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Hobby Weekender 28/09/18 Pretty much on time

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This topic contains 66 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  rayzryr 6 years, 3 months ago.

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    @woldenspoons Seems unfortunate with the terrain pipes


    @sundancer (20 points)


    Glad you got your mojo back. 20 points for the SW:L. Not sure until I posted in the Technical Support. Lance said it was the type of link I used. I figured a solution and am going back through it to fix it.




    Time to go back through the page 4 posts!


    Also anyone volunteering to run this weekends thread and start it today?



    @mage the walls are looking great.

    Hmm, I’m only seeing some of the photos on your project. I see your conversion pictures, the conversions are good. Also the link to Imgur… doesn’t.


    @limburger it would seem like trying to play in that blue light would be equally fun and annoying. Not being able to see your minis or dice properly. But getting the really cool effect of a night fight, how did you find it?


    Progress on my orks… very slow ? I’m focusing on this group to start with.


    Went and saw Venom. I’ll talk more about it later if anyone is interested.




    Page 4 replies:


    Ill try and do a pic of him next to a Space Marine, coin, can of coke or something. Do you think I should try and plend the colours better?


    I will most likely check that out in the next few days. Gotta get wrapping my sons birthday presents first though…

    @evilstu (10 points)

    10 points for the info from the Dragoons. Thanks for the compliments on the woods. Im thinking the soft tone works for the trees and the strong tone works better for the bases. Flock and grass may work but might get damaged by putting minis on it. Im on the fence about it. Wrist is better just needed wrest.

    @rayzryr (25 points)

    Warboss time indeed! He has just been primed. It is a good campaign, and do run it for your players, just spell stuff out or leave huge clues for them. Never split the party! Felt super de-energetic (totally a word) but hit the gym last night and feel great! I think I just need to get more active.

    10 points for QotSA and 15 points for your work on Da Boyz.



    Page 4 replies (part 2):

    @limburger (25 points)

    Nice pics. 5 for the light sculpture.10 for the bootcamp pic, 5 for the Schipol shot (I was there a couple of times), 5 for your force.


    Page 5:


    @rayzryr (15 points)


    I am going back fixing it now so might ask you to check it again later at a different time 😉

    Thanks for the compliment on the walls.

    15 points for the Orks. Feel free to talk about Venom but with no spoilers. I wanna see it!





    Okay Im off for a while before I come back and total everything. Need to get this spraypaint off my hands. Be good!



    Okay @rayzryr I have went back and fixed the Star Wars Legion blog. Tell me what you think.


    Cult of Games Member

    Uh, I like your Gorka Morka Orks @rayzryr


    Cult of Games Member

    Hey all if no takers I can start a thread today but need to do some running around first this morning 🙂



    Sounds good to me


    Cult of Games Member

    @rayzryr exactly what you thought : very cool effect, but unplayable as it is too dark. 🙁





    @mage I’ve gone back through and done a quick scan, looks great so far. I’ll go and do a proper look in the morning ?

    @sundancer thanks, they’re only just started, still plenty of work to go on them yet. My brother started painting them when Gorkamorka was still new, I’m going to refresh and finish them. That’s the goal, anyway!

    @limburger ah well, I guess sometimes we like to try out a cool idea, even if it doesn’t work out as we had hoped…

Viewing 10 posts - 61 through 70 (of 70 total)

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