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Hobby Weekender 28/09/18 Pretty much on time

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This topic contains 66 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  rayzryr 6 years, 3 months ago.

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    Salutations, weary adventurers! A refresh of sorts as I am recovered and available once again. A little early, as per tradition. Join us around the hobby campfire, in our imaginary hobby tent off the crossroads.

    This is a collaborative, chatty thread. Not an exclusive thing or elitist. Please join in and enjoy a friendly welcome. Make a hobby pledge, post some tunes, let us all know how you are getting on. No religion or politics but otherwise discussion and chatting is encouraged. Points awarded for entertaining posts, being engaged or getting hobby done and there is a winner declared at the end.

    By tradition, there are questions to get the ball rolling. I have three because I am not creative enough to think of five, and four is a composite number and you just can’t trust those…Sneakily dividing themselves into other whole numbers and all… Wow, at this point I really hope whoever hosts next week doesn’t cut and paste this blurb without editing it a little…

    1) Did you see the movie ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’? And what did you think?

    2) What is an acclaimed movie or one a fanbase really enjoys but you hated? Also why

    3) What is a movie with ok to bad reception that you liked?

    4) Slightly different question, what movies disappointed you

    5) Can an affective movie universe outside of Marvels be done?

    Please post tunes and hobby pledges (aspirational pledges are fine) and if you haven’t joined in on the thread before please do feel welcome and jump on in
    Also there are bonuses for the following ‘Achievements’:
    · Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic)
    · Fire Starter (topic starter, encourages the member circulation)
    · Hobby Champ (most hobby over the weekend)
    · Meme Lord (ryhmes, funnies & memes)
    · Pun-Tertainment (best pun)
    · Brush Licker (painting & terrain)
    · Headliner DJ (most eclectic music)
    · Armchair Commander (weekend battle reports)
    · Community Usher (helpful & engaged)
    · Storyteller (weekly discussion & story)
    Points will be awarded by me for posts, quite possibly in an arbitrary and random manner entirely correlated with my caffeine intake for the preceding four hours. But don’t worry, I’m sure it will all be fine.


    Cult of Games Member

    Good Morning all.

    So a very loose pledge from me this week… errrm… ok thats usual for me. Well with things the way they are at the moment I shall endeavour to get a game of something in even if its something like the Walking Dead or Blood Bowl or summat. Hoping for a bigger game but will have to wait and see how things are.

    Anyway, on to the questions:

    1) Not seen it and to be honest am probably not going to. It would be wierd. To me, Harrison Ford is Han Solo and anybody else, well, just isn’t.

    2) Mmmmm I suppose the Harry Potter films. I did watch them all (and read the books) unfortunately, but what put me off them was the terrible acting of the children in the first few films (although it did improve over the series) and there was little excitement or thrills for me. Why? Well no matter how dire the situation was I never felt that Harry, or his crew, were ever in any danger. The whole thing was overly long too.

    3) Uhhhm errrm Well errm cough cough Battleships cough cough. Ok, I know the film is silly too the nth degree but if you just switch off your brain and just watch it with a bucket of popcorn and a six pack of something very strong its aactually not that bad… well it is but it is watcheable…. and apart from that it winds the wife up 😀

    *Honary mention goes to Plan 9 from Outer Space, which is one of my favourite Bad Movie of all time.

    4)  Rom Coms, for the most part. The very few i’ve actually tried to watch are neither romantic or funny. I just cant bring myself to watch anymore of the flippin things, dull as dishwater.

    5) I think so. Maybe not yet but with the sheer number of Comic Book movies being hurled at us were going to tire of them at some point and then another genre will come along. Its happened before. In the 70’s -80’s it was Sci Fi with Star Wars, Star Trek, Close Encounters ottk, Alien, and all their zero budget rip offs. Next it will probably be bloody Rom Coms.


    Cult of Games Member

    Before anything good morning to everyone. Have a cup of coffee and this:

    1) Did you see the movie ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’? And what did you think?

    Nope. And seeing most reviews I’m glad I didn’t go to the cinema for it. My gut told me “I have a bad feeling about this”. I’ll catch up an DVD some day.

    2) What is an acclaimed movie or one a fanbase really enjoys but you hated? Also why

    Tough one. The only thing that comes to mind is “The Hobbit” trilogy. Saw the first one in the cinema and then waited for the rest on DVD. Man those movies drag on and on…. and the extended version does even more so… a little butter spread on far too much bread.

    3) What is a movie with ok to bad reception that you liked?

    Reign of fire. Dragons take over the modern world. Really liked that on. (If I were at home right now I would take a look in my Video collection and the answers might vary) [Sidenote Battlefield Earth was very much fun]

    4) Slightly different question, what movies disappointed you

    Video game adaptation. Most book adaptations. Inkheart and Eragon. There is so much more to the books. Oh and don’t get me started on The Never Ending Story.

    5) Can an affective movie universe outside of Marvels be done?

    Don’t know and I don’t care. This always leads to fanboy wars. just look at what happened when Disney told everybody “the expanded universe is no longer canon”. They went mental. Do a movie or movie series and stay consistent. Don’t! Chase! Hype!


    You all may remember that I did a paintathon in the summer. But since it was so hot not much painting was done. Now, with Orktober around the corner, it was decided to give it another try. Paintathon #2 2018 will start in Orktober. Still undecided what I will paint. For starters there are Star Wars Legion Rebel Commandos waiting, Boba Fett and the Scouttroopers should arrive any day, so there is 15 Miniatures. 42 is the goal maybe I’ll go for my Judge Dredd or fix up the miniatures from the board game Descent my wife got herself.

    And now, start your engines. Work begins!


    Cult of Games Member

    Hey All, just checking in. About to retire for the evening so will do a proper post tomorrow. Hobby pledge is easy for this week – it will just be a roll forward of last weeks, adjusting for the progress i did manage to achieve. I have a strange feeling that I’ll be rolling stuff forward for another week or two yet  😛 Oh and probably keeping an eye on the bootcamp coverage when the opportunity presents itself 🙂



    Greetings all, happy Weekend!

    Thank you @mage for beginning, thanks to @evilstu for last week.

    For your consideration and conversation:

    I’ve not seen it yet… I’m pretty sure it’ll show on Netflix, I’ll catch it then.
    The only thing I can come with right now, and it’s a TV show not a movie (though they made a movie later). I wouldn’t say I hate it either, it was merely ok: Firefly. I have friends that love and rave about that show. It was good… I’ve watched the whole series. Wasn’t really motivated to go out of my way to see the movie that went with it. I was… whelmed.
    Actually, I kind of enjoyed Rampage… I played the game when I was a kid (good ol’ Commodore 64) so I knew what to expect: big dumb action.
    The first three X-Men movies. The first 5 Spider-Man movies (Homecoming was great). Every $&@!#$ live action Transformers movie so far.
    There could be, but it would have to be different to Marvel. An alternative offering that isn’t direct competition… but I haven’t got any good suggestions. Maybe video games?

    My pledge this week will be the continuation of my Elf project. I’ve got all the paint stripped away, and have started priming and basing those that need it. Painting will have to wait until after Orktober. I’m almost out of primer and I’m going to have to make bases for some of these guys.


    Monday I’ll pick up some supplies and get stuck back in. Tuesday night is post-work training and dinner, so back again on Wednesday.

    At which point I’ll change over to my Orcs.


    Cult of Games Member

    1. Yes I have seen Solo ( dollar theater ) , not that impressed , wrong lead to play a young Harrison Ford IMO , there are a couple of guys I’ve seen on You tube that knocked it out of the park . I didn’t need Solo’s back story , I had 30 plus years of novels and comics to establish his back story in my mind . This movie isn’t it .

    2. I’m not swayed by fan bases for movies ( books , music ) , I like what I like , and I go see the movies I want on my own most times . Might be an age thing ( I’m 60 )

    3. Bad movies are in eye of the beholder I think , if your a fan of an actor or movie genre , you’ll go watch no matter what anybody says . Sort of like women , your bitchy ex is now somebody else’s new hot mamma . I did like White Tiger a Russian WW2 tank movie about a  ghostly  crew less Tiger tank and the Russian tanker obsessed with knocking it out .

    4. I’m getting really tired of movie ( and TV ) remakes of “classic ‘ movies . Some genres really don’t work when you up date a 1940 – 50s  movie in todays PC enviroment

    5. Not a huge comic book fan , my comic days ended in the late 70s . So really don’t care too much , did like Guardians , some of the X men movies were ok , but I bought the big box set on DVD for half price last year , didnt’ see them in the theater .

    Pledge for this weekend …finish up my Tiger project by posting the pictures of the third tank . I got bogged down on building the tank riders and sort of lost interest . I find it hard to stop and note what and why I am doing various things on my builds / kit bashes . By the time I think it out and write it down , I’ve lost interest and moved on to another WIP kit . Ands of course picking up stuff  almost weekly tends to distract you , just got Legion Rebel Commandos ( 40 % off ! ) , a Rubicon CMP truck in 28mm and a Meng egg German U Boat . Probably going tp split the Legion starter box with a buddy , I really don’t need all 35 minatures since I don’t play the game , but I do want to paint and build more Rebels and some Storm Troopers .



    A short quick reply first to let you all know I am here


    @biggabum (55 points)

    Good morning! Welcome back. You werent around for a bit if memory servces correct? Or is my shift work addled brain misremembering? Either way, good to see you! 10 points for the first response.

    A loose pledge is a pledge as good as any. Make sure to take pictures! 5 points

    1) The new guy will never be Han but I was surprised by how ‘not bad’ it is. Id recommend you give it a try. It isnt as good as Rogue One but its better than The Last Jedi (which I thoroughly disliked, so bias and such). 10 points.

    2) I never really got into them despite wacthing them all at one point or another. I don’t think kids acting could help that. It probably helped the franchise that a bunch of children and families went to see the first few and it kind of was ‘let slide’ as it were, and then after a few movies got released the viewerbase, like the actors, matured. I think you’re the first person I met who read the books and liked them but was put off the movies. Did you watch Fantastic Beasts? 10 points.

    3) The one with Rhianna? Maybe you should apply that technique with beers and such to Solo. It could be a great experience! 10 points. Ill ignore the Planet 9 one…

    4) Yeah, quite the cookie cutter affair. 5 points.

    5) Rom Coms? I hope not. 5 points. I think the only one doing a half decent job is the Godzilla Monsterverse since the Universal Monster horror universe seems to have tanked.


    Typing a longer reply to everyone else now while Im online



    Bleh. I woke up early after my night shift, went back to sleep. Then only to get up to drive over to the motor tax office with school traffic. Finally putting my feet up to update this. I was in the process of doing it this morning before bed but ran out of time.

    And now, ladies and gentleman, some metal


    @sundancer (50 points)

    1) I liked it, but you gotta trust your gut. I don’t trust movie reviews anymore though. Nice reference. 10 points.

    2) I see what you are doing here with the references. I loved that Trilogy, but if the entire world agreed on everything we wouldn’t have debate, science, philosphy or art. 10 points.

    3) Reign of Fire I remember. To me it dragged. It could have had more Dragon Encouners but hey, it is what it is. I saw Battlefield Earth as a kid and at the time I did not think it was that bad. Im afraid to rewatch it though. 10 points.

    4) 5 points. What was so bad about Inkheart and The Never Ending Story? Never watch or read them.

    5) I don’t see how the Expanded Universe really overlaps with the question here, to be honest. I was aiming at a shared Cinematic universe with movies in a shared world, not the Star Wars Expanded Universe getting nuked. And while I can tell from the post you are passionate about it, I can see why (not necessarily agree with it) why Disney needed that. It would have been impossible to do anything with Star Wars with the 35 or so years of material without a clean state if it were to treat all that material as canon. 5 points.

    I like your pledge, 10 points. I came into a little cash lately so I treated myself to the Star Wars Legion Starter set. Im also converting up some commandos with different models and ordered new bases. I dislike the bases that come with the minis and am using GW ones, so ordered them too. And a pot of paint.

    I will get back to you in points on music. Listening to my own music while I type up the answer.



    @evilstu (5 points)

    Sleep well dude. What timezone are you in? Oh yeah, Oz. I primed some of those fences/walls. Cant wait to tear into them, after Arcworlde. 5 points for the pledge. The bootcamp coverage should be fun.

    @rayzryr (45 points)

    Happy weekend! You are welcome, good sir.

    Noooooo! A reply that isnt structured with numbers and points. What madness and heresy is this. Mads I tellz ya!!!!!!!!!!! Ahem.

    (1) Okie doke. 5 points.

    (2) That’s fair and a valid answer. It got made into a movie so it is valid enough to me. I haven’t met too many people who thought Firefly is only ok, but to each their own. What made you find it ‘only ok’? 5 points.

    (3) 10 points, tell us more. I played the N64 version. Not a good game but a fun one.

    (4) Out of the first three Xmen movies the second one, I think in hindsight, to me was the only good one. Toby McGuire was ok, I liked the first two he did and the first one the Garfield did. I enjoyed all of them, but Homecoming is head and shoulders above all of them. I loved the guy who played Doctor Octopus though, a compelling villain. While I do like the Transformers and watched and enjoyed all the movies, I think the first one was the only good one. Michael Bay was the wrong man for the movies, I think. 10 points.

    (5) Perhaps. 5 points. Video games tend not to get good movies or movies with good reception. I loved Warcraft, though.

    10 points for the pledge. Ill get back to you with music.



    @a27cromwell (45 points)

    Welcome back, old chum

    1. Valid points. 10 points.

    2. Might indeed, Im less patient now at 31 than I was at say, 23. Any movie or such that you did not like though, despite fanbases liking them? Points pending, lol.

    3. They are, but these are questions and answers and points are purely subjective to a large degree. Call it a social experiment, haha. Good analogy with the ex. Its kinda like how people gravitate toward movies with Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. White Tiger sounds like Stephen King’s Chrstine only with more cajones. 15 points.

    4. Yeah, Robocop and Conan certainly did not need it. Apparently, Terminator 6 will be a direct sequal to Terminator 2 Judgement day and ignore all the movies that followed. 10 points.

    5. That’s fair. 5 points.

    5 points for the pledge.

    Its funny how getting bogged down and a random minor thing can put one off of a project isnt it? Im going to start tearing into my Konflikt 47 soon enough so might need to pick your brain or get ideas for pseudo historical colour schemes and such.

    Where did you find those discounted commandos? My buddy Mike, who recently got into wargaming with his first game, Star Wars Legion is coming down shortly. We should finish off the rebels soon. I have some neat ideas for my Imperials, but everyone will have to wait and see.

    Cant wait to see your work. Any chance of posting up pics of the goodies you have acuired?



    Okay, that is me for now. I probably wont be back. I shall be hosting a guest from 18:00 and hobbying away with him. Tonight is also Dungeons and Dragons so don’t wait up. Going to make a coffee, check my emails and start setting up the painting areas. Ill also answer my own questions tomorrow. Ive a busy weekend with meeting up with friends, and evening plans, but I shall try my best to reply.

    Still have a sore throat and cough but I don’t feel week or drained now. Though I am feeling sleepier earlier in the evening. Sinuses are ok ish and finished my antibiotics. Im going to take a break from martial arts for a while and suss out a new club. When my chest and throat are clearer Im going to gear into jogging, swimming and predominantly weight lifting. Wanted to be a little bit jacked going into Christmas with all the eating and have my metabolism able to deal with it, haha.

    My pledge:

    (1) Arcwrolde Albionnicans – I have a nice amount of work done on them but I might be over optimistic in thinking that I can finish them this weekend. But I might! Theres about 12 – 15 minis.

    (2) Post pics of Mike’s Star Wars.

    (3) Work on the fences @evilstu sent me. There are other things too though he sent, more to follow.

    Other things I want to work on if I have time are my AoS terrain and some other bits and pieces.

    Also a question: Im a little self conscious here, but I want to post up a Gundam kit I assembled and partially painted. Im trying to go for a German Tank Colour scheme. I modified the kit to get it to look less Sci-fi. I would like people to give me feedback and constructive criticism as to what to do next with it, but Im feeling very shy about it for some reason. Any takers?


    Time for that coffee. Mage signing out.


    Cult of Games Member

    Grr… lengthy reply vanquished by the auto-logout… Going to find coffee and improve my outlook before recommencing 😛

    Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend so far!! 🙂



    Im heading to bed. Finished up a d and d session a while ago, and shift work has screwed up my internal clock. Id recommend typing your response into an MS word file and then copy and pasting it into the forum post reply.


    Off to bed now, so much to do tomorrow…



    Quiet today


    morning all!


    got some work done with my friends Star Wars and my own Arcworlde


    pics to follow later




    Cult of Games Member

    Relating to question 2 , I really don’t follow all the  hype  going on with  new  movie releases . Not a fan of all this social media hub bub , Example , didn’t the media start taking about the new female Doctor Who about a year ago ? The entertainment sections of various news threads was all over it , new companions , diversity , etc , etc , way too much chat about something that wasn’t going to be on TV for almost a year . Is it on yet , I don’t think so ? And movies , they work on them and post  about them , what seems almost daily for a couple of years before the movie hits the theater . And then you have cast members posting spoiler pictures from their phones or giving away plot points in interviews . I guess its hard to keep quiet about something cool you did in a movie that not going to be released for a couple of years because of CGI work . And then of course you have all those early  rushed trailers using footage which gets left on the cutting room floor 2 years later when the movie hits the big screen  ( Rogue One ), and people get all bent out of shape about it . And people getting upset because a 45 second clip dosn’t touch on everything “they” think is important ( Freddie’s sexuality  in the new Queen bio ) .  And to top it of the movie theaters are too expensive and for the most part the audience are a bunch of zombies glued to  their cell phones for most of the movie ( and concerts ! ) , what’s the point of going if your not going to watch and listen . Rant over .

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