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Hobby weekender 29/03/2019 – So…. I'm it? HALP!

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This topic contains 71 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    @woldenspoons It was on my third re-read when I actually saw the reason!!!



    @robert Let’s not er spoil de reason for the others ?





    I cannot speak for Northern Ireland (one of the two countries on the Island of Ireland, the six counties of the Ulster Province which are part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)…


    …but where I live and am from, the Republic of Ireland (32 counties across four provinces, some of which are also in Ulster; Irish/British history can be complicated) it is taught in all schools and is an official state language appearing on legal and government documentation with the English language and is on all road signs. To the best of my knowledge it is similar enough to Scottish Gaelic and is a Gaelic as well Celtic language.


    Other Celtic languages include Manx, Cornish and Welsh… and something else I might be forgetting, I’m not sure.


    Comhairle (Counsel): ‘Co-warla’

    Cathrach (Castle): ‘Cath-rock’

    Contae (County): pronounced ‘Cun-tay’.

    Luimnigh (Limerick, the name of the city): pronounced ‘Lim-nig’



    In Northern Ireland, Irish is normally only taught in Roman Catholic schools or offered as an option in Integrated schools.   A political hot potato up here and something our (useless) politicians can’t come to agreement over.  Not a subject for a Scottish Pub, that is for sure!



    Since my soft tone, as well as other hobby supplies arrived, I have started working away on my Redemptor Dreadnought. Its actually a lot of fun, maybe because of the larger surface areas compared to the smaller (by comparrison) Primaris Marines it is easier and more enjoyable. I want another one though. Whether it is another easy build or the slightly more upmarket multi part kit I cannot decide…



    @robert I resent your disparaging remarks that we cannot talk about hot potatoes in Scottish pubs!!! Lol 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    Framed my other art cards


    Cult of Games Member

    Pro tip for the uninitiated in 3D printing – At the end of a print run you are supposed to have your job completed on the print bed, not melted and wrapped around the hotend…


    The last time this happened to me I tried to heat the hotend and then pry the plastic off – result was me stripping wires form various components from the hotend and having to wait a month for all the necessary new parts to arrive. Instead, hobby time last night was gentle application of a heatgun to the affected area. Plastic is now cleared and I’ll need to recalibrate the print bed as everything is now way out of alignment. But that will be a problem for the weekend as I don’t have the patience to argue with technology after work…

    @woldenspoons greatest driving song EVER! And I will hear no dissenting opinions on the matter 🙂

    @rayzryr where are you finding Conquest locally? And how much are you actually getting for the outlay? It does seem like a nice saving on GW retail but for that coun you could get half a  dozen comically large historical armies, or several of other people’s unwanted EBay piles of shame, just sayin 😉

    Ok team, look after yourselves and try to remain vaguely coherent and get some sleep /me looks at @horati0nosebl0wer @mage and @rayzryr in particular…



    I slept well last night. Im only medium level tired today at work. Cant wait to play d & d after work!



    @mage the link did help, thanks mate! Using that as the basis I was able to roughly work out what’s included. Provided it doesn’t change too much, lol.

    Nice reward for long service!

    The rusty basing works well with the gold minis, too.

    I think that Dreadnoughts might be my favourite Space Marines…

    @blinky465 nice work! I’m referencing this info in the future when I get around to obtaining a 3D printer.!

    That collection of 3D prints… so cool!

    @sundancer I did indeed PPS! I’m trying it out, since the last Space Marine build I did, i was getting frustrated with the time taken to put down base colours on assembled Space Marines. I know I have to damage the paint to get them off the sprue, but I figure it will be small quick patch ups.

    @robert not quite as polished as @tuffyears but, good job ?

    Wardancers are possibly the best Elves ?

    @tuffyears so much red Marines!

    Thanks @woldenspoons I knew it would be “good value” but I didn’t expect that much of a difference…

    ok why did you switch to Black Legion? Oh… OH! Lol!! What was the reason? A bad ‘un…

    @evilstu so, wait, you’re saying that the printer isn’t supposed to look like it’s foaming at the mouth like a rabid raccoon brushing its teeth? Right, noted *scrawling sounds*

    I found issue 1 of Conquest at a local news agency Monday last week. It must have been the first day of release, they had about half a dozen issues there. Tempting as it was to snap them all up myself, I took only one copy and left the rest.

    Issue two I’ve not grabbed yet. The branch of the same news agency near work had no copies around, though they had little paper Primaris stuck all over a column near the counter.

    The best way to see what we’re getting for the money is the link @mage put up

    Leaked – Full Warhammer Conquest Magazine Contents Per Issue (Issues 1 – 80)

    But I think I get what you saying: for the same money there’s better value still to be had, elsewhere.

    You’re right of course. Further, if I was going to go and buy that stuff independently, I wouldn’t buy the Death Guard content. I could always resell or trade that later and recoup some of the cost. The Loyalist stuff and scenery interests me though, and paints are good to have.

    You are a voice of reason @evilstu !

    I can rationalise it this way to myself I suppose: it’s stuff I’d (mostly) want to buy, I can get a good price for it. It’s spread over time, so I can work on it as it comes and break up other projects.

    I can use some of it as conversion practice, since it’s a little cheaper without worrying that I’m chopping up full value minis too.

    I’m trying to make a more rational-less sleep deprived decision… lol!

    Ok, I’m going to wander off and do some painting, I’ve got a brother and his fiancé coming in from interstate tomorrow night, so no painting at all after tonight until Monday afternoon at the earliest. These elves won’t paint themselves!



    I can use some of it as conversion practice, since it’s a little cheaper without worrying that I’m chopping up full value minis too.

    This is a good point @rayzryr.  I’ve spent about an hour this morning working on Slambo from GW.  Never been as “nervous” working on a model in a while, mostly as it was fairly expensive and partly as it is resin which is a pretty unforgiving as a material.  Strangely I plan on really Nurgling up the Rhino from Conquest (i’ve set aside parts from a Plague Bearers kit to do it with already) but wouldn’t think of buying a rhino to do it…



    @mage It’s not just me!



    You are also playing D&D tonight @woldenspoons ?


    *Just reading stuff since last post in getting done cooking meal post return* Ice bear is tired bear… need luxury model fridge for bigger bed and summer vacation


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage : thanks for the answers 🙂

    And I thought English was tricky (and illogical) to pronounce at times … LOL

    Never heard it spoken, so I had to google a bit :

    ( nothing is more fun than beating swear filters with foreign curse words so … *eh* 😉 )

    Arrhh! Arrh!

    Right … need to do some hobby ’cause it’s what we’re here for.

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