Home › Forums › Painting in Tabletop Gaming › Hobby Weekender 28/09/18 Pretty much on time
This topic contains 66 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by rayzryr 6 years, 3 months ago.
September 29, 2018 at 4:49 pm #1276627
I feel better after that … so here’s the kits I picked up the other day
A 28mm Rubicon Canadian Military Pattern truck , A Meng “egg” shaped U Boat and the SW Legion Rebel Commandos . In 28mm plalstic Rubicon is the best IMO , lots of detail and a variety of optional parts , their new Russian early war T-26 gives you parts to make 1 of 10 variants ! Sure some of the differences are small ( rear turret machine gun ) but some are a whole new upper hull and gun mount . They try to strike a balance of appealing to the gamer and modeller . And I think , for most of their kits, they do . Meng’s egg series boats and planes , as well as their Toon Tank series , are lots of fun and easy to build . The parts pretty much snap / push together , no glue needed ,plus they come in pre colored plastic so something to build with your children / grand children , plus it gives you a nice starting point for a whole variety of kit bashing ideas ( RetrokiT even has a whole bunch of resin aftermarket turrets and bits available , but pricey $$ ) . The Star Wars Legion game realy hasn’t taken off in my area so the LHS is discounting them to move them out . I’ve always wanted Star Wars figures to build / paint , so now’s my chance . The Rebel Commandos will fit in with the original Rebels I got a while ago .
I added a few GW grenades and pouches from parts box , and tried have them all in the same style / color cammo uniform to give them a more military than sci fi look .
Mage post some pictures of your Gundam . Always happy to help out if I can
Anybody want a bunch of GW Titian parts ( I think ) , a buddy gave me a bunch of parts , chainsaw sword , some kind of rockets , blasters , etc
September 30, 2018 at 1:00 am #1277033Thread is quiet so I haven’t posted
hopefully I’ll see most of you in the morning. I had a busy day. I intend on posting a good bit
September 30, 2018 at 1:16 am #1277035We had a nice little D&D session on Friday, continuing our Journey with Storm Kings Thunder. We are now on Chapter 5 and characters are Level 8.
Here is the early stage of making a Gundam Mech, slightly modified, into a German War Robot for Konflikt 47, attempting to do it like a German Tank of some sort.
Also found a neat little painting lamp
The dogs also had a nice day out at the beach
Night everyone!
September 30, 2018 at 1:52 am #1277047Hooray! Puppies! 🙂
Sorry didn’t get to check back in yesterday. Currently pretending coffee is a substitute for sleep – I’ll let you all know how that works out for me 😛
Got some hobby in yesterday – quick progress shots follow:
Painting bench as at the end of the day
Spent the first part of my hobby time drilling out gun barrels on the Salamanders and all of the Orks. Those loota boys are hilarious! I have seen armored mecha with less dakka than that…
Also been printing extra stowage for vehicles, think I have enough now to make all the trucks etc look a little more authentic
Goal for today will be to get the rest of the vehicles detailed up a bit and primed so that I can start painting from tomorrow. Probably need to convert some crew for the universal carriers too…
September 30, 2018 at 9:33 am #1277152Hi all,
Everyone enjoying the blogs this weekend? All looks good fun and I’m so jealous. Because I need another game…
Questions later but just checking in. Done some painting on my kill team, assembled my Primaris marines from Conquest and going out today to finally play Kill Team. Can’t wait!
September 30, 2018 at 9:43 am #1277156Hi guys. Apologies for missing the last few weeks – I’ve just found it difficult to get in the right headspace to engage with folks. But I’m feeling a bit more with it today 🙂
@mage ‘s questions:
1) Yes, I did, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Completely unnecessary, and the behind the scenes drama didn’t help, but i honestly think the greatest failing was releasing it within in 6 months of The Last Jedi. If it had come out this Christmas instead I think it would have had a better shot….
2) Harry Potter and Twilight. I worked book retail during the peak of both and just never got their popularity (and I have tried reading & watching both series). But then I’m not the intended audience.
3) The Wachowski siblings Speed Racer.
4) Street Fighter, the JCVD version. Gods I had hopes for that film….
5) The MCU is a perfect storm of circumstances coming together – it gets forgotten that RDJ as Tony Stark in the first Iron Man was a HUGE gamble,
As for hobby, I got a fair bit more priming done yesterday for both my Space Wolves and Deathwatch, including the Relic Leviathan for the DW and some converted ETB Primaris for the SW’s:
Otherwise I tried to get some painting done for the first time in several weeks, but didn’t manage much beyond applying Stirland Battlemire onto the bases of my 12 Fenrisan Wolves and beginning to apply Retributer Armour to the trim of the armour plates I’ve kept separate from my Imperial Knights (no pictures though I’m afraid).
I did get the second delivery from Warhammer 40.000 Conquest though, including issues 4, 5 & 6 ahead of their scheduled release, which was nice. The exclusive Lt Calsius is quite spiffy, even if he is an Ultrasmurf 😀
And the preview has issue 8 coming with a Primaris Librarian – not bad for £7.99 getting a £20 character (might have to order a couple of those issues…).I think that’s about all the hobby I’ll get though this weekend -I have to finish working through the anime Sound!Euphorium for a review, and this month’s Humble Bundle gave me a copy of Overwatch which I’m looking forward to digging into.
September 30, 2018 at 10:06 am #1277198September 30, 2018 at 12:21 pm #1277348Hey ho, I’ve got a beer, it’s my Saturday night( though it’s Sunday here). Tomorrow is a public holiday, but I don’t work Monday anyway! It’s time to get involved!
@mage was the Universal Monster series the one that was supposed to have started with Skull Island?
Yeah sorry about my chaotic reply (or am I? ? lol)
I am almost completely reliant on my iPhone right now, and it seems that I messed up the formatting in creating my answers which lost the number points. D’oh!
I found Firelfly entertaining enough, but damn it was formulaic. The characters have been done before, the “twists” that never had a chance to come out were fairly clearly signposted. It was good, I enjoyed it, but not great. I haven’t gone out of my way to find the movie… maybe “you had to be there” when it was new to get it?
A movie based on a game either has to explain the world really well, or be simple enough that anyone can follow along, I reckon. It’s why Rampage worked as an idea. Our society has enough myths/ stories of giant killer monsters. They only have to explain how/ why these beasts exist, and then unleash them for our entertainment. The movie makers stuck to that formula. It’s not going to win Oscars or blow anyone’s mind, but as long as they pay the cash…
Speaking of which, I got to see it for the price of a train trip: I only had to travel to a Dell product night which they hosted at a cinema. Free movie as a bonus, win! ?
Yeah, I forgot about Doc Oc. They portrayed him pretty well.
How have you found the Storm Kings Thunder campaign? Steve started us off on that campaign, then wanted to do the Tomb of Annihilation… so he sorted of threaded them together and sent us of along the other campaign. As a result we never explored the SKT story.
Your mech is looking great so far, but I know sod all about assembling mecha or German WW2 armour, so that’s about all I can contribute!
Gorgeous dogs there mate!
@a27cromwell if you don’t mind, I’ll snatch those parts? Seeing them fired off conversion ideas I could use them for, for Orky vehicle conversions.
@biggabum I’ll agree with about RomComs. Especially the “Bumbling idiot gormlessly stumbles around yet wins fantastic woman’s heart variety”
I’ll disagree on only one single case: the Zombie Romantic Comedy that is Shaun of the Dead.
@evilstu yeah, I’ve had that happen often. Part of the reason I’m relying on my mobile rather than my laptop. I do up my responses on a notepad app, then paste it into the comments.
Lootaz are da bestest! Dayz always got da mostest dakka! Good size mob there ?
For my own hobby progress: not much yet. I did purchase a copy of Goblin Quest though!
I didn’t realise it was an RPG, but it looks like it’ll be heaps of fun!
I’ve read through and it seems like it’ll be a good laugh. I’m planning on using it to see if my daughter would get into RPG’ing. Plus my regular RPG group would get a kick out of it no doubt.
September 30, 2018 at 12:37 pm #1277380Okm going to re-attempt question responses 😛
1) Did you see the movie ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’? And what did you think?
Not yet (I usually don’t bother catching things at the cinema…) but I gather it is out on DVD shortly so will see it then. Prequels are a bit difficult as far as the action genres are concerned because you know several characters are guaranteed not to die or have any overly life changing consequences. I’d personally love to see more spin-off stories as well – I mean come on, who wouldn’t want to see stand alone films about all the bounty hunters from Empire?…
2) What is an acclaimed movie or one a fanbase really enjoys but you hated? Also why
Hated might be a bit of a strong term, if something is causing that much anguish I’ll just stop watching it. The harry Potter films never gelled with me (I’m probably the wrong demographic.age, i just found them too slow) and the first Hobbit film was pretty painful. OK I know that the cinemas were feeling threatened by the prevalence of DVDs and online movie piracy and 3d films were seen as a way to lock in a cinema audience but really – the whole film was dwarves falling out of things or being thrown from things. Or choreographed showtunes… In fairness to Peter Jackson things did pick up thereafter.
3) What is a movie with ok to bad reception that you liked?
Suicide Squad. Even though most of the first half of the movie was background setup and introducing characters for the uninitiated I thought the rest of it was just the right balance between cheesy action and cinematic tension. Still need to get around to seeing the rest of the films in the DCverse…
4) Slightly different question, what movies disappointed you
Alien 3, Alien Resurrection, prometheus, Alien V Predator… Anybody spot a pattern here? Ridley Scott’s Alien was amazing, no other word for it. A claustrophobic sci-fi horror of terrifying proportion, based on an abomination crafted by the mind of H R Geiger.. The film gave us Ellen Ripley, an amazing iconic female character. Then, James Cameron backed up with Aliens – taking the same monster, upping the numbers and pivoting the franchise as a sci-fi action film. Ellen Ripley achieves epic legend status in the end fight scene. And then Alien 3 happened, and not even Sigourney weaver could save the franchise form there… Ahem, anyhow… Oh yeah, and Dungeons and Dragons the Movie was Terribad. If anyone hasn’t seen it you should get some popcorn, invite friends over and make a night of it 🙂
5) Can an affective movie universe outside of Marvels be done?
The advantages that marvel ahs here are the IP on over 4000 characters and a nearly 60 year continuing story arc where the characters all interact with one another. Ie, there is a wealth of source material to draw upon and the content is not limited to a few key notable personalities. If we compare and contrast to other franchises with a large back catalog of source material (Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, Conan) the problem is that the action focuses on one or a handful of key individuals, so while the worlds/universes they inhabit are well crafted and fleshed out, almost by necessity those key individuals would need to be present to continue the narrative (or at least draw in a cinematic audience) which would make the franchise more of a continuing series rather than a ‘universe’ per se. DC could do it if they didn’t keep dropping the ball comparatively at the box office (but Sony keep doing this too with most of their Marvel IP so I don’t think that it’s DC getting it wrong so much as MCU nailing it). Crossgen Comics were doing something similar (albeit in comic book form) before they went under – my fault – every time I book a standing order for a comic the run gets cancelled – with Crossgen I was reading Sojourn, Scion and Brath so they had no hope of staying solvent :'( So could I see anybody getting away with a cinematic universe? Star Wars and DC are both trying. Something based on Tolkien’s lore could maybe work. Beyond that I’m kind of stuck for ideas…
September 30, 2018 at 3:32 pm #1277696@a27cromwell (40 points)
I get where you are coming from: it is media saturation. It’s a trend of the times though. I think its all about building hype in a way they couldn’t when it was just TV, radio and newspapers. The hype building, click bait and media saturation aimed and promoting a movie, in essence a product is becoming an industry. The actors probably are told to do that by the studio and see no harm in the traffic on their facebook, twitter and instagram pages either. 20 points. Its not a rant if it is a valid discussion and you make quite a few points by providing a valid social commentary.
Nice goodies. 10 points. And 10 for the write up on said acquisitions. I like the original rebels you did and adding the bits too is a nice customisation touch.
Thanks, take a look when you can.
That looks like the GW Knight kit (smaller titans).
@evilstu (10 points)
Haha it really isnt but what other options is there?
Salamanders and Orks? What condition were they in before you started? Primed, unprimed? Also, are you going for an Armageddon theme? Points pending!
Stowage boxes are good. 10 points.
Orks are looking good. You starting early.
Im still on Friday’s blog. Loving the skit with Charlie arriving. Good to see you on here
@dawfydd Another big meaty Doner Kekab sized reply from yourself, I will give that attention shortly, good to see you on here again.
@rayzryr (30 points)
Happy… Saturday? Theres the Godilla Monsterverse with Kong Skull Island, Godzilla and the next movie. Then there is the one with like Tom Cruise and the Mummy, Dracula unchained and now a bunch of cancelled movies that have been shelved. Relying on an iphone? Dear god man! Sorry, religion… bad!
Valid points you make on Firefly.
I might like Rampage. I picked up Solo and Ready Player One on DVD yesterday. Old School.
Storm Kings Thunder is good, but its hard to put my finger on… The plot, for a GM to run, they really need to read through the gist of Chapters 3 and 4. The plot requires investigation and there is a conspiracy theory at the heart of it, so if players are new, or more casual it might be tougher. Its solid enough though. Pacing can be an issue if the GM is not prepared.
20 points for continuing the conversation, 10 points for feedback to others.
September 30, 2018 at 3:43 pm #1277709@dawfydd (45 points)
(1) I agree with you on all points there, and it would have been nice to have another Star Wars for Christmas. 10 points.
(2) I think it is a case the intended audience relates to them, and enjoy them regardless of them being good/bad/indifferent. 5 points.
(3) I very much enjoyed that too. 5 points.
(4) I watched it as a kid, was very excited, but found it disappointing. The Manga version was way better. 10 points.
(5) It was at the time, indeed. 5 points.10 points for the priming.
How are you finding Conquest? Ive got every issue so far. Less so much for the magazine content admittedly. I like the look of the stuff to come.
Humble Bumble? Sound Euphorium?
Okay, one more reply and I am off to hobby.
September 30, 2018 at 3:49 pm #1277723@evilstu (50 points)
(1) It is out on DVD now, I bought a copy. Apparently Boba Fett and Obi Wan are getting their own movies and IG88 and Bossk are meant to make some appearances going forward. 10 points.
2) A lot of people say that about the Harry Potter movies and the Hobbit series seems to have polarised people. I loved the latter. 5 points.
3) 10 points. Batman Assault on Arkham is a better Suicide Squad movie, I think. It wasn’t as faithful to the comics and could have been Guardians of the Galaxy big.
4) I see the pattern. 10 points. As for the D&D movie, well at least it let Jeremy Irons be able to afford a castle in Ireland to live in.
5) DC as you say have been dropping the ball quite a bit, as have Sony. 15 points.
September 30, 2018 at 3:52 pm #1277724September 30, 2018 at 4:04 pm #1277742rayzryr , send me a PM with your address and I’ll mail them off to you
September 30, 2018 at 7:36 pm #1277879 -
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