although I was rather more reminded of Chewbacca and the Ewoks piloting the ATST.


    Cult of Games Member

    After ordering the box 3 weeks ago , I cancelled the order and ordered via amazon. The order was shipped and received next day from amazon


Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 80 total)

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