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Hobby weekender 29/03/2019 – So…. I'm it? HALP!

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This topic contains 71 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Quick post for bed. Well actually that should have been half an hour ago and I have been reading up on New Chaos Space Marines tactics…


    So we played Risk Legacy, more on that tomorrow but it is excellent!


    I will throw up a blog @robert thanks you make a good point


    Excellent looking stuff so far @oriskany was that airbrushed? Oh wait yes they are my brain picked that out scrolling back and forth. Never mind! Awesome!


    Thanks @sundancer for running things.


    Hopefully other regulars like @dawfydd @biggabum @evilstu


    good to see you @limburger


    @rayzryr Nice stuff so far! More elves? Looking good.




    Ok going for a coffee in the morning, PT session in the afternoon and a service award from work not too long after. Im outta here!


    Going to be struggling to sleep thinking of chaos marine factions, tactics, and as a project too. Roll on Friday week and I shall order the codex and maybe some models, compare them to the current ones I have… scale may not be an issue…



    @mage asking for a friend but where were these chaos marine tacticas? For my sins I have abbadoned my beloved Word Bearers and switched allegiance to the Black Legion.




    Apologies for the lack of posting the last few Weekenders chaps – just been a bit out of sorts.

    Got a few bits I want to get progress by weekends end, but at the moment I’m just going through the various Primaris bits I have left over from Conquest, Dark Imperium and Shadowspear (plus various Ebay auctions) to see what I could come up with for a Raptors force. Funnily enough it works out if you take Shadowspears Vanguard, then add all of the Dark Imperium Primaris bar the Gravis Captain, you get a good way to 2000 points….


    Cult of Games Member

    Hey All, hope everyone is going well. Didn’t get online yesterday, month end at work smashed me a bit… Anyhow…

    @sundancer thanks for hosting! No, no and no re April fools day. I told the whole team last Friday that there would be no April Fools shenanigans as we were all going to be busy with month end. I did however agree that if the 1st of April ever fell on a day which wasn’t at the start of a new month then they could do April Fools then. See, I’m not completely mean 😉 Err.. pledge? Might depend how long this thread is running for.. Maybe some list building. Not going to get any hobby done other than turning over jobs on the printer. Currently printing 25mm square bases in lots of 25.

    @robert heh, haven’t seen that spaghetti tree gag in ages. good times… Nice work on the assembly so far.

    @tuffyears a nice idea to actually get that artwork displayed 🙂

    @rayzryr nice work on the skin tone on the woodies!

    @mage hope you are recovering after the busy weekend. best of luck with the pledge – keen to see the Chapter grow 🙂

    @oriskany good to see you are making steady progress on the DAK.  Admire your dedication to the lead-mountain free home. I’ve been trying but it’s like fighting the tide. Or surfing, I always get those two confused 😉

    @woldenspoons asking for a friend indeed 😉

    @dawfydd hope you’re tracking OK. Interesting observation on the starter box forces…

    @limburger keenly awaiting info on Core Space once it’s in hand 😉



    @tuffyears cool hobby art! That’s gonna look cool on the wall ?

    @mage I’m looking forward to seeing more work on the Minotaurs. I’d cheer you on if you started a project ?

    Conquest Magazine just launched here in Oz, I’m just about to pull the trigger on a subscription, though I might go and cost it all out first, see if it retains the great value here (in Oz) that it seems to have over there…

    @limburger that’s the kind of April Fools stuff I like! Nice!

    @robert yeah there is: basically they had the DA + a good chunk of their Successor chapters get drawn into a planet size trap by the Fallen. They thought they were going for a company size contingent… they found a Legion. Basically now the Fallen equal the size of the original DA Legion in number.

    Suffice to say, the Unforgiven got their genetically enhanced arses handed to them.

    Then Big Bobby G shows up, who’s been seen hanging around with Cypher. The Unforgiven don’t know if he’s onto them, in the end they allow him to dock, and all he has to say is “here’s your allocation of Primaris, you’ve done well in the last 10000 years, so you can keep your non-Codex formations. Carry on”. Done, see ya later!

    Now the old school Unforgiven don’t know what to do, coz they haven’t “schooled” the new guys they way they would with regular new recruits, and they’re proving effective on the battlefield. So how do they educate them about the Fallen and promote them to the Deathwing?

    Whew, sorry that was a bit more of a ramble than I had planned…

    That’s a good collection of stuff on your desk to work on there.

    @oriskany 28mm may not be your jam, but damn, you’re powering through them!

    @dawfydd don’t even worry about apologising! Just jump in as and when you feel like it.

    @evilstu cheers mate! They’ll be Wild Elves, rather than just Wood Elves, so I’m thinking some warpaint or Mud streaks to dirty them up later.



    For my own hobby, last night was painting Elf skin, more tonight.

    Monday night was supposed to be DnD 5e night, but one guy cancelled. So another guy cancelled. And someone else wasn’t feeling quite 100%, but would come if we wanted… so the whole thing got called off.

    Sunday night I was at Steve’s place. Nick, Steve and I are working through a Gloomhaven campaign. Now that we’ve got the rules and the rhythm of the game down, we managed to get through two scenarios on Sunday night.

    Today when I got home, my Random Act of Kindness package was waiting. I received a 10 Marine Deathwatch Squad! 7 are assembled or part assembled, 3 more still on the sprue. Plus plenty of bits! 2EE5DB05-13D1-48BB-A7AB-B9357E49B91F



    Cult of Games Member

    So this weekend I finished off my £120 3d printer off eBay.

    For that kind of money, I wasn’t really expecting much but have been seriously impressed with the results to date. The quality is far nicer than my Up!Mini – but then I’m using a completely different toolchain, and since about 90% of 3d printing is about the software and settings you use, it’s not really a fair comparison.

    I’m not sure I’d compare it to a £2k Ultimaker. But for just over a twentieth of the price(!) – yep for 5% of the cost of an Ultimaker – the results are pretty good.



    No, ok, this one wasn’t.

    But that’s because I moved it from the nice warm house, into the (at the time) cold and unheated workshop, then set it printing a test print without re-calibrating the nozzle height and leaving the bed for long enough to heat up properly. But it did demonstrate one thing – the actual hardware in 3d printing is only a tiny part of getting it right!

    After an hour or so of fiddling with setting values, I was getting some pretty decent prints.


    There’s almost no “banding” on the vertical walls and the bottom is only ragged because I ripped off the skirt/brim, rather than cut it cleanly with a knife. I printed a few test/calibration cubes and measured them. This one was supposed to be a 20mm cube:


    Allowing for plastic shrinkage, I don’t think anyone is going to complain about the missing 0.15mm on this (on the long side it measured 19.91 and the height was 20.02mm).

    All in all, I’m really impressed with this Tronxy X3 printer. I’m not using the best filament in it (I bought some trendy eco stuff and tbh, it’s not as good as “virgin” filament) but the printer copes well with it. The controller has online and offline modes (I prefer offline – I don’t know why so many people are down on printers than require an SD card to print from; it’s my preferred way of working).

    In short, if anyone is looking at getting started with 3d printing (a few weeks ago I was a complete noob – although I do have experience in make robots and machinery and electronics, but had never really taken much interest in 3d printing) for the price, I can’t recommend one of these enough!

    (edit: for those – like me – who don’t know, it’s a Prusa i3 mk3 clone with Repetier/Marlin firmware and I’m using Slic3r – with adaptive layer heights – to prepare the g-code).


    Cult of Games Member

    Page 1 replies

    @robert I’d love to get me some spaghetti trees! – 30 Imperial Credits

    @tuffyears nice framing – 10 Imperial Credits

    @rayzryr Monthy Python is always good and fitting. Did you do PPS? (prime primaris on sprue) – 40 Imperial Credits

    @mage not sure on how to take that loverboy video. Hmmm….. 😉  60 Imperial Credtis for extra long engagements, answers and the music “Mr. Sister”.

    @oriskany doing adds here? 10 Imperial Credits

    @limburger I’m trying to restrain myself! 50 Imperial Credits for the 01.04.2019 pun collection

    @oriskany again? 😉 40 Imperial Credits for answers and hobby progress.

    We’re lacking a bit of music!


    Cult of Games Member

    Page 2 replies

    @mage I’m doing my best… and we’re still in the air…. landing will be thought of later XD – 20 Imperial Credits for engagement

    @dawfyd just throw everything in a blender and there will be a big chaos army 😉 #scnr – 10 Imperial Credits for hobby progress

    @evilstu – 35 Imperial Credits for answers and hobbyprogress. Keep it going.

    @rayzryr- 40 Imperial Credits for engagement and hobby progress. Nice batch of “humies”.  Nice to see “Random Act of Kindness” going so well.

    @blinky465 – 30 Imperial Credits for that look into the 3D printing and those little traps like room temperature fluctuations. Have you seen the hack some people use to keep temperature stable? Some people use two small “LACK” tables from Ikea (5.99€ a piece) and make a cabinet for the printer and seal of the sides with acrylic glass.

    That’s all from me for now, need to go watch FFG live stream… BBL.


    Cult of Games Member

    More hobby progress – since getting my (new Prusa/Tronxy) 3d printer working, it’s been busy pretty much 24 hours a day!


    Confusingly, my new printer also has green filament (the Up!Mini used blue). So the Castle Greenskull at the back was printed on an Ultimaker, the blue parts on Castle Blueskull (and Skeletor’s flying Rotor machine) on the Up!Mini and everything else on the new Prusa/Tronxy X3.

    I’ve even been playing with splitting models (to make them easier to print without supports and so on); yes, that is a Wind Raider – and you can see on one half where it started lifting off the bed – hence the widened split on the nose (the original model was one solid piece, this was my first attempt at printing in two halves).

    All models appear exactly as they came off the printer bed – I’ve not yet started the tedious task of filling, sanding and cleaning up the prints.

    I’ve no idea what rules I’m going to use for any Masters of the Universe game with these pieces, but one thing is for sure, it’s going to have to have rules for vehicles……..



    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer – no worries.  Won’t happen again.


    Cult of Games Member

    Imperial Credits ?

    Death to the false Emperor …

    Or is that the wrong franchise ? 😉

    Sie sind wieder da!

    I’m kind of looking forward to their new album based on this track and video.

    And something a little lighter to compensate :



    I’m still in shift hell but here goes

    1: No idea where the tradition came from but it still seems to be a thing from as far back as I remember

    2: I have a job that puts me in front of people that I don’t have any relation to and barely anything beyond minimal pleasantries so humor is not allowed

    3: I really think that Jackass and the culture of stupidity that eventually started filming their antics killed it

    @sundancer You’re fine. Its all good. Taking the reins isn’t difficult if you know how to herd cats…. Ooh shiny!


    Lets run away with this thread WITH HEAVY BASS! (and much wrongness)

    Some S. Korean representation

    Ruski Gopnik Hard Bass

    Why, Bollywood? Why?!



    Beware the Mongolians! They’ve got metal (just for you @sundancer to throw a monkeywrench into your favorite genre of music)

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