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Hobby Weekender 28/09/18 Pretty much on time

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    Im retiring for the night after a game of xwing and doing some work on my Albionnicans.


    @limburger – I shall continue the discussion tomorrow with further debate 😉


    @a27cromwell thanks for the compliments! 🙂









    Also this arrived




    @a27cromwell I do not have any of the parts you describe but can’t see an issue in getting them and adding them down the line. Im more concerned about the paint job being suitable and looking good for the time being, but I appreciate your feedback. I shall save a screen shot of your advice. Jeepers he is 20 or 25 cm tall I think Ill have to measure him. Ill post a pic of him beside something and post it tomorrow. Bed time for now.


    Also, to anyone interested, I feel I am at 90% health! Woo! Sinus, chest, cough, throat and congestion are all minimally annoying/uncomfortable.


    Cult of Games Member

    Good to hear your feeling better .   Hm , 20 to 25 cm , like 8 to 10 inches , yikes . That’s are large figure . I was thinking  1/35 scale German bits might work , but with him being that large , probably not .  1/24 or 1/16 might , but that stuffs not easily available and its costly . The paint scheme looks pretty good . I would add the Ambush style dots to contrasting colors to help break up his shape . Being a large model  I would make the dots about this size – O .



    @mage the Bleach live-action movie came out earlier this year in Japan and hit Netflix last month. It’s one I want to try and get to as most folks I know who have seen it really dug it, and Bleach is just ****ing cool 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Been getting smashed at work so no time for hobby and little time for anything productive at all really…

    @limburger glad you made it home ok, hope the boot camp was fun 🙂 Nice timing re B&P re the themed week – you will have plenty of stuff to watch for inspiration.

    @woldenspoons hope the build stuff is progressing well. Have you put together the sector mechanicus stuff yet? How do the boards look lined up together?

    @mage as far as I am aware (and please feel free to correct me if I have this wrong…) a Dragoons (Dragons) were effectively mounted infantry, so more mobile than regular infantry, and could ride to where they were needed and then dismount (some of them would hold horses for the others) and fight on foot. They could also double as light cavalry as needed. Over time the foot part kind of became les relevant and they started to work a little more like regular cavalry. Woods look cool, the soft tone one might be a bit of a better match for your gaming mat? But both will look fine, especially if you blend them a little with a drybrush or even gluing small bits of flock on the base in patches here and there maybe?Hope the wrist is OK, glad the rest of yo is on the mend 🙂





    @evilstu I noticed at my local Bunnings this bottle as well:

    I haven’t tried this variety, though that’s possibly the one you are thinking of? I’m sure this wasn’t stocked when I bought a bottle of the ready mix stuff.

    Yes, plenty of Orks. But you’ve got a solid block of foot knights to deal with there too!

    @mage solid effort on the Albionnicans ?

    The terrain is coming along great. Yeah! Warboss time >:-D

    Also, thanks for the feedback on Storm Iings Thunder. I don’t feel that my group would have handled the investigation side of so well…

    In our current campaign my sorcerer is trying to figure out how to get through a magical barrier. Rather than try and help, two of the others decide to go wandering (seperately!) through what appears to be an abandoned temple we’re exploring… so splitting the party and pulling focus. And then of course discover that the temple isn’t abandoned completely. Anyway…

    It is good to hear that your health status is trending upwards!

    Tonight though I’m starting to feel like something is coming on. Sore throat etc yuck.

    Not feeling super energetic, but I’ve added some sand to the bases of these guys:


    The mob of already painted stuff on the right is part of the “stretch goal” for Orktober. Just some extra Orks and Grots to refresh/ finish.

    I need to get some AP Leather Brown primer. Both my Orktober projects are going to want it to get done reasonably quick.


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu : definitely nice timing.

    The big ship is awesome to behold … now I really need to re-order my storage space.

    @mage :

    I managed to get the pics of my phone.

    This month is when we remember Operation Market Garden. They do this with a series of light sculptures along the route that the allies used when Eindhoven was liberated :


    The bootcamp desert at night was fun to see (the sound effects really made it good).
    However it was impossible to play unless you had glow in the dark dice … (and you probably need something for the armies too if you want to know what force is yours) :


    Landing at Schiphol airport at night :



    I only had one picture of my force on friday :


    Amsterdam/Schiphol at night :




    I decided to ‘take the day off’ on my day off today and went to Galway city and checked out the shops up there. Also got some hobby supplies.


    Ive been hobbying since I got back and rewatched Solo: A Star Wars tale. Its been a productive evening, but it is nearly one am here. I gotta start getting ready for bed. Proper replies and points tomorrow.


    Ive put together (though not gap filled) the entirety of my Star Wars Legion set (despite losing and finding pieces again). I also finished my Shattered Dominion Ruins (trees, their bases and last two objective markers are next) as well as some Arcworlde minis over the last few days (three with one more pending, if you must know).


    Im also going to update my SW:L hobby log soon ish.


    Also, forgive my ignorance of history, what is Operation Market Garden?



    Progress on my walls:

    Now, whether to follow this or not:




    Here’s my Star Wars: Legion project log for anyone interested. Off to meet someone for coffee and get the last of my sons birthday presents


    I’ll finish the thread off tonight but cannot Host the next one, if there are any volunteers




    @evilstu I’m not sure I have enough space to put them together.

    The scenery is fantastic but there are a few issues with the instructions. For instance all the pipes are duplicates but it doesn’t tell you to do them twice.


    Cult of Games Member

    ‘ello people. I’m not dead (yet) but had a short episode of hobby de motivation. But I managed to get a little bit done yesterday.

    Screenshot_2018-10-05 Instagram


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage why are there always 2 duplicate images in the project? Or are the differences so minute that I’m to blind to see them?

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